Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 966 The Value of Time

Chapter 966 The Value of Time

"Hey, I just asked you a real question and now you're just assuming things."

Aika glared at him and said, "Am I?"

Kisuke raised his arms in surrender, "No matter how big my guts are, I won't be going there myself. I'm reckless, but not that reckless."

Aika gave him a doubtful expression. She knew he wouldn't lie, but that doesn't mean he'd tell the truth either. But even after thinking about it, she couldn't figure out what he was planning and there would be no way to pry the truth from him if he really wanted to keep it. Sighing, Aika gave up, "If you're going to do something reckless, at least let me in on it."

"If I get a chance, I will." Kisuke then found a chair and sat on it, "But you guys are also busy with your own things and they're important stuff that's allowing me to move around freely.", he added after seeing her pout, "So stop thinking that you're not helping me. I can only do the things I do now because of you guys. Thank you."

Aika suddenly felt strangely embarrassed when she received his gratitude and immediately turned around, "O-oh... Is that so? It's reassuring to know that we're making a difference. By the way, why are you here?"

"Akeno asked me to get you out to attend Ex's first birthday."

Aika turned to him again with a stunned expression, "Already?"

"Yep. I'm surprised too. Time really goes by in the blink of an eye. I'm used to it though. Once you've stopped thinking about the time you lived as a normal Human, you'll also stop thinking about the time you have to spend on something unless you urgently need it."

Aika stared at him for a moment before returning to her work, "That sounds reassuring but also horrifying at the same time. Long life is good, but it also looks like it devalues time too much."

At this point, everyone very close to Kisuke had already figured out that he and Yoruichi might have been older than they look. A lot older, in fact. However, none of them pointed that out as it didn't really seem very important, and if they wanted to hide it, then there really was no need to confirm it. What's important is that they knew Kisuke and Yoruichi as they were and not their history.

This is also the reason why Kisuke was already comfortable talking to them like he has prior experiences that shouldn't be possible and not in the guise of a 'genius'.

"I have a differing opinion, but that's also fine. In the end, it'll be up to you how you're going to spend your time." Kisuke then stood up and started walking towards the exit, "I'll pick you up in a week."

But before he could leave, Aika remembered something and immediately turned around, "Oh, and speaking of Ex, you should prepare yourself. Though I think you did that long ago. I'm just reminding you in case you forgot."

Kisuke's step froze and he slowly turned around. It's not something bad but it's an issue that he's trying not to think about, "...About what again?"

Aika narrowed her eyes before a teasing smile emerged on her face, "You do know what's going to happen when Yoruichi comes back, right?"

Kisuke shuddered but immediately sighed, "...I have an idea... All I can say is to take it easy on me."

Aika smiled widely and happily while watching Kisuke leave and thought, 'Even though you can go against the whole world, there are really just some things you can't deal with.'

During these past few years, it's inevitable that they'd advance their relationship with Kisuke. However, during this time, they kept a small distance from him, not because they didn't want to go any further, but because they respected Yoruichi too much. As the 'First Wife', Yoruichi should be in the lead as the head of this 'Household', but because of the barrier that Kisuke had conjured, she was separated literally worlds apart.

So even though they got closer to Kisuke, none of them actually crossed the final line, even Sona and Kuroka who'd both basically set sail long ago.

Although Yoruichi herself didn't really mind it, they still took it upon themselves that none of them will go beyond the line because they felt that it'd be incredibly unfair to her.

However, that doesn't mean they didn't feel any desire. In fact, they were filled with it and it became a raging inferno when they heard the news that Rias was pregnant with her first child. Kisuke also didn't mind what they were doing, but as the years' passed by, a hint of fear for the future emerged. After his reunion with Yoruichi, he didn't know what was going to be left of him after the 'rabid dogs' were done with him.

Still, they agreed on one thing. No children.

To some extent, Kisuke's cautiousness rubbed off on the girls, and right now, they were too insecure to have any children of their own.

Reaching the ground floor once again, Kisuke sighed, 'Oh well, what's going to happen is going to happen. I already spent my whole life's luck just meeting them.'

As he stepped out of the building, he looked up to the sun with a serious expression, '...Finally, I'll be able to go through it. I should stay there for a while to actually prepare myself. But before that, I should do that... Thanks to these Evies, I should be able to fool Chaos. I hope that it works.'

Aika told him not to be reckless, but as long as he doesn't go himself... Or at least not all of him, it should be fine.

With a new goal in mind, Kisuke made his way toward the Mars base once again.




A week later, Aika and Kisuke arrived elbow to elbow at the Gremory Mansion. But instead of taking the front gate, they walked around to the side and were greeted by a maid, "Kisuke-sama, Aika-sama, we've been expecting you. Thank you for coming."

The maid led them to the inner parts of the mansion and although they just arrived, the maids were already busy cleaning up since the main program had already ended and people were already going home.

Kisuke and Aika choose to come this time to avoid trouble with the other guests.

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