Pokémon Court

Chapter 144: Sabrina’s Inquiry

Chapter 144: Sabrina’s Inquiry

Looking at Kirlia, whose body was emitting the light of evolution, Terrances mood was complicated.

However, not long after, an unexpected scene occurred, leaving Terrance and Sabrina equally puzzled. Under the enveloping light of evolution, the radiance suddenly shattered, turning into faint light specks that disappeared on Kirlia.

Evolution aborted

Seeing the disappearance of the light of evolution, Terrance instinctively thought that evolution had failed

Sabrinas attempt to evolve Kirlia, after a successful first try, did not succeed the second time.

It says it doesnt want to evolve, Sabrina looked at Kirlia and spoke.

Doesnt want to evolve?

Terrance was somewhat surprised by this result, but quickly accepted it.


Kirlia shook its head, exerting considerable effort to break free from Sabrinas psychic powers catalyzing effect. Evolution was what Kirlia had hoped for, but the direction it took during the mutual interaction with Sabrinas psychic power made it hesitate.

Dont you want to gain more power? Sabrina asked, puzzled.

Ralts strongly resisted her psychic power this time, leaving Sabrina extremely puzzled.

Shouldnt evolution be the pursuit of every Pokmon

It wants to evolve into Gallade, and psychic power cant help it in this regard, Terrance said.

Gallade, Terrance had discussed this concept with Ralts before. Only with this evolution direction could it ensure that even if it still couldnt learn other moves, it would still possess combat capability.

If it accepted Sabrinas psychic power to promote evolution, it would evolve into Gardevoir, which was not what it and Terrance initially expected.

Sabrinas ability was horrifying, but she didnt understand Ralts situation. Sensing its flaws, she directly used the maximum power of psychic power. However, Kirlias will distorted the evolution process.

Thank you, Miss Sabrina. I think Kirlias next evolution might require the help of a Dawn Stone,' Terrance looked at Kirlia, who clearly remembered the Gallade growth plan he had envisioned, and did not hastily accept Sabrinas gift.

So, even though Sabrina had the ability to help Kirlia evolve into Gardevoir, Kirlia resisted it with its body and will.

Can a Dawn Stone help it evolve? Sabrina tilted her head, speaking slowly.

Its very special, but do you really understand it?

Youwhat are you worried about?

Sabrina said indifferently, Or do you not believe in my abilities.

Terrance was taken aback. Hearing Sabrina say this, indeed, whether a Dawn Stone could help Kirlia evolve was a puzzle. Unable to evolve normally, Terrance also dared not say for sure that using a Dawn Stone would definitely make Kirlia evolve into Gallade.

Understanding Kirlia Even many professors at the academy couldnt figure out Kirlias ailment.

As for Sabrinas suggestion, Terrance fell into deep contemplation, remaining silent for a long time before looking at Kirlia.

Did you comprehend a new move? Terrance stared seriously at Kirlias expression. However, before Kirlia could respond, he saw the melancholy in its eyes.

Then, Kirlia gently shook its head.

Still not possible Terrances forehead twisted into a tight knot. Sure enough, Kirlia still couldnt comprehend any new moves after evolution, just like before.

Youve seen it, Terrance was unsure of what to choose, Kirlia cant learn any moves, only able to use Teleport.

If it evolves into Gardevoir, its type will shift towards the mental aspect, and its agility will significantly decrease.

If it still cant learn new moves at that time, its situation might not differ much from Ralts.

After Terrance finished speaking, he thought Sabrina would understand, but he was wrong. Sabrina completely ignored his words, instead focusing on Kirlia.

Youre underestimating it too much. Even an ordinary person can master psychic power through long-term training. However, most peoples aptitude limits the level they can reach, and they may never achieve the ability to control objects with psychic power throughout their lives.

But Psychic Type Pokmon are different. They are natural psychics. Even without human guidance, they can master psychic power to a level that most humans cant compare to.

Are you saying Kirlias inability to learn psychic power is not a matter of aptitude, and this defect is something you can cure?

Terrance hesitated. If anyone else said this, even a Senior Breeder, he would doubt it a bit. Even a top Breeder, in the end, is just an ordinary person with mortal eyes. However, Sabrina

She couldnt be judged with the term ordinary person. If the legends about her were not wrong, she is a humanoid Pokmon, and only such a person had the ability to oversee the Gym of a city as large as Saffron City.

A Psychic Type Pokmon that cant use psychic power; its worth training Sabrina suddenly revealed a smile as she looked at Kirlia.


Involuntarily, Kirlia shivered and turned to look at Terrance with a questioning gaze.

Its expression didnt seem worried but more like struggling. Looking at Terrance, Kirlia had a feeling of being at a loss.

Terrance almost forgot how strong Ralts desire for strength and the eagerness for battle were at that time, even if it could only train the Teleport move, it would tirelessly repeat it until exhausted.

For Kirlia now, this was a great opportunity as it wouldnt have to worry about learning attack moves and sword techniques that it may take years to master after evolving into Gallade

Sabrinas suggestion, all it needed to do was accept it, then it could evolve into Gardevoir, and receive assistance from a human with the highest psychic power mastery in the entire Kanto Region.

Even with its physical defects, there was a good chance they could be resolved by the mysterious psychic power of the other party, restoring its original grace.

Having helped Ralts with so much training and effort, now that it had evolved into Kirlia, it was a small step towards success. However, whether it can truly fulfill Terrances envisioned path, evolving into Gallade and becoming a master of swordsmanship and courtesy through day and night training, is still uncertain. Compared to Sabrinas suggestion, it lacked persuasiveness.

In comparison, Sabrina, as a psychic and the Gym Leader of Saffron Gym, held more authority in her words than Terrance. She also seemed to understand Kirlias situation better than Terrance.

Make your decision, Kirlia.

Terrance said.

This should be Kirlias own choice. Terrance wasnt even considered Kirlias Trainer; he could only be called a temporary guardian, with no right to make decisions for it.

Even if he could, Terrance would still respect Kirlias choice.


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