Professor Vampire.

Chapter 259 - 259 First game is over

Chapter 259: Chapter 259 First game is over

Just as Rolf reluctantly put on the lion hat, the audience around him suddenly let out a burst of astonishment and sighs.

Dracula looked at the arena and found that the Chinese Fireball Dragon was actually following John's movements, twisting its body, shaking its head from time to time, and jumping left and right to play.

Then, John used the summoning spell to conjure a big ball, followed by a flying spell, and threw the ball in front of the fire dragon's face.

The fire dragon immediately blinked its protruding light bulb-like eyes, jumped forward excitedly, grabbed the ball with its two claws, and then hugged the ball and began to roll on the ground.

Everyone watched John walk towards the nest where the fire dragon hid the golden eggs, took the golden eggs from its nest, and patted the fire dragon's scales on the way, as if to say "I'll exchange the ball for the golden eggs with you."

The fire dragon did not object at all, and continued to play with the ball, kicking his legs excitedly from time to time.

Audience: "..."

Judges: "..."

Dragon Tamer: "..."

"Did your grandfather teach him this?" Dracula's mouth twitched, and he looked at Rove who was wearing a lion head hat next to him.

"No, my grandfather didn't know what kind of fire dragon he was going to face..."

Rove shook his lion head speechlessly. His lion head and the head of the Chinese fireball dragon actually looked a little similar.

"I guess... John may have remembered the method my grandfather used to tame Zouwu when he was in France." Rolf thought for a moment and hesitated, "At that time, my grandfather used a cat teaser in the shape of a bird to trick Zouwu into his box..."

"I know," Luna, who also had a lion head, laughed happily, "No cat can resist the temptation of a cat teaser and a ball of yarn!"

"Well, I know why this dragon is called 'dragon and lion' by the Orientals..." Dracula raised his hand to support his forehead, "So the 'lion' in 'dragon and lion' is the 'lion' in lion dance?"

At this time, John had already left the arena with his intact golden egg, and Bagman didn't know what to say for a moment, and was racking his brains to think of the commentary.

Suddenly, Karkaroff slapped the table and stood up from the judges' seat.

"I protest!" he shouted, "Why is the dragon he faces so docile, while Krum's is so violent? This is absolutely unfair!"

Karkaroff's voice was loud, as if he wanted to gain the approval of others.

However, except for the students from Durmstrang he brought with him and Krum's diehard fans, everyone else looked at him with contempt.

The most unfair thing in the semi-finals is you, the judge...

Professor Hicks, who has always had a good temper, was also a little angry at Karkaroff's protest. She turned her head and glared at Karkaroff.

"All dragons were carefully selected in the Romanian Dragon Reserve before the competition, and the lottery process was completely open. Why do you think John took advantage?" Professor Hicks asked sternly.

"What's more, even if this dragon is indeed more docile than the others, its weakness was discovered by John himself! Can you guarantee that anyone else can achieve the same effect as John?"

Karkaroff was speechless after what Professor Hicks said, and had to blame the problem on the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve's mistake in selecting dragons.

"I think those dragon trainers were not sensible when selecting dragons."

He looked at Dumbledore and Ms. Maxime, trying to unite with them, "Don't you think so? The strength of these dragons is so different, which is a very unfair thing in itself..."

"Oh, Professor Karkaroff, the staff of the Fire Dragon Reserve are professional, and they have tried their best to select dragons of similar difficulty." Dumbledore smiled, "I think this game is fair."

As the discoverer of "Twelve Uses of Dragon Blood", Dumbledore himself has a lot of research on dragons. He naturally saw that although these dragons have different abilities and sizes, they are also somewhat different.

But relatively speaking, the difference in difficulty for the warriors is not that big.

Karkaroff snorted coldly and turned to look at Ms. Maxime.

"The student from Hogwarts is now ranked first in the score, so Dumbledore will certainly not have any objections." He said dissatisfiedly, "What do you think, Maxime?"

Ms. Maxime hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she was worried about the safety of the students. She didn't want to cause any more trouble and was afraid of encountering more dangerous situations in the rematch...

In addition, Ms. Maxime was not as thick-skinned as Karkaroff. She still felt guilty about informing Fleur of the content of the game in advance, so she did not agree with Karkaroff's opinion.

"I have no objection to the fairness of this game, Karkaroff." She said.

"Good, very good! It seems that you are all very satisfied with your students' scores." Karkaroff said angrily, "But the fire dragon that Victor encountered is obviously the most difficult. If his opponent is replaced by the Chinese Fireball..."

"You are a bit unreasonable, Professor Karkaroff!"

Just then, the voice of a young wizard sounded behind the judges' seats.

As one of the persons in charge of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary in this competition, Charlie Weiss hurriedly walked up the steps when he found out about the dispute in the judges' seats and prepared to explain to the judges how they selected the fire dragons.

When Karkaroff was so angry that he jumped up and down, he happened to come to the judges' seats.

"Professor Karkaroff, in fact, the Australian White Eye is the best-tempered of the five fire dragons!" Charlie said bluntly, "If your student hadn't angered it with the Eye Spell right at the beginning, it would be the easiest fire dragon to deal with."

He never had a good impression of the unreasonable Karkaroff, so he didn't leave much room for his words.

"On the contrary, the Chinese Fireball is one of the best among the five fire dragons in terms of flame temperature, physical strength and temper. Except for the Hungarian Horntail that has not yet appeared, it is definitely the most difficult fire dragon!"

"Listen to my advice, Professor Karkaroff. The different ways the warriors deal with the fire dragons ultimately determine the different difficulties we see!"

Charlie stared at Karkaroff's eyes and spoke word by word.

After listening to Charlie's statement, Karkaroff's face was a little stiff, but he was still unwilling to let Krum get the lowest score.

