Power of Creation

Book 2: Chapter 19

Book 2: Chapter 19

This is a world without any kind of video game mechanics. After my battle with Kida I found I was having some issue regulating my battle prowess, so I used magic to create a status menu, and adjusted them using numbers. However, I didnt want to be too powerful and accidentally kill someone or something, so using Kida as a base, I set my status a bit superior to her, thinking she likely represented one of the more powerful adventurers in this world.

Well, even if I did come across someone more powerful, I could always just use magic to make the difference, either by adjusting my stats or casting devastating spells. At least, that was my reasoning. However, the Goblin Queen seemed to cast a spell that absolutely subverted my expectation. I can no longer cast any more spells.

Unfortunately, my so-called status menu, not being a natural part of this world, could only be summoned and altered by magic. Once altered, it was a permanent change, but the altering itself still took casting a spell. A few moments ago I could have cranked my status as high as I wanted. Now, I'm just stuck with what I entered this battle with.

Of course, I had thought about the possibility of losing magic, which is why I have immunities to most status misalignments, a status that rivals any S-class adventurer, and phoenix-like skills that make death impossible, but moments prior I just bet the Goblin Queen Id win the dual. For all intents and purposes, I could still be knocked temporarily unconscious and loose.

Then just betray her afterwards and use the magic then? Its not like I'm honor-bound or anything, however, I have the distinct feeling that when I wake up upon loosing Id be bound by a slave collar or something that would prevent me from casting any spell except the ones approved by the Goblin Queen. If I lost this match, it could be very possible that I would spend the rest of my life as a Goblin Queens dog.

Suffice it to say, my concern in this event is logical and sensical, and not at all the results of mistakes or bad writing from a certain author. What? Dont like the fourth wall break? Well, it is my story, who am I going to blame, myself? Hah!

The point being, I only have the status I set prior to entering this battle and the skills I had deemed to add. Even my armor and sword were always summoned with magic, and I never actually created a sword with a solid form. They were more akin to the bound weapons spell in Skyrim, powerful, magical, and also temporary constructions of magic I cant cast now.

It isnt a completely desperate situation. I did add skills like swordsmanship and dodge. However, even having the skills doesnt mean Ive ever been in a battle where I had to put my life on the line. I immediately leap to the side as soon as the battle begins and swipe a sword from a nearby general. Unlike my opponent, my status still dominates her underlings.

A goblin is busy being balls deep inside one of the sex dolls when I race over and rip the sword away, cutting off his head before he can react. Like a chicken, he keeps going a few seconds afterward. His headless body continues thrusting into a doll giving full anal for a few strokes before finally falling to the side. Yuck the stuff of nightmares.

Speaking of being fucked in the ass, the Goblin Queens cruel smile widens as she waits for me to acquire a weapon. It almost feels like shes taunting me.

Let us see your resolve, mage! The Queen shouts.

As she speaks, her body blurs and she stabs at me seven times with her sword. I am barely able to deflect. It is only a single strike, but it seemed to simultaneously attack seven spots at once. It is definitely a cheat skill. It is a testament to my own high status and skills that I are able to block it. Suffice it to say, I am at the complete mercy to my skills, having no actual personal experience in a real fight.

As I leap back to create some room between me and the Queen, she looks down on me with a considering look. Im impressed. You are more than just a couple of spells.

And youre more than just a pretty face! As I said that, I take the initiative to attack in the next round.

The Goblin Queen lets out a laugh as she deflects my attack, my swords sparking with each exchange, little shockwaves being generated between my two weapons.

Im aware of my beauty. The Goblin Queen chuckles when I leap back to give myself room once again. My mother was so jealous of my beauty that she actually tried to kill me. She tossed her own baby daughter away, and left her to die!

Do you expect my sympathy? I snarl, my sword striking again.

She is tough, and since one of my hands is cut I am attacking one-handed. That hand is quickly growing numb after only a couple of exchanges. Her status isnt too far from mine. If there is a gap at all, it isnt steep enough that I can simply overpower an experienced warrior like her with pure brute force.

Not at all! Warrior. The Goblin Queen readies her stance. Ive merely found in you a worthy opponent. I thought some introduction is in order.

You can know my name as you deep throat my cock! I snap.

I was tossed aside as an infant! The Goblin Queen continues while ignoring my provocation. And I rose to become the Queen of all goblins.

Good for you...

My name is Shivra, the Goblin Queen, and I will be your new master, warrior.


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