Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 892 Devil-Magician Pact

Chapter 892 Devil-Magician Pact

Half an hour later, Kisuke, Issei, and Vali returned without much change in their demeanor. Rias, however, noted sweat on Issei's forehead and thought, 'Were they doing some physical activities?'

Rias secretly called one of the servants that are closely stationed in the room they used and asked if there was anything noteworthy that happened. As the servant answered that he only heard silence, a few questions popped into Rias' head but she didn't think about it any further, 'If it was something important, he'll talk about it with me.'

The three of them then joined the lively discussion and no one asked them what they talked about.

As soon as Kisuke sat down, however, Le Fay excitedly raised her voice to him, "Kisuke-sama! Instead of bringing Riveria-sama to Grauzauberer, please let me bring her to Golden Dawn instead!"

"The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn?" Kisuke thought about it for a moment, "Isn't that the famous but relatively new Magician Organization?"

"Yes! It's the organization where I came from!" Le Fay answered with shining eyes, "From the discussion just now, I figured that Riveria-sama's main interest in Magic lies in the modern subject and I can safely assure you that we won't be behind any other organization in terms of our study and advancement in that field!"

"But it was already arranged for her to attend Grauzauberer. She even has Serafall's endorsement."

"That may be the case, but please consider it. While Grauzauberer is indeed a great one with a long history, their main subject is occult. It's a great subject but interest is as important as aptitude, and maybe even more in some cases."

Kisuke went silent and looked at Riveria. Riveria, on the other hand, could only shake her head since she didn't really know anything and could only follow his opinion on this matter.

"And if it's Serafall-sama's endorsement, it'll work as intended in the Golden Dawn! As a matter of fact, they invited me over to become a mentor and if you'll allow this, I could become her exclusive mentor! No offense intended to the great Devil, but I doubt Mephisto-sama could give the attention you wanted from him. He's a busy man, after all."

Vali nodded as he added to her sales pitch, "I also can assure you that she can be a better mentor than even Mephisto Pheles' right hand, Laviana Reni. She's a genius for a reason."

"The Ice Princess, huh..." Kisuke muttered. But while what they were saying was reasonable and even enticing for someone in Riveria's situation, he couldn't understand their insistence and instead asked, "What's in it for you?"

Le Fay's cheerful expression immediately changed into a serious one and bowed down, "Please sign a Devil-Magician Pact with me, Kisuke-sama!"

As soon as everyone heard this, an audible sigh could be heard and Kisuke turned in Ravel's direction, "As expected. It was him you wanted to enter a pact with."

"Oh? You wanted to make a pact with her?" asked Kisuke curiously.

Ravel immediately shook her head, "Not quite. I wanted Issei-san to sign a pact with her since she's the greatest candidate I could think of. And when we asked her about this, she refused and said that there was already someone in her mind. Le Fay-san didn't tell us who it was, but we could easily guess and it was confirmed just now."

'If I recall correctly, there are three main reasons why a Magician would make a pact with a Devil.' Kisuke tried to pull out the information he saw in a book once about this topic.

Protection. The first is to use them as a bodyguard. When the time comes, having a powerful Devil behind their back will allow a magician to talk with their opponents if they are caught up in a quarrel.

Second is Information. Magicians make pacts because they want to attain the techniques and knowledge of Devils. To make it clearer, the technique standards of the Underworld. These things will play a large role when Magicians do their research. Also, by making a pact with a Devil, they will be allowed to get items or resources cheaper by having an equal exchange.

Lastly, Public Eminence. They make a pact with a Devil for their own status. Making a pact with a powerful Devil will bring great fortune and success to them.

"Information, is it?" Kisuke muttered to himself while still thinking about Le Fay's offer.

Le Fay thought that he was thinking that she was only after his techniques and technology, so she pulled out a book and a handheld monocle from her inventory and passed it to Kisuke, "Please take a look at this."

Kisuke received the book with a brown cover without anything written on it and the monocle. He first curiously opened the book and was greeted by unknown characters that he hadn't seen before. From that point, Kisuke was able to guess the function of the monocle and placed it in front of his right eye to view the book. As he expected, the gibberish letters were transformed into the familiar English alphabet.

While browsing through the book, small talks began around him, but not with Le Fay and Riveria, who were waiting for him to finish.

Kisuke spent a quarter of an hour going through it and sighed, "Do you have any idea... what this entails?" Kisuke's pause was him stopping himself from saying 'the danger this poses'.

Le Fay nodded, "Of course. It's the reason why I created the original encryption on it and only used it this one time."

Kisuke and Le Fay's exchange gathered everyone's curiosity once again but the former ignored them, "Who else knows about this?"

"No one else, even my closest friends and family." Le Fay gave an answer that widened Vali and Arthur's eyes.

"But why give it to me?"

"To show you that I can offer you something in this pact."

'You just gave me an offer that I'm not allowed to refuse.' He wanted to say it out loud, but he was concerned about how the others would react and he wanted to downplay the situation even a little bit.

The book he received contained a certain Teleportation Spell. But it wasn't the normal transposition Magic that uses and locks into coordinates to transfer. Instead, it's used to target a consciousness or mind, which is much more abstract than souls, to make a successful transfer.

To explain how it was any different from normal Teleportation Magic, one has to first know about the ways to prevent the Magic from being cast in the first place which is largely divided into two categories, Space Lock and Space Misinformation.

The first one, Space Lock, was easier to use since it's basically just reinforcing the information of space through a barrier so that no changes could be allowed to it, making a transfer essentially impossible. However, as easy as it was to set up, it only needed brute force to break through, so it was only used to lock down a certain area temporarily.

To permanently secure a location from transfers, the second category is used in tandem with the Space Lock. From the name itself, Space Misinformation hides the area through a barrier that causes chaos in space. If there's an attempt to teleport into that protected space without resolving and calculating the correct values needed to teleport, the teleport could find him or herself stuck somewhere unknown, or worse, the Dimensional Gap where most living beings could only survive for a few seconds before they forcefully decay and get subsumed.

Even Kisuke's Mars Base was secured through a Space Misinformation by placing the entire place in the realm between the real world and Dimensional Gap which is small, but also infinite. As a result of this, anyone could only teleport in and out of it through a previous place 'incomplete solution' and that's the teleportation platform in it.

To complete the solution, the other half of it was embedded in his own soul's right arm which he used to take away Lilith's coffin. If his arm were to be severed or he becomes unconscious, the key will rearrange into something unintelligible.

However, Le Fay's Teleportation Magic bypasses that misinformation entirely and as long as someone's consciousness was marked by this Magic, the user could easily teleport to the target's side.

While the book is missing the crucial parts and it's obvious to Kisuke that Le Fay is still refining the Magic, if completed and learned, it's quite possible that most if not all barriers that could trap him or her would become ineffective as long as someone marked is outside of it.

'I can't refuse this because of the risk of someone else getting ahold of this ridiculous Magic. Not until I could devise a countermeasure against it.' Kisuke looked at her again, who was patiently anticipating a positive response, and thought, 'Nope... She doesn't understand the full potential and dangers of this Magic since she readily showed this to me without any signs of working on a counterspell.'

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