Prophecy Approved Companion

Book Three Chapter Sixty Three: CC_Maze_Puzzle

Book Three Chapter Sixty Three: CC_Maze_Puzzle

The problem, of course, with the loss of belief that she was on the side of Good, and the logical conclusion that this meant anyone who opposed her was Evil, was that it made it a lot harder for Qube to contemplate fighting the Royal Guard.

The more she thought about it, in fact, the more worried she became that if she accidentally hurt the guard, it might ruin his life.

What if he didnt know that the Evil Emperor was Evil? He may have been trained after the rise of the Evil Emperor, and taught in school that the current political leader was Good! Or, similar to how she could affect other peoples minds, maybe all the Royal Guards were under some kind of compulsion, or spell!

The thought was like a thunderbolt. It struck hard, and illuminated what had once been obscured.

Of course! Why else would the Royal Guards abandon their morals like that? The very core principles that governed their entire organisation? The Evil Emperor must have used an Evil spell to corrupt their minds so that Good things became Evil, and vice versa. That would also explain why this maze guard had been attacking innocent civilians in an open maze! It was perfectly fine for people to be wandering about, and very not fine to attack people minding their own business, so of course hed gotten things switched around!

In which case she practically had an obligation to [Heal] them, or get Sencha Bard to cast [The Bards Ballad] on any Royal Guard they came across, and free them from their enslavement!

The very moment shed decided it was perfectly acceptable to counter-mind magic him, the Royal Guard came whistling around the corner. With her new enlightenment, even this made perfect sense. When one was secretly patrolling an area, it was a good idea to keep quiet, so as not to alert any interlopers, and give them time to hide. Therefore, this loud, continuous whistling could only be the result of a swap spell.

Can you see me? she asked as soon as he came into view, just in case. He didnt react to her speaking, which at first made her feel relieved, but then he did something very confusing. A few steps in front of her he stopped, and tilted his head.

Something strange going on here, he said, to no one in particular. It was similar to how Mr. Clockwork had reacted to her, back when shed run into him in Cobbletown.

Shoving that particular memory deep down into the recesses of her mind, Qube held up her hands.

I know you can sense me, she said, and maybe, some part of you knows Im here, and can hear me. Please, youre under a spell. The Evil Emperor isnt who you think he is. Hes Evil. You need to bring back the King and Queen. Im here with

The Royal Guard took a few steps to the left, until he was pressed against the hedge itself, and tried to walk past her. She mirrored him, blocking his way.

the Chosen One. Hes going to save the kingdom. Please, if any part of you can understand me

Something strange going on here, the Royal Guard repeated, taking a few steps to the right, back into the middle of the path.

please give me a sign that you accept me freeing you from your terrible compulsion, Qube finished, trying not to get frustrated as he took two more steps to the right and tried to bypass her again. It wasnt his fault he was under a spell, and her under a curse. They were both victims of fate. Or, more specifically, victims of the Evil Emperor.

That didnt stop it from being irritating when he took a few steps back into the middle and started trying to get past her again, however. It was like they were locked in some kind of socially awkward shuffle, each of them trying to step out of the others way, neither of them able to progress until the other gave way.

An idea sparked at this thought, only to be chased away by a sudden twig snapping in the direction shed come from. She swung around, trying to locate the source.

Hey!How are you going? she heard a voice whisper from just beyond the bend. Are you okay? He stopped whistling; are you pushing him?

Chosen One! she nearly hissed and she just managed to stop herself from jumping in surprise at his closeness. What are you doing? Im fine! Dont let yourself get caught by him!

So you got this? her annoyingly helpful friend insisted.

Whats that I heard? the Royal Guard said, instantly confirming her worst fear.

Nothing! she said, even knowing he couldnt hear her, and shoved him with all her strength.

To her surprise the Royal Guard staggered backwards.

Were under attack! he shouted.

No! Backup must be close by! Of course it was, they never would have let a guard patrol alone unless there was help in the immediate area.

