Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 69: First Year Combat

Chapter 69: First Year Combat

Astrid and the others hiked through the earthly forest. Each step kicked up the soil underneath. Astrid understood the importance of hiding one's footsteps, but no one else seemed to care.

The dexterity users' footsteps were light and even with them not focusing on reducing the impact of their steps, the markings they left were minimal. Astrid thought about using levitation, but after seeing the deep foot markings from the warriors, there was no point in trying to be stealthy.

She was just worried that the monster's dwelling within the forest would follow the evidence of their mission to their camp.

Well, with the defences we currently have, I doubt they could pose much of a threat. Astrid brushed her fingertips across the thick tree bark.

She took a renewed breath and gazed at her surroundings. She took it all in. The earthly smells that the trees exuded, the sound of their steps rustling against the fallen leaves, and the thick mana that invigorated anything that lived down in the Bubble.

I can no longer stay away from all of this. I was meant to be down here. To adventure and fight. A heat welled up within her as she glanced at Leena and the other members of her team.

It felt like only yesterday that she remained bored within her room, trying anything to relieve her boredom. Now she was battling against monsters that only existed to her in books and stories that her mother and others had told her.

They travelled for a few hours when Astrid saw a mass of matter squirm in the distance. It was only a few more moments before spots of vivid red emerged from it.

“Ten or so lifeforms in the distance,” Astrid warned.

“Kobolds?” Tony readied his bow.

“I can’t be sure,” Astrid said. “They do have the same profile as kobolds, but it’s better to be cautious.”

“You want to deal with them?” Tony nocked an arrow and rested his arm.

Astrid glanced around as everyone rested their vision on her. They awaited her answer.

“We can’t let her have all the fun.” Gloria brandished her daggers. “Can we?”

“You’re right,” Nick said.

“If you don’t mind, Tony, we’ll deal with these?” Josh asked.

“Go right ahead. It’ll be a good chance to see what you are all capable of.”

“Astrid, how close are they?” Josh said.

“They’re moving in that direction, around ninety-feet away.” Astrid pointed to a spot of dense trees in the distance.

“Alright, we’ll lay an ambush.” Josh nodded.

“Yes, let’s give them a taste of their own medicine.” Nick shimmied his feet in anticipation.

“Nervous yet?” Gloria said with a grin.

“We can’t afford to be nervous,” Froderick said and a golden light covered his body, then seeped into his skin and disappeared.

It seemed to wash away any nerves that he had. His back straightened and revealed his true height as he towered over Gloria.

Josh took the lead, and they dashed forward in order to set up the ambush. With their empowered bodies, they reached the hilly tree line in a few seconds.

Gloria looked down the hill that was covered in thick, tall trees that lumbered high above. Below them was a slender dirt path that meandered through the thick foliage.

First, they heard the high-pitched hissing voices of the kobolds, then their coloured scales appeared in the distance. Sixteen colourful humanoid lizards hiked on the trail and slowly approached the first year Wayfarers.

Gloria tapped Josh on the shoulder and pointed at two large trees that were separated by around fifteen feet of distance. She held up her arm, then swung it down.

Josh nodded and motioned towards Froderick to chop down the other tree, while Gloria was to fell the other.

They want to fell both trees cutting off the head and block the flank. Astrid nodded at the plan.

It was better than relying on a full frontal charge, although judging by the levels of the kobolds, they posed little threat. But it was better to be methodical, rather than always relying on brute strength. The Bubbles were rarely fair in that regard and who knows what would creep up next? The dungeon was the perfect example.

Astrid took a back seat for this one. Missions were scarce and it wouldn’t be fair or right if she simply just massacred everything without her friends gaining experience. In ten years' time, they would fill in the spots of the deceased, training them and making sure they were ready was vital for their future.

Ah, being a responsible adult is difficult. Astrid hummed as the kobolds approached.

Gloria and Froderick were about to chop down the two trees when Astrid opened her mouth to speak.

“Go all out. I’ll protect you all from afar,” Astrid continued. “This is your chance to face direct combat with no danger. Make the most of it. This is the beginning of your future. Show hesitation here, and you have no hope of becoming strong. Do you all want to travel the world, free as a bird?”

Astrid gazed at the first years. They totalled to thirteen in total. Her words roused their spirits. Their knuckles tightened around their weapons as the whites of knuckles showed.

“Now,” Josh commanded, and everyone listened.

