Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Chen Guang, something happened! Zhang Liang was injured by a zombie just now, and its a serious injury. Hurry, go and check on him, one of Chen Guangs companions rushed over anxiously.

Chen Luo and Chen Guang were in the middle of their conversation when this happened. Chen Guang was startled. Zhang Liang was injured by a zombie? Was it a horde of zombies?

It couldnt be true. Zhang Liang wasnt foolish enough to confront a horde of zombies head-on, right?

Leaving Chen Luo behind, Chen Guang hastily rushed to see how his companion was doing. Zhang Liang was standing at the entrance of the community, smoking a cigarette. A zombie was approaching him, but he didnt pay much attention to it. He planned to strike it when the zombie got close.

After spending a long time dealing with zombies, Zhang Liang had figured out their strengths and weaknesses. While zombies had great strength, they moved slowly. As long as he avoided their attacks and struck their heads a couple of times, they would go down.

Zhang Liang had become accustomed to it and wasnt afraid of zombies.

But unexpectedly, this zombie didnt play by the rules. Before it even got close to Zhang Liang, it launched a fireball towards him.

Caught off guard, Zhang Liang was astonished as he was hit directly. The fireball struck his chest, burning through his abdomen on impact.

It was a serious injury.

If it werent for his companions being nearby and saving him in time, Zhang Liang would have been done for.

What puzzled them even more was that the zombie, upon seeing so many people, actually fled instead of charging towards them as it usually would.

Rescuing Zhang Liang was the priority, so they didnt give chase.

But how could they save him?

Could this kind of injury be treated with ordinary external medicine?

Without timely treatment, Zhang Liangs life was hanging by a thread.

When Chen Guang arrived and learned about the situation, he felt a chill run down his spine. It turned out that there were indeed zombies, just as Chen Luo had mentioned, capable of using spells and displaying some level of intelligence.

They had been confined within the closed-off community, focusing on dealing with the zombies inside before venturing outside. They had yet to encounter any Level 1 zombies or even mutants. They had always believed that only the survivors possessed supernatural abilities.

Chen Luo approached, and Chen Guang clung to him like a drowning man grasping at a straw.

Chen Luo, is there any way to save my brother? Chen Guang didnt really think that Chen Luo could help, but in desperate times, one would grasp at any hope that presented itself.

Chen Luo nodded and called over Mi Li, instructing her  to use healing magic on Zhang Liang.

Chen Luo didnt say anything about them having to agree to become his subordinates in order for him to save Zhang Liang. Such action was worrisome.

A silver-white energy emerged from Mi Lis palm and entered Zhang Liangs wound. The wound began visibly healing at a rapid pace.

Chen Guang and the others watched in disbelief as Mi Li performed the healing magic. Did such abilities exist? Their team didnt possess it, nor had they seen anyone with such abilities before.

If they had this ability, why would they fear getting injured?

Mi Li cast two more healing spells consecutively, and although Zhang Liangs wound didnt completely return to its original state, new flesh grew over the entire area.

Zhang Liang, who was originally in a half-dead state, was now able to stand up despite feeling some pain. He was immensely grateful and thanked Chen Luo.

Chen Luo chuckled lightly, giving Chen Guang a meaningful look before leaving with Mi Li. The look was a reminder for Chen Guang to reconsider his previous proposal.

Unexpectedly, even at a critical moment, a level-one zombie appeared to help him. Could his words still be doubted?

Chen Luo shook his head. If they werent in need of more manpower right now, he wouldnt have gone through the trouble. He wouldnt have bothered to deceive them either. It was Chen Guang who sought his help, so it was up to Chen Luo to decide whether he wanted to accept him or not.

Currently, Chen Luos requirements were quite low. As long as someone followed his orders, dared to fight against zombies, and had decent talent and strength, he would consider accepting them. But once their numbers grew, he would require even better talent and strength.

Chen Guang sighed and exclaimed, I cant believe he was right. Zombies can really use spells. What kind of world is this? Its becoming impossible to survive.

He repeated Chen Luos words to the others, He said that we can join him, but we have to listen to him.

Zhang Liang was the first to speak, If we have to listen, then so be it. Though its hard for me to admit, he does have more ability than us.

Think about it, by joining him, we wont have to worry about getting injured anymore. We have a priest now, what is there to fear? Zhang Liang continued.

Everyone expressed their opinions.

From the way he looks, he must have known the secret of the crystals long ago. Damn it, there are so many of us, and it took someone else to tell us. Weve wasted so many days. He is indeed smarter than us, one of them said frustratedly.

I dont care. Im not smart enough, and even if I dont listen to him, no one will listen to me, one person said.

I dont care either. He has a lot of girls over there. As long as I can join, Ill do anything, another person added.

That guy, hes not just smart in the head. Even the dog he owned seems to be strong. I have a feeling that his strength might be terrifying, someone else commented.

Chen Guang sighed, I forgot to mention, he said that he could easily slaughter all of us even if we joined forces. I didnt believe it before, but now Im starting to believe it a bit.

A middle-aged man in his forties lit a cigarette and pondered, Technically speaking, we cleared the zombies in the neighborhood, and the supplies in the neighborhood were considered ours before.

Hes currently transporting supplies, and were the only ones who havent stopped him. If we dare to stop him, hell probably wipe us out on the spot, someone pointed out.

We had the idea of forming an alliance before, but this person is indeed stronger than us in terms of the big picture and strength. It wouldnt make sense for us to join forces and expect him to listen to us, another person added.

He was able to speak upfront and straightforwardly. I think this person is quite good. Our original goal was to stay alive, and having someone intelligent lead us is better than us fumbling around on our own, someone else expressed their opinion.

Ill be honest too, even if you guys dont agree, I want to join them on my own. At least the probability of surviving will be higher, another person said.

Chen Guang looked at everyone and realized that there didnt seem to be any objections. What was the point of discussing further?

Especially the three girls in the group, seeing so many girls gathering together, they had already started helping with the work.

Having directly betrayed their previous group, the women felt safer being with other women rather than a group of men. It seemed that joining was inevitable, as living with a bunch of animals was even more unbearable.

Chen Guang and the others rushed over, eagerly expressing their willingness to follow Chen Luos instructions. At first, they called him Chen Luo, but Chen Guang was quick-witted and immediately switched to calling him Brother Chen.

Chen Luo couldnt help but smile. Did his persuasion really work? Having more people on their side was definitely a good thing.

Though the decision was somewhat hasty and without much investigation, they had Rice with them, right? Chen Luos expression turned serious as he said, Alright, youre all welcome to join. I have two requirements: follow orders and you must have the courage to confront zombies. If you cant meet these requirements, dont blame me for turning against you.

The Thunderbolt King chimed in, agreeing with Chen Luo, saying, Thats right, I wont recognize anyone who cant meet the requirements either.

Chen Guang and the others nodded repeatedly. At this point, it wasnt convenient for Chen Luo to inquire about their specific information.

Alright, lets get to work together then. Since were forming an alliance, everyone can live together and take care of each other. Is it okay for everyone to move to my side? Chen Luo asked.

With Chen Guang and his group joining, the heavy trucks were quickly filled. Chen Luo planned to return to the villa area to unload the supplies and then make several more trips.

Chen Luo assigned Chen Guang and the others to continue the transportation while he led his original team back to the villa area. They had already cleared the area on their way there, so there werent any obstacles.

However, they noticed a few additional vehicles in the villa area.

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