Chosen One, go back out to the gate!

We wont leave you, peaceful Healer! Sencha Bard declared bravely from behind the hedge.

Are you all back there? Qube yelled.

Of course, love, you didnt think wed leave you all alone in a scary place like this, did you? Even with the threat of the Royal Guard bearing down on them, Sexy Screamy Spider Briar managed to sound sensually amused.

I thought you might trust me to take care of the job I was given! Qube snapped, shoving the guard in front of her. Guilt assailed her as he staggered back again.

Im sorry, its not you Im angry at, she said, then gulped as he drew his sword.

To me! he cried, and two more Royal Guards came running from deeper within the maze. Theres someone attacking us!

In seconds the other two guards were directly behind their compatriot, waiting for him to lead the way.

But, for all his shouting, and brandishing of blade, he still made no move to shove past Qube. It was as if, even though he was being attacked, and he was the kind of guard to cast spells on innocent civilians, his social graces wouldnt allow him to rudely shove someone out of the way. Even if he didnt consciously see anyone there.

Even the Evil Emperors curse wasnt strong enough to overcome the basic politeness of the Royal Guard, it seemed.

Get away from here, Qube yelled at the group hidden behind the corner. Ive got a plan!

She didnt want to [Heal] the Royal Guards, not so close to each other, and especially not when their swords were drawn. She remembered all too well the violent flailing that could result from her spell. No, instead she was going to try and weaponise their subconscious instinct that someone was in front of them.

So, in the face of three Royal Guards, all with their swords drawn, she did one of the dumbest or bravest things ever: she took a step towards them. Sure enough, similar to the distance everyone subconsciously kept from the Chosen One, the Royals Guards stepped backwards.

Were under attack! all three yelled at once.

She took another step forward. They stepped back. After a few more steps, another two guards came running, and joined the cluster, only to also be driven back by their politeness.

This, Qube knew, was power.


She couldnt find the heart of the maze. Shed managed to amass an entire crowd of Royal Guards, all shouting and brandishing their weapons, but there was absolutely no sign of any kind of heart. A few times the Chosen One had tried to interrupt her on her herding mission, but she just kept telling him that hed trusted her with this quest and he would give up for another half an hour.

Granted, she wasnt sure what the heart of a maze would look like, whether it would be made out of greenery or meat, but she was absolutely confident that she would recognise it. Or, at least, shed been confident a few hours ago.

Now, however, she was walking over a marker of hers for the third time, and all the shouting from her trapped guards was beginning to get on her nerves. There were also weird blips in the music every time she chose a new pathway. At first shed thought it was a clue, but there didnt seem to be any pattern to them.

Eventually she had to admit that maybe, just maybe, she didnt know what the heart of a maze looked like. On the plus side, she was pretty sure shed managed to round up all the guards in the place!

Occasionally the guards at the very back of the pack would sheath their swords and start to wander off, only to be called back into battle by the foremost trio of guards.

Once, when navigating a particularly tight corner, she managed to lose half the guards. Shed had to shove the front guard several times to get everyones attention again.

To be honest, she was fairly certain that it was only the strict, years-long training of the Royal Guards that stopped them from snapping and attacking her. She couldnt think of anyone else who would take being repeatedly shoved by a half-elf that barely reached their shoulder height with such grace.

What were they thinking, as they stepped back from something they couldnt see, but knew was a threat? Did they think she was a ghost? She giggled to herself at the absurdity of it all, and was glad they couldnt hear her.

Few things would have been scarier than an invisible giggling threat that forcefully pushed you backwards in a maze full of blind turns.

Chosen One, she called over her shoulder as she continued to block the guards. Theyd mostly calmed down, several of them now muttering about how it must have been the wind or my imaginations playing tricks on me again, which was her cue that she needed to start riling them up again.

What did you want me to do with these guards? I was thinking that Sencha Bard should use [The Bards Ballad] on them, give them a chance to think for themselves. Maybe outside the maze, so they have space to process.

