Pokemon: Reborn As Ditto

An Very Unlucky Ditto

An Very Unlucky Ditto

"Want to meet the girl who brought you?", she asked.
I nodded eagerly. 
If she was who I guessed she was, it was a good thing. If not, who am I to deny seeing a female.
She picked me up, my body barely weighing anything anyway. 
I was thinking about what I should if it was her but then my mind got too busy thinking about the sweet boobies squishing me between them to pay attention to what I was planning.
*squish squish*
Nothing quite like boobies!
She was carrying me out of the infirmary, and I could feel her warmth radiating through her uniform.
My body relaxed by themselves, morphing around her chest. 
"Ditto," she muttered, clearly surprised by my sudden movement. I settled deeper into her chest, and her grip on me tightened in response.
Oopsie? She didn't mind hoho
As we walked out into the main hall of Pewter City's Pokémon center, Nurse Joy pointed to a girl with a orange hair- Misty.
"That's the one who found you in the forest," she said, as if that explained everything.
The said girl in question seemed to be arguing with another boy, who face was quite familiar to me. How couldn't it be, I just fucked his mom last night. 
In the corner I also caught sight of a burnt excuse of a bicycle thrown about. 
When my eyes locked onto Misty and her whole figure, and I let out a loud "Ditttoo!" without thinking.
It was my go-to phrase when I got excited or horny, which was, shame to say, quite often. 
Distractions aside, I want to say something.
Holy Hell Mother of a Fucker, I was neither expecting and was nor ready for this. 
This was not the early teen girl that had appeared in anime at all, no, this was easily over 15+ body Clad in pants that barely covered her big ass and top crop that left her toned stomach in bare view, this was...spectacular.
Misty's attention snapped towards me, her expression softening into surprise and then concern as she left the argument and walked toward us.
"Hey! You are okay now!?"she asked eagerly , her voice warm as the sun-kissed forest we'd left behind. 
"Ditto Ditto" I nodded. Nurse Joy also let me down on the desk as Misty came near. 
"Thank God, You looked so bad when I found you." Misty asked as she petted my head.
"Dit Dit?" I shrugged. 
Had the heavens been on vendetta against me for striking me with lightening while flying? Who knows...

I extended my hands forward, wishing to be picked up. I was in dire need of some loving. She scooped me up, holding me close to her chest like a precious treasure.
I couldn't speak, but that didn't stop me from thinking: Worthy of being my first crush in last life...
I gestured to Misty to come closer, my eyes fixed on hers.
She obliged, a gentle smile on her face. As she leaned in, I pecked her on the cheek, trying to play it cool.
Misty let out a delighted "Aww" and hugged me tighter, her arms wrapping around me like a warm blanket.
I took that opportunity to sink my claws into her chest, my hands instinctively seeking out the softness of her boobs. Ah, bliss! Boobies were the best, and Misty's were no exception.
Misty, thinking I was hugging her back, tightened her grip around me. "Aww, Ditto here appreciates someone's help rather than a certain somebody who borrowed my bicycle and left it in a ruined state," she said sarcastically. 

The boy, Ash, caught her eye, and I could sense a hint of frustration there. "Hey, I already told you I'm sorry!" he said defensively.

Speaking of which, he saw me, and his eyes narrowed for a bit and his expression changed to one of surprise
"Wait a minute... aren't you the same Ditto who came to my house yesterday?!" he exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at me.
I feigned confusion, tilting my head sideways and shaking my head negatively. "Ditto?" I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
Nurse Joy chimed in, a hint of amusement in her voice. "You may be mistaken, Ash. After all, nearly all Dittos look quite the same. Look, even Ditto doesn't recognize you." She nodded towards me, and I followed her cue, nodding my head in agreement.
Ash reluctantly nodded his head, thinking that it may be possible, and then shifted his attention from me to Nurse Joy, asking concernedly about Pikachu.
"To be honest, Ash, I'm a bit disappointed in you," Nurse Joy said, her tone stern but kind. "You should have taken better care of Pikachu. It was in a terrible state when you brought it in."
Ash's expression fell, and he apologized genuinely, telling a bit of what had happened earlier in the forest. Misty's expression also softened a bit on hearing the story, her eyes filled with concern for the little Pokémon.
Seeing Ash's expression, Nurse Joy's face softened, and she felt a bit of pity. "Don't worry too much, Ash. Pikachu's condition is stable now," she said reassuringly.
She went inside and brought back a sleeping Pikachu on a stretcher or big tray. "Aside from its injuries, Pikachu seemed to have been sort-of discharged because of using too much electricity and would need to sleep for a while to recover," she explained.
Wait a minute... isn't this different from what happened in the anime? I remember Pikachu being awake by now... fuck, don't tell me this is the butterfly effect? Damn, what a nasty bitch that is. My casual, carefree world was now spinning out of control.
Bloody hell.
I was just a cute horny Ditto, not some catalyst for change.
Just then, the sound of shattering glass filled the air. I looked up to see three figures dropping down from the formerly not-broken glass window on the roof, their uniforms a familiar sight.
What could a big fucking R on a uniform mean?
Thats right, its team rocket!
Everybody else was shocked at the unconventional style of entry, their faces frozen in surprise.
"Who the...?" Misty started to say, her voice trailing off as she took in the duo's dramatic entrance.
Why censor the cuss, dear Misty? Let you mouth be free as my desire for booties!