"Empty words are not enough. Who can't speak with just their mouths..." His confidence was a little weak, but he was still stubborn.

"Enough, Karkaroff!" Barty Crouch, the director of the International Magical Exchange Department, who had been silent on the judges' seat, suddenly looked at Karkaroff coldly, "How long are you going to make trouble? Do you really want to ruin this game?!"

Karkaroff shivered unconsciously when he saw Mr. Crouch's cold eyes.

As a member of the Death Eaters in the war thirteen years ago, his fear of the iron-blooded director of the Law Enforcement Department at that time has not diminished much. Facing Crouch's cold eyes, Karkaroff did not have the courage to raise any objections for a while.

Crouch saw that Karkaroff stopped talking, and raised his scoreboard with a cold face-"10 points".

Next, except for Karkaroff who was not convinced and only gave 5 points on the grounds that John's dance was not beautiful enough, the other judges gave John 10 points.

In the end, John got an excellent score of 55 points, ranking first at present.

"Ludo, continue the game." After the scoring was completed, Crouch said to Bagman with a cold face.

He immediately regained his indifferent expression and looked at the stadium indifferently.

"Ah, ahem... OK, let's invite the next warrior to come on stage!" Bagman nodded quickly and shouted to the tent at the edge of the stadium.

"This is the last warrior to come on stage, Harry Potter from Hogwarts!" Under the effect of the amplification spell, his voice spread throughout the stadium, "Mr. Potter will face a Hungarian Horntail--"

"This species of dragon is huge in size, has a high flame temperature, and has a very bad temper. It is widely recognized by dragon trainers as the most dangerous dragon... I have to say that Mr. Potter's luck is not very good..."

Harry walked towards the stadium with mixed emotions in the voice of Bagman's commentary.

He knew that John Kowalski, who was ahead of him, had finished the game, but he didn't know what happened later, so he waited in the tent for a long time.

The long wait almost drained his courage.

Harry walked through the entrance of the tent and outside, his inner tension increasing little by little, reaching an extreme level.

Finally, he walked onto the field and saw everything around him, like a vivid dream - hundreds of faces looked at him from the stands above, as if they were watching a drama of life and death.

At the other end of the field, the Hungarian Horntail loomed.

It crouched low, guarding its nest of eggs, its wings half folded, its fierce yellow eyes fixed on Harry.

The Hungarian Horntail was huge, covered with black scales, with yellow eyes and bronze horns.

Seeing Harry approaching slowly from a distance, it twisted its spiked tail violently, leaving several meters of pits and bumps on the hard ground.

There was a roar of noise from the audience, whether these voices were friendly or malicious, Harry had no way of knowing, and no longer cared.

Now he had to do what he had to do...

He raised his wand-

"Accio Firebolt!"

Hearing Harry's Accio spell, Dracula's sight passed through the many obstacles and glanced at the willow tree outside the auditorium where Ron had hidden his broom before.

He saw that behind the willow tree, an exquisite flying broom suddenly floated up, and then quickly flew towards the semi-finals arena.

It nimbly bypassed the surrounding thick trees, passed through the rows of seats in the auditorium, and flew over the setting sun that was gradually rising in the sky...It was getting faster and faster, and then it suddenly stopped and was steadily caught in Harry's hands.

"Look! Mr. Potter has cast a spell, that is... the Summoning Curse!" Bagman's voice resounded throughout the stadium, "Potter has got a flying broom, my god, what an incredible idea!"

"I remember, Mr. Potter is the youngest seeker at Hogwarts, and within three years of attending school, he has made great contributions to the Gryffindor Quidditch team winning two of the Quidditch Cups..."

But Bagman's voice was almost not heard by Harry, holding the broom tightly in his hand, he now felt more relaxed than ever before.

He raised his leg to step onto the flying broom, kicked the ground, and flew into the air.

Harry circled up quickly, the wind blew his hair, the audience below turned into indistinct little people, and the huge Horntail shrank to the size of a dog.

He suddenly realized-

What he abandoned was not only the ground, but also his fear... He returned to the place where he was like a fish in water...

It was just an alternative Quidditch game, that's all, the Horntail was just another tough opponent team.

Harry looked down at the nest of eggs protected by the dragon and made out the golden egg, which gleamed among its grey companions, lying safely between the dragon's front legs, like a golden snitch in a competition.

"Good," Harry said to himself, "a diversion, plus a Wronski feint... come on!"

He dived, and the Hornet's head swung with him.

Harry knew what it was going to do, so he stopped diving in time and leaped up. A ball of fire burst out, and if he didn't avoid it in time, he would be sprayed directly.

But Harry didn't care, just thought he was just avoiding a Bludger.

"My God, he flies really well!" Bagman shouted, "Did you see that, Mr. Krum? It's a pity you didn't think of doing this..."

The audience was also screaming and cheering, Harry's Gryffindor friends raised the "Harry Potter" flag, and two little wizards in Hufflepuff wearing funny lion head hats cheered for Harry.

Even students who didn't get along well with Harry couldn't help but be amazed by his actions. Even some Slytherin students couldn't help but wave the flag with Harry's name on it...

Of course, they forgot that in addition to the name, there was also the word "stinking shit" written on it...

After a series of pulling and testing, Harry's arm was scratched by the sharp and stinging tail of the Hungarian Horntail, but everything went smoothly.

The Horntail was successfully angered by him, and it spread its wings and pulled the chain with a clanging sound.

At the same time, Harry rushed to the nest of eggs at lightning speed, released the Firebolt, and freed his hands-

He caught the golden egg accurately, just like he caught the Golden Snitch countless times.

Immediately, he "whooshed" into the air, flew away from the dragon, and hovered in the sky where the dragon couldn't reach.

The heavy golden egg was clamped under the uninjured arm.

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