Puppet Emperor, the Empress Wields All Power and Calls a Deer a Horse

Chapter 18 - The Imperial Palace Defense! Legion of Three Thousand Kings!

Chapter 18 The Imperial Palace Defense! Legion of Three Thousand Kings!

In the deep, quiet courtyard of Cining Palace within the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Empress Dowager and Right Prime Minister Liu Wu sat opposite each other, sipping tea and chatting casually.

“The position of commander for the City Defense Force is now vacant.” Liu Wu remarked quietly after taking a sip of tea. “The Emperor will surely try every means to seize control of the military power. Empress Dowager, you must make plans in advance.”

“Don’t worry, Prime Minister.” the Empress Dowager responded with a knowing smile. “I already have a suitable candidate in mind for the position of commander—I’m planning to appoint Lu Tao.”

Liu Wu looked confused, his expression reflecting his puzzlement. “Lu Tao is an upright man, loyal to the Great Zhou Dynasty. There’s a high chance he will side with the new Emperor. Empress Dowager, if you let him take command of the City Defense Force, aren’t you raising a threat?”

If Lu Tao were made commander and chose to ally with the new Emperor, it would spell trouble for them.

The City Defense Force, with its hundreds of thousands of soldiers guarding the imperial capital, was key. Whoever controlled the City Defense Force held control over the imperial city. The military power of the Force could not fall into the Emperor’s hands.

The Empress Dowager chuckled softly. “Naturally, I have a way to make Lu Tao obedient. Otherwise, I wouldn’t let him take the position of commander.”

Her words caused Liu Wu’s face to light up with sudden understanding. The Empress Dowager planned to use Lu Tao’s daughter as leverage, threatening her to force Lu Tao into submission. Although the method was disgraceful, as long as it allowed them to control the City Defense Force’s military power, it was worth it.

“Empress Dowager, has there been any recent activity on the Emperor’s side?” Liu Wu casually inquired, as his thoughts shifted to Gu Changsheng, the newly enthroned Emperor.

Since the Ninth Prince ascended the throne, he had been decisive and ruthless in his actions. The Royal Shadow Guards, the mysterious powerful protector, and other unknown factors surrounding him still puzzled them. All of these indicated that Gu Changsheng was far more cunning than he appeared, and it was crucial to monitor his every move.

“Rest assured, Prime Minister.” the Empress Dowager said lazily, her voice cold but regal. “In this palace, from the Imperial Guards to the eunuchs and maids, everyone is under my watch. The new Emperor’s every move is being monitored closely by my spies.”

In her view, although Gu Changsheng controlled the Royal Shadow Guards and had a mysterious, powerful protector, his foundation was still weak. He was not yet qualified to compete with her.

However, at that very moment, a middle-aged general in black armor hurried into the courtyard, his expression urgent as he called out loudly, “Empress Dowager, something terrible has happened!”

“Hmph!” The Empress Dowager’s face darkened as she let out a cold snort. “How dare you act so panicked, is the sky falling?”

She glared at the general, her eyes narrowing slightly as she rebuked him in a frosty tone.

Right Prime Minister Liu Wu recognized the man as Xu Hao, commander of the Imperial Guards and a trusted subordinate of the Empress Dowager. Seeing Xu Hao so flustered gave Liu Wu a sinking feeling.

Could something have gone wrong within the palace?

Frowning, Liu Wu couldn’t suppress his concern and asked, “Commander Xu, has something major occurred in the palace?”

Xu Hao nodded gravely. “Reporting to the Empress Dowager and the Prime Minister, a mysterious army suddenly appeared within the palace today, acting under the Emperor’s orders. They have replaced the Imperial Guards in protecting the palace. My men and I have completely lost control over the palace defenses.”

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager’s face tightened with displeasure. She cast a cold glance at Xu Hao and snapped, “Incompetent fool! The Imperial Guards are the most elite soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. As their commander, how could you not resist and allow the new Emperor to seize control of the palace defenses so easily?”

The Imperial Guards were responsible for the palace’s defenses and held immense importance. By controlling them, the Empress Dowager effectively controlled the imperial palace, making the court officials wary of her power. But now, with the guards replaced by Gu Changsheng’s mysterious army, she had lost her hold on the palace.

Her control was slipping away.

The Empress Dowager was so enraged by the situation that it took her some time to calm down after venting her anger.

“Empress Dowager, the mysterious army that appeared in the palace is small in number, but every soldier has the cultivation of a marquis, and their commander is stronger than me.” Xu Hao explained, trembling as he sensed the Empress Dowager’s fury. “I led the Imperial Guards in resistance, but we were no match and suffered a significant defeat. That’s why I came to report this matter to you.”

Xu Hao’s face was full of fear, but it wasn’t entirely his fault. While the Imperial Guards were elite, they stood no chance against an army of three thousand marquises. If he hadn’t been pragmatic and avoided an all-out clash with them, he might not have lived to bring the news to the Empress Dowager.