Leaving that aside, I found a new S-tier booty to look out for. Its name starts with J and if you guessed James, then don't let me find your ass. 
Jessie and James, the dynamic duo of Team Rocket, struck a pose, their faces plastered with confident grins.
"Prepare for trouble, and make it double!" they chimed in unison, their voices echoing through the Pokémon Center.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. These two were always so predictable. But at the same time, I had to admit it - their dramatic entrances always brought a certain level of comedic relief to the scene.
"To protect the world from devastation!" they continued, their voices growing louder and more dramatic.
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
The anthem went on, with Jessie and James striking pose after pose, their movements perfectly choreographed. I had to admit, it was quite the show.
Ash's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively reaching for his belt. "Team Rocket?"

What are you going to do Son, smite them with the motherfucking Pidgey?
"Surrender your Pokémon to us, or we'll take them by force!" Jessie declared, her eyes scanning the room like she was already counting her spoils.
Meowth, ever the opportunist, piped up, "And we'll start with all the injured Pokémon in the center! Like that Pikachu over there, for instance."
Everyone's eyes snapped to the Pikachu sleeping on the stretcher, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the little guy. It seemed that his situation had been more serious than in the anime, as it was still sleeping midst all this chaos. 
Don't worry rat, I got this. I will take over your role. 
Meanwhile, Ash stepped forward, his face set in determination. "You can't just take our Pokémon! That's not how it works!"
Jessie sneered at him. "Oh, poor little boy. You're still wet behind the ears, aren't you? This is how the real world works. The strong take what they want, and the weak get left behind."
I quickly transformed into a perfect replica of the Pikachu, except the bandages and injuries.
My body seemed to desire copying the injuries too for perfect mimic, but why the fuck would I mimic the injuries for god's sake.
Ahem, lets start.
The sudden shift in mass and texture seemed to have surprised Misty as her hand's grip suddenly loosened on my body. 
No worries girl, I forgive you, beauties are allowed to make some mistakes. Otherwise, how will the knight save them?
Landing gracefully, I looked toward the Team Rocket Trio, who were also looking at this new development in surprise. 
"Pika, pika!" I shouted, releasing a Thunder Shock attack at Team Rocket.
But something was off. I just wanted to give them a small jolt.
The Thunder Shock bolts struck the Rocket trio.
But the attack didn't stop at merely a jolt. It kept going, and going, and going. The power was increasing, and the color of the lightning was changing to a deep blue.
What the fuck?
I was losing control, and I didn't know how to stop it. The only thing I could do, which I did was remove the trio as target. They just fainted with stars in their eyes (Don't ask, its poke-magic)
I didn't kill them on their debut after all. And not to lie, can't waste a bootie.
"Misty, look out!" Ash shouted, as the Thunder Shock bolts started striking everywhere.
"Ditto, what's going on?" Misty cried, ducking for cover behind a nearby counter.
Nurse Joy joined in, "Everyone, take cover! This is getting out of hand!"
I was still trying to stop the attack, but it was like my body had a mind of its own. 
As the chaos continued, I caught a glimpse of the windows on the roof.
The sky outside was darkening, with clouds gathering at an alarming rate. This was getting out of fucking control, the only thing worst would be another lightning bolt dropping on my head
"Ditto, stop! Please stop!" Misty pleaded, her voice barely audible over the crackling of the Thunder Shock.
I had to do something. I focused all my energy and tried to transfer back into my Ditto form, which was a bit hard honestly. My body seemed to be locked, like it was struck mid-animation. 
Gritting my teeth, I began to think of the worst things I have seen. 
I collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion, as my body transformed back into ditto. 
The moment I changed back, the Thunder Shock bolts stopped, and the room fell silent. I lay there, panting and trembling, feeling like I'd just run a marathon.
Suddenly, without warning, a bright light filled the room, and I felt a strangely familiar sensation building up inside me.
The next thing I knew, a bolt of lightning came crashing down from the ceiling, striking me right on the head.
Motherfucker I was just jokinnnnng!
I felt a jolt of electricity course through my body, and everything around me went white.
When I came to, I was lying on the floor, my head throbbing with pain. 
I gazed up at the ceiling of the Pokémon Center, where the many broken glass windows offered a clear view of the darkening sky.
The clouds were a deep, foreboding grey, and I could swear I saw the outline of something massive lurking within them. A faint, glowing eye seemed to stare back at me, sending shivers down my spine.
Holy fuck, that was totally ominous.
Which motherfucking hornet's nest had I just poked this time??
But my questions were met with the silent groans of the Team Rocket members, who were still reeling from the unexpected attack.
Misty came running towards me, concern etched on her face. "Ditto, are you okay?"
I groggily nodded, trying to sit up. 
Honestly, I was feeling like puking. It was like someone had overfed me and just kept shoveling food down my gullet. I shook my head, still trying to process what had just happened.
Misty scooped me up, cradling me in her arms. I buried my face in her soft boobies, seeking comfort and reassurance. I needed some loving to recover from this ordeal...
As I snuggled into Misty's embrace, the clouds outside seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a bright, sunny sky once more. The sudden change was almost as jarring as the ominous feeling that had preceded it.
For now, I was just going to bask in Misty's warmth and try to forget the weird, unsettling feeling that was totally a foreshadowing some future event...
Hello Guys! So this was a 2.4k words chapter, very big for me, which I would have usually broken in 2 chapters, but this time I thought, let them enjoy. 

Also, I have a patreon. I post the draft for chapters there, so if anybody wants to read them in advance, feel free to check it out. I would also be grateful for the support. 
Link: /Abstracto_101

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