Protect Our Patriarch

Book 1: Chapter 124: Joyous! Magnificent! Phoenixes singing in unison

The Ten Thousand Gold Steed - Fire Treads on White Clouds.

Most people in their lifetime may never hear of such a valuable steed, let alone see one with their own eyes.

But at this moment, the crowd of no less than a thousand spectators was instantly stirred up.

This was the standard for a young clan leader of a noble family to marry his bride, truly impressive. It seemed that Miss Ruo Lan's future family was not simple.

The groom, no matter how you looked at him, seemed more pleasing to the eye, as if he was shining brightly.

At the same time.

Wang Shouzhe's wedding procession was slowly approaching the archway.

Leading the procession was Wang Shouzhe, followed by a group of relatives dressed in luxurious and festive attire, riding on tall horses.

Apart from Wang Shouzhe, the most conspicuous one was Chen Fangjie, the young clan leader of the Chen's Clan.

This past year, Chen Fangjie had been in the limelight.

First, his father, Chen Dewei, made a breakthrough to the Spirit Platform realm after years of accumulation. Then, he married Wang Luoyi, the eldest daughter of the Wang's Clan. He was full of pride and satisfaction.

As Wang Shouzhe's brother-in-law, Chen Fangjie naturally had to help with the wedding.

He naturally took on the important role of escorting the bride.

However, Wang Shouzhe's attire was truly splendid, much more so than his own wedding.

People always fear comparison.

"Third brother-in-law."

Just as Chen Fangjie was riding his tall horse and muttering to himself, Wang Shounuo, the third of the Shou generation, rode alongside him and sighed, "Two months ago, when I attended your wedding with Luoyi, I thought you were the most handsome and splendid groom I had ever seen. But now compared to Shouzhe, sigh~"

Chen Fangjie's face darkened. Wang Shounuo, why are you bringing up painful memories?

Wasn't my ice silkworm wedding robe impressive? Okay, it indeed couldn't compare with Shouzhe's. But that was summer! If I wore a golden fire silkworm robe, wouldn't I have been roasted to death?

Chen Fangjie grumbled in his heart, but on the surface, he laughed and said, "Shounuo, you're twenty-one, aren't you? You're not young anymore. Why haven't you settled down yet? Oh, I heard from our Chen's Clan sisters that you attended the Autumn Appreciation Gathering for unmarried young people of the direct lineage a while ago?"

Now it was Wang Shounuo's turn to have a dark face. Third brother-in-law, you're stabbing me in the back! That so-called Appreciation Gathering was nothing more than a large-scale show-off event. He had never experienced such a thing before, and as a result...

However, those direct lineage girls seemed quite interested in Wang Shouzhe. They kept asking him about Shouzhe.

In the end, he could only smile and say, "I just went there to gain some experience. I've been too busy with family affairs recently to have time for romance. Unlike you, third brother-in-law, who rode a thousand-gold horse to marry my sister Luoyi."

Chen Fangjie's face darkened again, grumbling in his heart. What's wrong with a thousand-gold horse? It's already a high match, okay? Besides, my exotic horse is worth three thousand Top Gold.

Do you think everyone is as rich as Wang Shouzhe?

Then, the two of them started to laugh. You stab me, I stab you, enjoying the process, but their hearts were bleeding.

Wang Shouzhe, who was in front, turned around and said, "Third brother, brother-in-law, that's enough. Bring up the gift money boxes."

"Shouyong, Shoulian, bring up the gift money boxes." Wang Shounuo hurriedly shouted.

Then, the fifth brother Wang Shouyong and the sixth brother Wang Shoulian obediently dismounted and ran back to the carriage. They each carried a large box to Wang Shouzhe, opened the two boxes.

Inside were a whole box of small, golden coins.

And a whole box of maltose candies, each piece wrapped in oil paper and neatly stacked.

A year had passed, and both Shouyong and Shoulian, the two big boys of the family, had grown a lot. Not only had their cultivation improved rapidly, but their frames had also become more robust, like two little adults.

As soon as the crowd saw the Wang's Clan's wedding procession carrying the gift money boxes, they became excited and swarmed over.

The Wang's Clan was indeed generous, even preparing two gift money boxes.

Wang Shouzhe, following the custom, dismounted, grabbed a handful of coins and maltose candies in each hand, and bowed to the onlookers in Shanyin, "I am Wang Shouzhe, the clan leader of the Wang's Clan. I am here in Shanyin to marry the noble daughter of the Liu's Clan. Thank you all for your support."

With that, he threw the coins and maltose candies into the crowd, and the people of Shanyin immediately scrambled for them.

