Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1082 Negotiation with the Devil King

Chapter 1082 Negotiation with the Devil King

Kisuke set aside his time for everyone and had a one-on-one date with each of them. When he started inviting them out, they were pleasantly surprised that he initiated their outings but this also made them realize how they were going to 'disappear' this time.

When they arrived in the Dungeon World, communication between the two worlds was immediately established so it didn't feel that far. However, Kisuke explained to them that when going into a totally different dimension or even timeline, direct communication might be impossible. So when they are gone, it'll be unknown when they'll be coming back and there's no way to know what's happening on their side and vice versa.

Ten days later, Kisuke was finishing up his preparation and the gate they'd be using when Tiamat suddenly started talking to him, [Would it benefit you if those faction leaders were freed from containing Trihexa?]

Kisuke stopped what he was doing and answered, "It'd be great if they could do something else other than wrestle with that beast."

Even though her interaction with this world was short, Tiamat still understood many things just from watching Kisuke's point of view and one of the things concerning her was the existence of the Trihexa.

[I'll deal with it.]

"Understood. Let's go after I'm done here."




Within his office, Ajuka was having a rare break when one of his servants knocked on the door, "Sir, your guest is here."

"Let him in."

The doors opened and Kisuke entered after thanking the servant, "Good evening, Beelzebub-sama. I hope that I haven't interrupted something important."

"You're an important guest so you'll hardly interrupt anything." Replied Ajuka while pointing at the seat in front of him, "Would you like some refreshments?"

Kisuke sat down and said, "No, thank you. I won't be staying for long."

"That's a shame. I'd like to talk with you more."

Kisuke smirked at him, "Let's do that when we're ready to be more honest with each other. If we continue as we are now, we might just end up trying to kill each other."

Instead of being angry at his rude remark, Ajuka just chuckled, "Hmmm, that's true, isn't it? We're both tied to our own interests. Let's properly sit down when there's a common enemy or goal between us."

Like Kisuke, Ajuka doesn't believe that Etouldes were the good guys nor that it's impossible to talk to Evies. However, the two of them don't know each other's thoughts on who to side with and they don't have any intention of revealing any of their objectives this early. Whether they'll become enemies or stand side by side, it depends on the cards the two of them will be able to gather.

On Ajuka's side was the majority of the Three Biblical Faction Alliance and possibly Shiva and Indra, the recognized two strongest beings right now. Meanwhile, Kisuke essentially controls Ouroboros Academy and its faculty, Mount Olympus, and the reported Gods of the other world.

However, Ajuka, not even in his wildest imagination, would expect that Kisuke had already established a foothold in a certain corner of the universe and that his wife would be leading an attack from an entirely different frontier.

"It's really a shame... We could have been great friends." Ajuka sighed.

"Please, you of all people know that for individuals like us it would take a miracle to become friends."

"...I would like to disagree with you, but I can't deny that. People like us stubbornly walk the path we've decided on and don't want others interfering with that because of our innate pride."

'Like how Kurotsuchi, Aizen, and I would never get along.' Kisuke thought to himself before saying, "I will not waste your time so I'll just ask directly. What can you provide if I can make Trihexa settle down within its confinement?"

Ajuka raised his brows for a moment and the casual atmosphere around him entirely disappeared, "...How confident are you?"

[I can make him fall asleep for at least a few centuries.] Tiamat communicated with Kisuke.

"Confident enough that you won't be dealing with it for quite some time."

Ajuka frowned and went into a deep thought, "..."

"By the way, I won't be giving you time so I'm expecting an answer now."

"You aren't giving many choices here. If you give me a day or two, I'll be able to offer you more things."

"I don't care."

At that point, it became apparent to Ajuka that Kisuke didn't actually want a real payment for what he was offering, but he wanted him to reveal one of his cards, 'There's really only one thing I can promise him now and that might be what he wants...'

A minute of silence went by and Ajuka asked, "And if I go back on my word?"

"I know you wouldn't do that, but if it comes to that, I also have a way to go back on my word." Although he said that with confidence, Kisuke hurriedly asked Tiamat, [You can leave a bit of your power to wake it up if needed, right?]

[Don't worry. And while I don't have the ability to clear that child's mind, I can imprint the image of the first one he's going to bother once woken up.]

[Seriously!? I love you~!]

Ajuka thought that Kisuke was just bluffing but the latter suddenly started smiling maniacally and that sent chills down his spine.

"Ehem... I promise to reign in Indra and Shiva for 3 years."

"20 years."

"No. I don't have that kind of power. 5 years."

"I know you'll be able to figure something out. 17 years."

"You're giving me too much credit. 7 years. That's my limit. I don't want them aiming for my neck."

Kisuke stopped and thought about it for a few seconds before offering new terms, "15 years and I'll give you the technology that the Evies use to transport their forces. I think you'll be able to utilize that well."

"...What?" Ajuka thought he heard it wrong and asked again, "Do you mean that interstellar gate!?"

"I have its basic framework so you'll have to work on it for a bit to develop it further."

"20 years and I will not interfere with the Ouroboros Academy, tell me how you got hold of this information." Ajuka wanted to say that he'll form a friendly relationship with the Ouroboros Academy but Kisuke might not trust him on that so he had to dial back a bit, "If that's not enough, I'll also give you information about the Cross Times Kiss. I know you've been looking into them recently."

'The source of his information is much more important than the information itself. I have to know where his eyes can reach.' Ajuka thought to himself and even considered adding more to his offer.

However, Kisuke only smirked at him and said, "If you're in my shoes, would you agree to that?"

Ajuka leaned back and sighed, "...I took my chance."

Ajuka's head is aching right now because he discovered that Kisuke's reach is way further than he initially predicted. Extending his right hand, he continued, "15 years and I'll take that basic framework. It's about time we poke those not-so-friendly mechanical friends."

Kisuke accepted his hand, "Thank you for your hard work~! As a bonus, allow me to tell you about an ability that seems to be shared by the Evie officers. Almost instantaneous Magic Power conversion into another form of energy. Don't let your guard down~!"

Ajuka stared at him, who underestimated again, for a few moments before saying, "I really hate you."

"It's an honor~!"

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