Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Without the strength to confront a level six zombie, how could one possibly obtain a level six crystal?

Currently, zombies couldnt evolve to level six; only mutant variants existed at that level.

The power increase of mutant variants was completely irrational. Chen Luo was even afraid of running into a level seven mutant and having a stroke of bad luck.

But mutant variants had a fatal flaw: their lifespans were incredibly short. The greater the power increase, the quicker their deaths.

Some mutants only lived for one or two minutes; they would die on their own without needing to be killed.

Why mutant variants emerged wasnt clear to Chen Luo, even in his previous life.

When a mutant variant died, its crystal wouldnt disappear.

So, as long as luck was on ones side and they encountered a spontaneously deceased mutant variant, they could effortlessly obtain its crystal.

In his previous life, during the middle phase of the apocalypse, Chen Luo, going solo, had hit the jackpot when he stumbled upon the corpse of a king-level mutant variant and extracted its crystal. Thats when he had soared.

Otherwise, even with exceptional talent, a lone survivor would find it difficult to rapidly advance in strength, especially given Chen Luos prudent personality. How could he risk his life by repeatedly killing zombies?

No need to ask, Chen Luo also knew that Leng Chen was such a fortunate individual.

But now, he was reaping the benefits himself.

Leng Chen stared at his own hand in a daze. Where is my treasure?

Chen Luos expression turned amiable. This was essentially a bestowing treasure child. Unfortunately, if the crystals level were a bit higher, it would have been enough for him to directly advance to level five.

Chen Luo smiled and asked, How did you acquire this thing?

Leng Chen truthfully replied, I obtained it from a dead monster. That monster was over ten meters tall.

Chen Luo understood. Mutated zombies would grow larger when they reached a certain level. He had seen zombie monsters over a hundred meters tall.

Leng Chen continued, I know this is a crystal, but be careful. This thing is very weird. I absorbed a bit of it, and my body felt like it was going to explode. It was too terrifying.

I absorbed it once and didnt dare to do it again.

I thought that since Big Brother, you have vast knowledge and experience, you might know why.

Chen Luo smiled. Of course, he knew the reason.

Each persons ability to absorb crystal energy daily is limited. Absorb even a bit more, and the body cant handle it. Forcibly absorbing it can lead to vomiting blood or even death.

The power contained within a level six crystal is not only astonishingly vast compared to Leng Chen, but its quality is also excellent. Leng Chen simply cant control the amount he absorbs.

Absorb a bit more, and his body naturally becomes uncomfortable. He thought it was due to the crystal.

When Mi Ling was at the peak of level two, Chen Luo had to watch as she absorbed level five crystals.

Leng Chen recognized this crystal as valuable, but it had harmed him, so he didnt dare to use it again.

If he fully understood the reason, he probably wouldnt have given this crystal to Chen Luo in the first place.

Chen Luo wasnt the type to turn a blind eye to people. With this crystal acting as a token of goodwill, if Leng Chen wanted to join, it wouldnt be impossible.

Chen Luo asked, Whats your name?

Big Brother, my name is Leng Chen.

Chen Luo nodded, then turned to Chen Guang, Chen Guang, explain our rules to him. If hes willing to join, accept them.

As for testing him, forget about it. After all, without strength and courage, one wouldnt survive here for long.

Chen Guang grinned, Brother, youre lucky. Brother Chen is actually willing to take you in. Now let me explain the rules to you.

First, absolutely follow Big Brothers orders. Second, if you flee during battle, *crack*.

Chen Guang made a gesture of slicing his own neck.

Leng Chen wryly smiled. Are the rules this strict?

He had already handed over the valuable crystal. Would it be too much of a waste not to join?

Chen Luo wasnt concerned about whether they joined or not. Even if they didnt, would the crystal be returned to them?

Am I that kind of person? Dream on.

Chen Luo looked at the level six crystal in his hand with a smile. The power inside had barely diminished. The little bit that Leng Chen absorbed wasnt even worth mentioning; it was almost on par with a completely new level six crystal.

With this level six crystal and the level five fire crystal, he could advance to level five in about three days.

This was more than half a month faster than the original estimate.

Advancing from level three to level four resulted in a significant qualitative change in strength, while going from level four to level five only made that difference greater.

At level five, the overall strength would increase by at least twofold.

Currently at level four, he could only use short-range void travel once. However, at level five, he would have the ability to use it three times, significantly enhancing his survival capabilities.

The entire villa area consisted of a hundred mansions, and Chen Luos group, along with their resources, occupied less than ten of them. There were plenty of surplus rooms available.

Chen Guang led them to an assigned room.

Chen Luo purposely brought Rice along to observe them closely.

Though there was no apparent ill intent, he couldnt afford to be complacent. Wasnt it the same when Zhang Jingjing and her father arrived?

People are prone to change, and Rice couldnt detect loyalty.

The Thunderbolt King returned, nodding slightly towards Chen Luo as if to indicate the completion of the task.

After the apocalypse, Chen Luo felt that not only did the King awaken electric abilities, but its brain seemed to have mutated as well, making it much more intelligent than other dogs.

Otherwise, with only strength and no heightened intelligence, it would have long been overwhelmed or lured into ambushes.

But as the saying goes, the higher one climbs, the harder one falls.

Later in the afternoon, another group arrived, although not as numerous as Sun Daweis group, they brought some resources. Encountering Chen Guang and his team, they didnt provoke conflict and just left.

Chen Luo wasnt concerned. Those with malicious intentions would be given some time to evolve and reach level two.

Chen Luo remembered something and instructed Chen Guang, When more people come, ask them if there are any members with Light element or other supportive abilities in their group. If they are willing to join, accept them directly, or bring them over by force.

The Light element users were few, with only Mi Li and Wang Ling possessing those abilities. Depending solely on them wasnt sufficient for healing if more people got injured.

Having a few more would make a significant difference since supportive abilities were quite rare.

Loyal or Not, Chen Luo didnt really care. If necessary, he could treat them as tools.

For dinner that evening, they had rice porridge and steamed buns, with scrambled eggs and green onions as the side dish.

Among the collected resources, there were quite a few eggs. While eggs had a longer shelf life, it was still limited, and there was no need to save them.

In the pre-apocalyptic world, this might not have been noteworthy, but now it was considered a decent meal.

The group led by Leng Chen ate hungrily, relishing a proper warm meal after a long time.

Of course, the vegetables were not enough, so Chen Luo had Wang Ling prepare an additional portion for them.

After all, the six-level crystal provided by Leng Chen was quite precious, akin to offering allegiance with a valuable contribution. Chen Luo didnt mind treating them a bit better.

However, combat was still a necessity.

After dinner, Chen Luo provided them with a batch of first-level crystals. These were sufficient for Chen Luo, especially with the presence of the six-level crystal. Once he reached level five, Chen Luo, as a crystal hoarder, wouldnt need first-level crystals anymore.

Leng Chen thought to himself that the rules were indeed strict, but the treatment was genuinely good.

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