Psychokinetic Eyeball Pulling

Chapter 54: Anger 2/4

Chapter 54: Anger 2/4

“Our first piece of dungeon equipment is a rare sword of terrifying quality.” Samuel motioned towards one of the auction employees that brought out an exquisitely curved blade. The blade was dark, almost black as a night sky, but strangely, it reflected no light. It was as if a matt material wrapped it and refused to display its lustre.

"The System has named it GhostWalker and begs the question, what exceptional life forms could create such a weapon? It’s a rare curved blade that excels with speed, and an unpredictable sword style. Perfect for those Class users that rely on acceleration to tear their enemies into pieces. Now, this is only for the higher levels, one-hundred and thirty to be exact. It can slice past even the thickest armour, but don’t just take my word for it--” Samuel said and walked over to the employee and grabbed hold of the blade’s hilt.

He approached a solid block of Thodium that was taller than Astrid, and wider than Raphaelle back at the Labelle Epoch. He brandished the blade and crouched into a sword stance. With a simple, gentle swing of the sword, it sliced the air with a trail of black shadows and travelled straight through the metal block with ease. Samuel took a step back, then lunged forward. The blade left a black trail and tore through the block. With a flick of his wrist, the blade flexed to the point Astrid thought it was going to snap, but it still sliced out a wedge out of the metal.

The crowd nodded in satisfaction. It wasn’t enough to send them into a fervour, but it would be an excellent principal weapon for those who still hadn’t obtained an Epic rarity weapon. And it seemed like dungeon equipment was higher quality than usual.

Samuel didn’t have to say anything before prices were already being raised by people's wooden paddles. Astrid didn’t know if the GhostWalker was better than Daniels, but she had a hard time believing he had something better. After all, it was a rare weapon that was higher than his level and it also fits his style perfectly. Astrid recalled the lines in his eyes. It seemed like it had something to do with finding the enemy's weak point. Then he had to change directions at the last split-second to reach it. The GhostWalker seemed perfect for that. The blade was light and nimble, able to change directions at a moment's notice.

Astrid clenched her fist. She wanted it. Astrid patted the pouch at her side, but it wasn’t enough. She pouted as the price continued to reach higher, quickly surpassing her entire net worth in moments. Astrid glanced at Freya. She hated asking people for things, but if it would make Daniel stronger, then it meant that her friends would be safer. Especially if they were going to be venturing forth into a Bubbled City. She grit her teeth.

“Can you help me buy this?” Astrid asked.

“You sure?” Freya said. “There might be something better?”

“There might, but I doubt it will be exactly like that blade.” Astrid glanced at the GhostWalker. She felt like someone designed it specifically for Daniel. She needed to get her hands on it.

“Alright.” Freya smiled and raised her hand. Repeatedly, she had to raise the wooden paddle in her hand as the price continued to rise.

Astrid scowled to the side. Florrie also persisted. They are doing it out of spite.

Your Anger has reached 80/100.

After the price had hiked a good while, Florrie finally gave up, and Freya won the battle.

“Thank you, Freya.” Astrid said.

“Don’t mention it,” Freya continued, “we are family.”

Astrid heavily nodded.

Freya was perhaps the opposite of Astrid. Astrid believed in strength, and being honest and forward. Whereas Freya believed in the power of one's words and influence.

Astrid noticed that Freya’s expression never once changed and she couldn’t help but find respect for her cousin. It also took a lot of strength not to act on one's emotions and explode. Astrid knew she wasn’t capable of that. Maybe it's just who she was.

With the GhostWalker bought, they brought a new item out onto the stage. This time, they displayed it on a golden cart. Unlike the previous sword, the new arrival sparkled, as if it was absorbing the surrounding illumination. It was a large golden metallic chest piece. The gold was scratched and marked in places, but they were done in a way that looked like random engravings, or artistic tattoos. Next to it was a pair of arm guards that peculiarly stood out.

The arm guards weren’t in a style that Astrid had ever laid eyes on before. She was familiar with them often being slender as everyone preferred the mobility. The arm guards on the table, however, were bulky and looked like they had square miniature shields attached to them. Only her brother Tennyson would wear such unwieldy gauntlets.

Samuel approached the table and put his hand into the arm guards. A bright golden light emerged from the marks on the surface of the metal, like illuminating water flowing through the cracks in a vase. Then the bright light pulsated until it turned dim. He then attached the plate armour to his chest.

“As you may have guessed, this is a two piece set item aptly named Battleplate of Golden Might.” Samuel said and the crowd’s eyes widened. “Although Uncommon, it holds tremendous protective capabilities even compared to rare items. As always, I will put my body on the line to satisfy you good people. For this one, I’d like to ask for help from the crowd.” Samuel grinned and looked into the crowd. He took a minute to scour the hall before his finger lay on a young man in black clothing near the front.