Sure, came the reply from behind the hedge.

Within a surprisingly short amount of time Qube had managed to push the guards into exiting the maze. The instant they werent locked in such a small space, they started milling about like lost chickens. As she covered her ears and watched the power of Sencha Bard and Definitely Bad Guys invention roll over the group, she wondered if, same as all the constructs learning to think for themselves, this meant that the Royal Guards, and all those affected by this spell infected with her [Heal], would be eligible to ascend one day.

What would happen to all these people, freed from the Dev-imposed affinities (however that was supposed to have manifested itself), in the coming days? How would they feel, once they realised how much their thoughts had been trammeled by a group of people who, while anatomically somewhat similar to them, held the kind of power reserved only for gods?

Not for an instant did it occur to Qube to keep the knowledge of the Devs true nature, and the partys ascension, a secret from the Royal Guards, or any of the inhabitants of her world. If shed stopped to ponder why, she would have replied that, having been kept in the dark so much herself, she was well aware of how frustrating it was to be left out of a conversation regarding your own destiny. It was the same reason shed tried to ask the Royal Guards for their permission before radically altering their world view.

If someone very perceptive had asked her why she hadnt used the other party members to get the Royal Guards permission to rip open their minds and force them into reality, and why she was now leaving the newly-freed guards to instantly turn back to trying to solve the maze rather than helping them cope with their new-found knowledge, she wouldnt have known how to answer them.

She wouldnt have been able to articulate that sensation of having an inner self, so full of rage and ruthlessness, pulling on her, dragging her onwards to the castle and justice. The constantly mounting pressure in her mind, driving her to try and understand. To know.

Nor could she have found the words to describe how her innate kindness, and her well-trained gentleness, was now constantly grappling with the deep-seated anger and justified sadness that had only grown since shed left her peaceful village.

It was as if she was being both dragged into the castle, and repelled from what going inside meant.

She was, it went without saying, going through some things.

Chosen One, my mission is complete! she said, smiling innocently up at her friend as Sencha Bard signalled that they were safe to uncover their ears. She would cope with things later. A puzzle needed solving! Now, you need to find the heart of the maze.

She watched as the Chosen One walked away from the confused Royal Guards, tilting his head as he made the turns, listening to the chimes that Qube hadnt been able to understand. Sometimes he would turn around immediately, and take another route, other times he would happily charge forward.

Eventually they stopped in front of a portion of the hedge that was covered in white roses. They were releasing a fine mist that twisted in the wind until it resembled a large rectangle. The smell of their collective perfume was almost overpowering.

Darling, Sexy Screamy Spider Briar said to Sencha Bard, tilting her head. I believe I just got the same feeling you did. Ive never owned a fan, but I suddenly feel like all this running around in the maze is getting me all hot and bothered, and I wish there was some fan I could use to cool myself down. The Hunter frowned harder as she dug into her own thoughts. And something about fresh air? Really, these kinds of prompts are very annoying. Im used to them giving me an extra layer of sexiness, but these kinds of innuendo dont even make sense for me.

Ill be sure to give the Devs your feedback, the Chosen One said wryly. Theyll probably ignore it, just like they did all the times I asked them to stop forcing you to flirt with me, but hey, at least its coming directly from the horses mouth.

Sexy Screamy Spider Briar isnt a horse! Qube said indignantly.

Youre insulting, sir! Sencha Bard bristled.

But the giant arachnid didnt seem indignant, or angry. Instead she was looking at the Chosen One with surprising tenderness.

I knew you were a good, honourable man, she said, reaching forward and grasping the sides of his face with her claws.

Mo uhm nough, the Chosen One mumbled through squished cheeks.

You didnt want them to force our affections. Oh, darling, how can I resist you when youre so noble?

Having said that, she leaned forward, and, with a smile full of fangs, kissed the Hero on the forehead, leaving a slight trace of venom behind.

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