Seeing Xu Hao’s terrified and defeated expression, the Empress Dowager’s eyes filled with displeasure, and she felt a deep dissatisfaction.

At the same time, she began to feel a sense of dread regarding this mysterious army. She knew that the weakest Imperial Guard soldier was at the Divine Sea level, with many others at the Life-and-Death and King realm. Xu Hao, the commander of the Imperial Guards, was a Seventh-Level Grandmaster, a powerful individual. Yet, they had been completely outmatched.

More disturbingly, according to Xu Hao, every soldier in this mysterious army was at the King level.

When had the Great Zhou Dynasty ever possessed such elite forces?

Even I, Empress Dowager, have never heard of them.

Could this be another hidden card left behind by the late Emperor for Gu Changsheng?

Right Prime Minister Liu Wu, realizing the situation, frowned and said warily, “It seems we’ve underestimated the forces under the Emperor’s command. Not only does he have the Royal Shadow Guards and a mysterious peak-level expert, but now he has this mysterious army in the palace. The late Emperor truly spared no effort, leaving so many hidden cards for the new Emperor.”

Liu Wu couldn’t help but sigh under his breath. From the Royal Shadow Guards, the mysterious protector, and now this army, he believed all these forces were left by the late Emperor to secure Gu Changsheng’s throne.

It astonished him that the late Emperor had cultivated so many secret forces without anyone noticing.

However, Liu Wu was unaware that the late Emperor had left no such cards for Gu Changsheng—everything was Gu Changsheng’s doing.

“Hmph!” The Empress Dowager scoffed with disdain.

“So the Emperor has his Royal Shadow Guards and a mysterious army? Well, I have the Dragon Guards and the Imperial Guards. The number of grandmasters under my command is countless. How can the new Emperor hope to compete with me?”

Though Gu Changsheng had taken over the defense of the imperial palace with his three thousand Kings, Empress Dowager was only slightly irritated.

She didn’t take Gu Changsheng seriously, as she had control over the Dragon Guards, a force personally established by the late Emperor at great cost.

While small in number, every soldier in the Dragon Guard was a grandmaster, making them one of the hidden aces of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After the late Emperor’s death, the Empress Dowager had bribed the commander and taken control of the Dragon Guards. Furthermore, her true identity was that of the Demon Queen, giving her access to countless experts from the demonic sects.

Because of this, the Empress Dowager did not see Gu Changsheng as a real threat. What she feared was how many more hidden cards the late Emperor had left for him that had yet to surface.

“I won’t pursue your failure this time.” the Empress Dowager said coldly, glancing at Xu Hao. “From now on, keep a close watch on the Emperor’s every move.”

“Yes, Empress Dowager!” Xu Hao, relieved, responded respectfully.

“Dismissed!” The Empress Dowager waved her hand impatiently, and Xu Hao quickly withdrew.

“Empress Dowager, it’s time we start planning.” Liu Wu said in a low, sinister voice, his eyes glinting with murderous intent. “If necessary, we may need to take drastic measures and eliminate the Emperor to avoid future trouble.”

His words caused the Empress Dowager to frown, her expression uncertain as she pondered the suggestion.

Her original plan had been to control the Ninth Prince Gu Changsheng, using him as a puppet Emperor while she secretly wielded power over the Great Zhou Dynasty. Once she solidified her control, she would deal with the other princes.

However, Gu Changsheng had proven to be far more cunning and capable than she had anticipated, making it impossible to turn him into a puppet.

But if she moved to kill him now, the other princes would undoubtedly realize it was her doing and would unite against her. After a moment of silence, the Empress Dowager shook her head and replied softly, “For now, we won’t move against the new Emperor. If we act, the other princes will band together to oppose me.”

“Very well.” Liu Wu conceded, understanding her concern. If Gu Changsheng were killed, the other princes might unite against them, and they would be hard-pressed to withstand that assault.

“Empress Dowager, the Imperial Guards have already been replaced by the Emperor’s mysterious army. We must ensure that the Emperor doesn’t gain control of the City Defense Force, or the consequences will be dire.”

Thinking of recent events, Liu Wu grew increasingly wary of Gu Changsheng and reminded the Empress Dowager of the importance of preventing him from seizing the City Defense Force.

“Rest assured, Prime Minister. I will secure control of the City Defense Force at all costs.” the Empress Dowager said confidently. “As long as we have Lu Tao’s daughter as leverage, he will have no choice but to submit.”

Hearing this, Liu Wu’s unease began to fade. His eyes narrowed as he looked in the direction of the imperial study.

This time, they were fully prepared. If the new Emperor managed to seize control of the City Defense Force, they would have no choice but to take drastic measures and eliminate him at all costs.

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