Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 75 - [Bonus ]Leading The Way

Back on the second day of Mershen High's  Monthly Exam, there was half a day off for the students who just finished.

Teren passed through his classmates who looked at him with scrutinizing eyes.

What's so special about him? Was the target question of most of them while others have reached an answer - he's nothing!

When he walked out of the room, he didn't continue walking out, instead, he seemed to wait. Nick was one of those who looked at him. Sensing Teren's gaze, he felt obligated to follow. Since the 'boring' exam just finished, his drowsiness decreased as well which made him quite frustrated.

Coming out to follow Teren even though he didn't receive any verbal instructions, Nick met up with Teren before he heard a whisper-

"You lead the way to the warehouse."

Hearing Teren's 'orders', Nick didn't quite understand. Warehouse? What warehouse?

He could only think of one warehouse, it was one of the main places where the Handwing Gang meets. Although they call it 'The Warehouse' it's just a bunch of old abandoned establishments that was hiding behind thin trees, having a little bit of distance from the neighborhood.

It's kind of a place a normal resident wouldn't normally see unless they felt adventurous, taking a unique detour, or wanted to take a tour around the city.

A perfect hidden base which the Handwing Gang claimed.

"Are are you... talking about the gang's base?"

Teren simply replied.

"Get a move on."


Nick led the way and out of the school. Many eyes fell onto them. Although Teren knew the destination himself, he wanted Nick at the front while he followed behind.

"What's the relationship between those two?"

"They don't seem to be friends."

"Maybe Teren is Nick's underling?"

"That's a high possibility."

"Heh! That Teren thinks he's hot stuff just because Iesa looks at him a bit. I bet he begged that gangster to be an underling! Damnit!"

"D-dude, stop crying."

Teren couldn't hear what they were talking about. Those who whispers and murmurs to each other would not do so unless they have quite some distance from the 'most terrifying school delinquent', Nick! Rumored to be a member of the city gang.

This was Teren's intention. Although he was not able to hear their low whispers, he knows that this simple charade is taking effect. If Nick, who's considered to be a gangster, always follows him like a loyal dog, how much attention Teren would get?

He already got enough attention because of Iesa, he wants less burden. Before, he didn't care, but now that Nick was looked up to and feared, he needed to take this small precaution.

'Now, what to do about these stalkers?'

As they got out of the school grounds, Teren thought as he felt multiple presences waiting for him. He could feel strong malice from these presences except for certain people. He suspects that these certain people are from the Drago House.

'What are they planning? They are no longer a threat to me, however, why are they waiting there with the others? Assuming that there is no inter-factional communication happening, are they on guard? Or-'

"Hey, Teren, where are you up to?"

A voice interrupted Teren's thoughts as he looked behind to see Teacher Hanon waving his hand with a smile.

"I'm just following Nick, Sir."

Teren replied while Hanon caught up to them.

Hanon glanced at Nick and didn't feel like he was the leading person here even though he was in the front. Swallowing his uneasiness towards Teren, he continued.

"So you're just following him without knowing the destination? Am I about to witness hazing?" he said in a jest.

"N-no, of course not, Sir!"

Nick denied while frantically waving his hands.

"Hahaha! I'm just joking. What are you getting so worked up, huh?"

"Well, you said it with a serious tone, Sir, so I thought..." Nick scratched his head.

Hanon then pat his back and with big smile, he said, "I'm just messing with you. And by the way."


"I heard about you being a part of a gang, is that true?"

"H-huh? A part of a gang, me?"

"What? Why are you reacting as if you haven't heard it?"

"Uhm, but I'm not."

Hanon nodded with understanding and replied.

"I guess rumors are just rumors, hm?"


"I'm glad to hear that. I'm worried that a student of mine is out there doing, you know, gang stuff."

While the two in front of him talk, Teren was suspicious about his teacher.

'Does this mean that he wanted to talk to Nick about this? But then, why did he call out to me first?'

"Hahaha... my brother is a part of a gang but I don't think they are that bad."

Nick replied as if trying to keep up with the conversation.

"Really? I guess your perception of them is irrelevant, but let me ask you something? Do you smoke?"


"Shall I take that silence as a yes?"

"Ahh... I... I haven't smoked a single stick lately." Nick confessed.

Hanon didn't see Nick's temperament before on the first day of class so he didn't know that this student of him have considerably changed a lot.

"That's good, continue avoiding smoking. They're seriously bad for your lungs..."

The two continued to converse as they walked while Teren silently followed from behind. Eventually, though, Hanon noticed something strange.

"Wait, where are you going? I thought we will eventually split up sometime earlier but you haven't."

Nick finally noticed it when it was mentioned. The three of them are already near the warehouse and they are on an unpopulated road. It's weird that they are going in the same direction. What a coincidence... he thought.

But while he was thinking about this, Hanon used his Spirit, the Spirit of Foresight. After talking with Nick and gaining a lot of personal information so smoothly, Hanon's vision will be more accurate and will reach further in the future. But he didn't need to see that far.

A vision entered his mind.

Hanon stopped in his tracks as he looked at Teren with worry.

In his vision, he could see that Teren, alone, was surrounded by members of the Handwing Gang.

'Is Nick leading this guy into someplace dangerous?!'

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