Astrid didn’t recognise him. If he was at the front, then it meant he was most likely from the Middle District as tickets at the front were often the most expensive. He glanced around and made sure that it was him that Samuel was pointing at. An older lady jabbed her elbow into his sides as he quickly got out of his chair and walked onto the stage.

“Young man, what is your name?” Samuel asked.


“Attack me with all you’ve got Julian.” Samuel stood there without a stance. His body was full of openings.

The young man frowned. “I don’t have a weapon.”

Samuel nodded. Astrid could see his mana container flare up for a second before a sword appeared within his hands. She tried to look for a ring, but there wasn’t one.

Where did it come from? A container type skill maybe? As Astrid was thinking to herself, Samuel lobbed the sword to the young man in black clothing and he swiftly caught it.

Level 66 - ???, Class: Warrior

He stood still for a second as it looked like he was charging an ability, then he moved at high speed toward Samuel. Although to Astrid, it was a snail's pace compared to what she was used to. Surprisingly, fire erupted from the blade and despite swinging it with extreme momentum, the fire stuck to the blade, refusing to dwindle.

Samuel stepped forward. The square shields on the arm guards grew in all directions and sprawled up his arms. He placed his arms together as the shields created a tight seal around him.

Julian’s flaming sword clashed against the dull golden metal of the dual shields. Samuel didn’t budge.

“Thank you, you can return to your seat.” Samuel said.

Julian nodded and returned to his seat. His mother placed her hand on his shoulder.

Samuel then waved his hand as an employee walked out on the stage. Unlike the previous employees that wore a suited uniform, he was wearing black armour and a red cloak that was attached to his shoulders. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. Instead, his buzz cut was on full display, scars were scored into his skull, leaving bald spots. The man was holding a halberd. It was like a spear, but it was shorter, and more broad. The blade composed of an axe head on one side, a hammer on the other, and a savage spike poking out at the top. Astrid could tell that his weapon and armour was higher quality than most in the military.

Benefits of being privately funded from the auction. Astrid thought.

“I’m sure you’re all aware of the power of the auction's elite guard?” Samuel smiled. “I’ll show you that now, although this may be an Uncommon set, it can take one hell of a punishment that even a normal Epic rarity piece of equipment will struggle to compete with.”

“Tre, attack.” Samuel commanded, and the warrior in heavy armour nodded.

Samuel, instead of using the shield’s, simply stood there with his arms open wide. He puffed out his chest.

Tre moved slowly, unlike Julian's raging attack. He approached Samuel and swung his halberd at a normal speed. But Astrid could feel the terrifying strength that was held within that strike. It reminded her of an ability that took after gravity. Although it was slow, its heaviness made up for it. It looked like she was right.

Tre’s halberd smashed against the Uncommon armoured chest piece. Astrid expected to see sparks fly, but that didn’t happen. The cracks within the chestplate roared with light as it illuminated the hall in gold. Samuel’s body refused to move even an inch. Then a piercing sound filled the hall. The halberd’s blade trembled and created a shrill scream of protest. The trebling continued down and into the handle. Tre grit his teeth and held on tightly, refusing to let go of his weapon as if his life depended on it. After a few more seconds, the sound and trembling halted. Tre took a step back, bowed, then left the stage.

Samuel turned to the crowd with a dazzling smile, but to Astrid, it looked like the glistening fangs of a dreadful beast.

“Although it lacks mobility, I shouldn’t need to tell you how important and rare it is to have a piece of lifesaving equipment such as this.” Samuel said. “We’ll start the price at four thousand gold pieces.”

Astrid agreed with him, armour was always more expensive, and rarer than weapons. Although one could funnel all their money on an Epic rarity weapon and place all their points into offence, it was a stupid route to go. Many had tried over the years, and most of them had died. Gloria’s family was the outlier, as they held an exceptional class that let them get away with it. They were elusive, and despite their assassin class having terrifying offensive capabilities, it also held incredible defensive skills. But for the vast majority, it was suicide.

Another piece of equipment awoke Astrid from her reverie. It looked like it was going to be a long day on the battlefield. A battlefield Astrid wasn’t comfortable with, as all Astrid saw was arms fly up, wooden paddles in hand.

She glanced to Florrie's VIP room as her palms itched. Seeing such a cowardly battle made her long for a proper fight. A fight of blood and iron.

Astrid's long hair rose in the air like a mad witch.

"This is annoying," Astrid said, "isn't it, Leena?"

"You're right, my lady." Leena's eyes pierced down below. "When is the next mission?"

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