Primitive Man

Chapter 20: Eva's past

In the heart of the peaceful morning, a blond woman stirred in her bed, slowly emerging from the embrace of sleep.

With a soft yawn, she stretched her arms above her head and let out a contented sigh. Her blond hair spilt across the pillow in disarray, framing her delicate features.

The room was suffused with a soft, golden light, casting a warm halo around her figure as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

The sound of running water echoed through the house as the woman made her way to the bathroom without even bothering to wear any clothes. The steam from the shower enveloped her as she stepped beneath the soothing spray.

"My lady, what should I make for the breakfast today? Little baby wanted to eat pancakes," The female servant, who was standing beside the half-transparent shower asked while looking at her master's sensual body.

Looking at the figure of her lady, she knew if she was into the same sex, she would be having an orgasm right now because of how beautiful this blond woman was.

"I'm not eating today, I have a meeting that I want to attend," Her voice didn't have any happiness, instead it sounded like she was desperate about something.

"Yes, my lady," As soon as she got her orders, the servant left the room with a sad look on her face knowing that her daughter would be sad to know about this.

Refreshed and rejuvenated, the blond woman emerged from the bathroom, her ass looking mighty with her towel barely covering her body. She moved with a sense of purpose as she opened her closet, revealing an array of neatly hung clothes.

She carefully selected a crisp white lab coat, the emblem of her profession as a respected doctor.

Dressed and ready for the day, The woman's gaze drifted toward the large window overlooking the street below. There, her daughter stood, a small figure surrounded by towering chauffeurs. The girl's eyes lit up as she caught sight of her mother, a smile as radiant as the sun itself gracing her lips.

"Oh~ she is all grown up. Maybe I should start searching for a good high school for her," The blond woman thought as she smiled at her daughter, which caused the little girl to almost run and hug her mother.

But this happiness didn't last long, as a sudden ringing tone pierced the air. The woman's hand instinctively reached for her phone, her expression shifting from maternal tenderness to professional determination. She glanced at the screen, her brow furrowing as she read the caller ID.

"I'm afraid duty calls," she murmured, her tone regretful. With a swift, graceful motion, she slipped into her heels and grabbed her bag.

As if choreographed, her car rolled to a stop outside, the driver waiting patiently for her. The woman's eyes flickered back to her daughter, who stood by the car window, a small, hopeful smile playing on her lips.

But looking at the text messages on her phone, she started to completely forget about her duties as a mother and turned into a full-fledged doctor.

The engine hummed to life as the blond woman settled into the plush seat, her thoughts already on the challenges that awaited her at the 'hospital'.

As the car merged into the flow of traffic, the blond woman stole one last glance back at her daughter. Their eyes met, and she clearly saw how her daughter's smile vanished into the thin air.

"Just a little bit more time, then I will be free from this project. If I succeed in this, my daughter will proudly be able to call her mother a genius,"

Little did she know that this day would bring not only the demands of her profession but also unexpected twists of fate that would challenge her in ways she could never have imagined.


"You're late! I'm ashamed to call you my senior," Another woman with the same clothes and black hair shouted, as soon as the blond woman entered the building that had a huge billboard named as Zenith Cooperation.


"It's not time for this, let's go. We are going to change the trajectory of the world today, I don't want to sour my mood fighting with you early in the morning,"

They both adjusted their scientist attire, making sure every detail was in place, and headed further into the building. The hallways were sleek and sterile, a testament to the advanced nature of Zenith Cooperation's work. Finally, they reached a heavily secured chamber.

Through the translucent glass, they could see rows of machines, each containing a child in what seemed like a state of suspended animation.

As they stepped into the chamber, the main head of the project, Dr. Fritz Maier, greeted them with a mix of relief and urgency. "Both of you, thank you for being here. We've received anomalous signals from the experimental subjects.

Something is happening, and we believe your expertise is needed to stabilize the power before it spirals out of control."

The blond woman's eyes narrowed as she observed the children in the machines.

"Finally, they have started to absorb the power of Chicxulub," Everyone was surprised to hear what she said. "Everyone, we are truly witnessing a life-changing moment, as long as I increase my power, these kids will become the gods of this world.

They will be able to freely control the flow of time and life. We will be creating artificial gods as humans. This is the peak of our Zenith Cooperation."

Everyone started to clap their hands, their faces a mix of awe and excitement as they gazed at the blonde woman who had just uttered these astonishing words.

The leader of the project, Dr. Fritz came forward with his face having a wholehearted smile, just imagining what their lives would be like after today. Suddenly he held the hand of the woman and raised it showing the power she had.

"All of this would have been impossible for us, if not for our project manager Dr. Erika Schneider. Right now, right here she will start the revolution of a new world and we will be the witness of that,"

Erika laughed at their words and suddenly said something unexpected that no one expected. "Just call me Eva like always, after all, we have been like family here.

no need for formality." She paused for a minute and looked at the cold sleeping chambers with a guilty look on her face and said her last words. "Let's do this"

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