Gloria activated a dagger skill. A slash of black and purple cut into the tree. On the other side, a golden light flashed from Froderick’s sword as the heavy, high-quality weapon cleaved into the thick bark and continued all the way through until the wood creaked.

Froderick relied on his strength to push the tree forward while Gloria had to cut once more. This time, she sliced out a wedge as gravity took over.

The two trees at first moved slowly, then the weight of it took over and they came crashing down. They slammed to the forest floor, sending leaves–both alive and dead–swirling into the air.

The kobolds erupted in confusion. They almost lost grip on their weapons as they darted their heads around.

“Attack!” Josh roared.

The first years erupted in a bloodthirsty furor. Listening to their battle screams filled Astrid with an intense desire to join in the attack and fight. It was what attracted her to this life. The need for battle seeped through her blood.

Josh and the others clashed into the kobolds like a battering ram. The ranged users stood halfway up the hill as they fired their attacks, either from their bows or it pulsated off their staffs in a magical burst.

Gloria’s mana container exploded in blue and branched off in all directions as it coursed through her veins and into her hands. She disappeared in a shadowy cloud and reappeared to the kobolds side. Gloria’s hands moved too fast for the kobold to react and, without realising, blood spurted from its throat. Red fell like a sprinkler. It doused the kobold next to it in a vibrant scarlet.

Next up was Froderick. Without waiting for an order, he charged alongside the frontline. The war cry had roused his spirits and, alongside his newfound confidence, he approached the kobolds with haste. He thrust his blade. The kobold raised its make-shift shield to block. Clang. The sword tip rang against the metal shield, then continued. The kobold’s eyes widened, then a wheeze crept out of its razor-sharp mouth. Blood seeped from the gap in between the shield and blade.

The monster fell, along with its arms. The sword had cleaved through the shield and sliced past the kobold's bony, scaly arms. His eyes wavered briefly before he swiftly charged to the next creature that threatened one of his teammates.

Josh and Nick fought side-by-side and displayed a level of teamwork that was a cut above the rest.

Nick focused on countering. Thrusting his sword seemed to be his specialty, and its blade was longer than average. Nick’s shield was smaller than normal, which allowed him to hit and direct attacks away from him with dextrous movements.

While Josh was more focused on brute strength alongside his adept handling of his shield.

The fight raged on with the clanging of swords and wailing, hissing screams. The other first years struggled for a while but quickly got dragged in by the pace of Gloria, Froderick, Josh, and Nick. With them at the front, it bolstered their confidence.

Astrid was there to block any attacks that threatened their life. One could say that it was a one-sided slaughter. Unfair. But that’s what the battlefield was. Only the victors could tell the grandiose tale of their victory.

The stench of copper pierced the earthen scent of the forest like a frigid blade. The first years turned their nerves into resolution. They stood over the bloodied bodies of their enemies as their chests heaved.

Astrid always kept a lookout, especially as the highest level scout at the party. The ranged users approached and looted the corpses of their valuables while the warriors took the time to rest.

“That was easy.” Nick sheathed his sword.

“It won’t always be like that,” Astrid said. “Who knows what those dungeons have brought? For all we know, one of them could be hidden down here.”

“You really think so?” Mina asked. “After all those years, we’ve never seen or discovered a single dungeon before.”

“Astrid is right,” Gloria crossed her arms. “Ever since the Leviathan appeared, strange things have been happening.”

“No, it’s not only that,” Astrid shook her head. “The Golden Emperors, countless high end Wayfarers, even your sister–”

“What about my sister?” Gloria glowered.

“I’m just saying that if you take in the accounts of the warriors in the past and add in the dungeons,” Astrid said, “things are falling into place.”

“You’re saying my sister entered one of those dungeons you found?” Gloria said. “That’s ridiculous. If you and a rag-tag group of Wayfarers could come out alive, then my sister would have strolled through it.”

“It was a city that she entered, Gloria,” Astrid said. “Besides, it’s only a guess. One that I hope is true.”

“Why is that?”

“Because that would mean that your sister may still be alive,” Astrid said.

“Don’t give me hope.” Gloria fought back tears. “I’ve long come to grips with it, just don’t.”

Gloria wiped her eyes, then grunted in anger. “Let’s get out of here before we get ambushed ourselves.”

“Right,” Josh said, peeling his eyes away from Gloria. “Let’s get back to the others.”

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