Especially the maltose candies, which were very expensive. About three or four coins could only buy a small piece. For most ordinary families, maltose candies were a luxury.

"The Wang's Clan is generous, even throwing maltose candies. We support the clan leader to marry our Miss Ruo Lan."

"Miss Ruo Lan and Clan Leader Wang are a perfect match, a pair of jade and stone."

"We wish Clan Leader Wang and Miss Ruo Lan to have a child soon."

The villagers all said various auspicious words. Wherever the voice was loudest, Wang Shouzhe would throw there, and the atmosphere suddenly became very lively.Subsequently, Wang Shouzhe, Chen Fangjie, and the little brothers all joined the team, accelerating the tossing of candies, making the scene lively and spectacular.

This was one of the unique customs in the Xuanwu world.

No matter which family was marrying off a daughter, they all wanted it to be grand and lively. The livelier it was, the more it represented the grandeur of the wedding and the happiness of future life.

The livelier Wang Shouzhe made it, the more glory he brought to the Liu's Clan.

Maltose was a rare treat, not only were the children scrambling for it, but the adults were also scrambling for it. However, everyone was from the same village, so the order was still good, and there was no chaos.


A little girl, about seven or eight years old, who had failed to grab her favorite maltose several times, sat on the ground and burst into tears.

Wang Shouzhe immediately flew over, helped the little girl up, and stuffed a whole handful of maltose into her hands.

The little girl cried with joy and bowed to Wang Shouzhe, "Thank you, groom brother, I wish you and the bride sister will have a baby soon, have more, all as handsome as brother."

What a nice auspicious saying.

Wang Shouzhe liked it and immediately gave her another handful.

Then, he was surrounded.

Fortunately, his brothers came over with boxes to rescue him.

This wave of excitement lasted for two quarters of an hour.

At this time, the members of the Liu's Clan, who had been waiting on the side, specifically to welcome Wang Shouzhe, came out to end this segment: "It's almost done, don't delay the groom's auspicious time."

The prestige of the Liu's Clan was very high. The villagers immediately retreated contentedly, clearing the way.

The member of the Liu's Clan stepped forward, bowed to Wang Shouzhe with a smile, "I am the seventh of the senior generation of the Liu's Clan, Liu Gaoyun. It must have been hard for you to come all this way, Shouzhe. Let's go into the cool shed for a cup of sweet tea and a little rest."

"So it's Uncle Seven." Wang Shouzhe hurriedly paid his respects with sincerity and fear, "Uncle Seven personally came to lead Shouzhe, Shouzhe is terrified."

The rest of the younger generation also came forward to pay their respects.

At the same time, the three elders of the wedding procession, Gongsun Qiang from the Gongsun's Clan of Shanyang, Lu Zhengjie from the Lu's Clan of Yingxiu, and Wang Dingzu from the Wang's Clan of Ping'an, all came forward to pay their respects to Liu Gaoyun.

The first two were Wang Shouzhe's uncles, and Wang Dingzu was his third uncle. Both the maternal and paternal families had elders present, making the configuration quite complete.

At the same time, Wang Dingzu, on behalf of the group, presented red envelopes to Liu Gaoyun and his party. The one for Liu Gaoyun, who was leading the way, was a big red envelope with twenty Top Gold.

The drum and music team specially prepared by the Liu's Clan began to play cheerful and festive music, making the scene lively.

After everyone had a cup of sweet tea and a little rest.

Lu Zhengjie, the younger uncle, came out and said, "Brother Liu, it's about time, please lead the way."

After picking up the bride and returning to the Wang's Clan, the journey was tight.

Liu Gaoyun, who received a large red envelope, would naturally not make things difficult, and immediately shouted, "Lead the groom in."

Then, the members of the Liu's Clan took the lead in clearing the way, with the wedding procession following behind. Behind them, and around them, more and more spectators followed and watched, making the scene lively and spectacular.

When they were less than five miles from the main house of the Liu's Clan, the road was paved with wide and sturdy bluestone.

At this time, the spectators began to increase, and they started to shout that the atmosphere was not lively enough, and the drum and music team at the back began to play.

They were about to step into the gate of the Liu's Clan, but there was no program to liven up the atmosphere, which was not in accordance with the rules.

Gongsun Qiang and Lu Zhengjie in the team looked at each other, knowing that it was time for them to take the stage.

In the process of picking up the bride, it was usually the uncles from the maternal family who came forward to support their nephew.

However, Wang Shouzhe was a bit unique, he had two maternal families.

Months before the wedding, the two maternal families had a dispute over this segment.

The cause, of course, was because the two ancestors had a dispute first.

Mingsheng Ancestor and Mang Ancestor, in their words and actions, were always openly and secretly competing over who was Shouzhe's real maternal family.

Now, one family had the bloodline, and the other had the righteousness.

Naturally, neither was willing to submit to the other.

And so, the scene was suddenly extended here.

"Play the wedding music." Lu Zhengjie, who had been personally instructed by Mingsheng Ancestor before coming, started his carefully prepared drum and music team.

Immediately, the sound of drums and gongs rang out.

The atmosphere immediately became lively.

The spectators all shouted in approval.

"Just this?"

Similarly, Gongsun Qiang, who had been instructed by Mang Ancestor, showed a disdainful expression, "I say, Brother Lu, when you support your nephew, can you be a little more thoughtful?"

With that, Gongsun Qiang clapped his hands.

Then, a small group at the end of the procession started to move. They were a carefully dressed acrobatic troupe, tumbling and dancing, and occasionally performing a fire-breathing act.

The scene was indeed lively, and it immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Even many of the Liu's Clan's side branches began to gather around, watching the excitement and cheering."My acrobatic troupe was invited from Longzuo Commandery." Gongsun Qiang said with a proud face, "Many noble families in Longzuo Commandery use this troupe for their weddings. Our Ancestor said that Shouzhe is the direct grandson of our Gongsun's Clan. On his wedding day, the more lively the better, we can't be careless."

Wang Shouzhe, in the team, looked helpless. These two uncles had been bickering all the way, neither of them willing to back down. However, he couldn't interfere in such matters. Besides, it was his wedding day, a little lively atmosphere was normal.


Wang Shouzhe's younger uncle, Lu Zhengjie, curled his lips: "Just this?"

Then, he solemnly took out a red fan from a jade box. As soon as it appeared, a wave of heat rushed out.

"A Fire Fan?"

Wang Shouzhe was shocked. Really? To win this face, the Lu's Clan even took out the Fire Fan. That thing was a spiritual weapon, a major killer on the battlefield!

Lu Zhengjie said solemnly: "The Ancestor allowed me to use this fan for this play. It took five fire spirit stones to infuse energy into the Fire Fan, and it took more than a month to train the Fire Fan."

With that, he fanned the fan.


The Fire Fan glowed brightly, and a magnificent fire phoenix shadow rushed out from the raging flames. It danced in the sky, the flames were blazing, creating a visually stunning effect.

Then, another fire phoenix shadow rushed out from the Fire Fan, chasing and playing with the fire phoenix, like a pair of immortal lovers.


The crowd went wild. Such a wedding scene was unheard of, unseen. Even the direct descendants of the Liu's Clan were alarmed and ran out of the main house to watch.

My goodness!

Even with their extensive experience, they had never seen someone use a spiritual weapon to set off fireworks at a wedding~~

This Wang's Clan's wedding procession really knew how to have fun.

However, the more lively the wedding procession, the more face it gave to the Liu's Clan.

This proved that the marriage partner took this marriage very seriously and was serious about it.

If the wedding procession came unprepared, it would make the Liu's Clan lose face.

It would give the feeling that they didn't take their direct daughter seriously.

Two months ago, when Chen Fangjie came to propose, this part was also very lively. They even invited a foreign dance troupe from overseas to help celebrate, giving the common people of Ping'an Town a great spectacle and broadening their horizons.

However, what Chen Fangjie did was slightly inferior to what Lu Zhengjie did. Using a spiritual weapon filled with five fire spirit stones just to set off a magnificent firework was quite extravagant.


The direct descendants of the Liu's Clan were also overjoyed. The Wang's Clan spent a lot of money on fireworks, which showed that they valued Miss Ruolan very much.

This scene also reached the main house of the Liu's Clan.

The Clan Leader couple of the Liu's Clan, who were guarding the main hall, also praised it.

In the wedding procession, Lu Zhengjie was quite pleased with himself, provocatively looking at Gongsun Qiang: "After all, he is just an adopted direct grandson, not very dedicated. Unlike our Lu's Clan, we are double direct blood relatives with Shouzhe."

Everyone's eyes fell on Gongsun Qiang.

Then, he rolled his eyes: "Just this?"

Then, Gongsun Qiang waved his hand, full of pride: "Come on, let everyone see the grand finale that our Gongsun's Clan has prepared for our direct grandson."


Even at this point, your Gongsun's Clan still has a grand finale? The onlookers and the people of the Liu's Clan were all shocked, looking forward with anticipation.


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