Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 152 A Shocking Negotiation

The amphitheater had a pulse after Kaze declared he'd kill anyone who tried to leave or contact the outside world.

Soldiers looked to Kane and General Michaels, both staring at the soldiers with disbelief. While they had expected an invitation, they didn't expect the world to collapse or him to boldly threaten defectors with instant death!

Most Immortal Skye elites were also shocked. They had come to believe he was a good guy behind the mask, so his declaration was a shock to their systems.

"You're all here for another two days for our retreat." Kaze said, "Since the government and military expect you to be here, there is no need for unofficial communication with the outside world.

However, we're giving you forewarning because—"


Pandamonium instantly broke out, spreading through the amphitheater like wildfire.

"I do too!"

"We need to warn Malta!"

"Are you joking!?"

The emperor took a deep breath to contain his internal hellfire. "Everyone is free to leave here after the retreat, as promised. In the meantime, we are giving you forewarning because—"

"We don't want your excuses!

"Soldiers, fan out! That way he can't attack us all at once!"

"Get out of my way!"

Before Kane, General Michaels, or Carmen could react, soldiers began running to the north and south exits. However—


A roar mixed with a growl came from behind the amphitheater, making most soldiers freeze. They had heard that sound recently.

Crux slowly climbed on top of the half-dome, putting her paws onto the edge and lowering her body, preparing to pounce.


The massive shadow cat gazed upon the mortals with amethyst iris' the size of beachballs.

"W-What the fuck is that!?" A police officer yelled.

"Monster attack!"


Carmen and her officers, who hadn't seen Crux, began to panic. However, many ran into special forces soldiers standing like frozen statues. Some found themselves detained in chokeholds to prevent them from moving. Others ended up on the ground, knocked out cold.

The rest moved to the southside exit, where they were closest, while soldiers moved to the north, taking advantage of the confusion to escape. However, their escape got crushed instantly.


The police officers screamed in pain when ice daggers rained down from the heavens, curving to stab them in their thighs.

When everyone turned to the officers, they realized they were sparkling. They reflexively looked up and immediately gasped in terror.

Hundreds of ice daggers floated above them, reflecting the sunlight like a chandelier.

The soldiers butchered by Evalyn's flying weapons yelled for everyone to stop moving, pleading not to experience it again. Last time they left with viciously broken bones; this time, they'd all die gruesome deaths.

Every insubordinate soldier panicked, thinking the emperor would kill them for attempting to flee, as he had promised. In desperation, they pulled out their pistols, threatening to go on a massacre. However—


All those who pulled out weapons or prepared a cultivation technique felt a sharp pain shoot through their legs, and they fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Everyone looked to the outer walls and saw the head elites standing with guided arrows drawn, ready to fire. It took only a glance to know they were surrounded.

The amphitheater's pulse thumped, picking up the pace. Adrenaline pumped through everyone's veins, and the world slowed down.


Time returned to normal when the emperor clapped sharply, breaking them free from their panicked states. "Maltians! If you have the healing technique—use it.

Everyone else, use your tranquility technique. Put your practice into use!"

All the soldiers who fought were elites, so they snapped to attention and ran to the north and south after a few signals, healing people at a rapid pace.

Likewise, the soldiers put their tranquility technique practice into work, and everyone calmed down within a few minutes.

"You have got your warning—there will not be another." The emperor declared coldly after they finished, "So take heed of what you've seen.

Anyone attempting to make [unofficial] contact with the outside world will be punished by death."

Waves of anxiety cut through the temporarily calmed soldiers. The atmosphere instantly multiplied, becoming intense again.

"In a moment, Evalyn will take everyone to mansions to rest in." Kaze announced, "During that period, your leaders will negotiate on your behalf.

Immortal Skye has offered you citizenship and provided training, resources, and hope for your loved ones.

We've done enough to aid you. So do not trample upon our benevolence, as I lack patience and sympathy for irrational [guests]."

—June 5th, 2032 | Conference Room—

"The contents of our negotiation are top-level classified." Kaze announced chillingly, "I will meet a single whisper with swift capital punishment. Do you understand?"

Everyone's faces tensed up, including Evalyn's. His declaration was absolute and unforgiving.

Once everyone confirmed their understanding, he pulled out manilla envelopes and passed them to the leaders and cabinet members.

"Let's address the nature of our negotiation." Kaze said coolly, "Daniel gave you a list of 5,183 people during our initial negotiations.

Malta's military agreed to protect them in their military bases. I'm assuming you've been wise enough to uphold our terms, yes?"

An icy chill crawled down everyone's spines for varying reasons.

"Yes, we have." General Michaels dry-swallowed, "The people are split between five bases in Malta."

"Casualties?" The emperor asked sharply.

"As of this morning, 1,692, mostly the elderly, have suffered from Qi sickness for inability or refusal to practice cultivation." Kane said, sacrificing himself, "I hope you understand we've upheld our agreement, but things are bad on the outside."

The cabinet members winced after the news.

"I can tell. The results are better than expected; you've done well." The emperor nodded in approval.

"Thank you." Kane nodded, triggering a nod from General Michaels. Both sighed breaths of relief, addressing the subject they dreaded most.

"Let's talk about negotiations." Kaze requested, "Tomorrow, I'd like you to pull every string available to move the remaining 3,491 people to Lainwright Military Base by tomorrow night.

I'll let you secure your and your soldiers' families at Lainwright in return if you do that.

I can demonstrate and release any technique imaginable to make it happen."

The military leaders took sharp breaths, stunned by the extremely taxing demand.

While Lainwright Military Base could accommodate 20,000 people, the emperor suggested bringing around 10,000.

It would require an abrupt change in military plans and an exodus of existing residents.

"To confirm, why must they be in Lainwright?" General Michaels asked sternly.

"We plan to retrieve them in the future, so we want them in one place." Kaze replied coldly, using a tone that sent shivers down everyone's spines, "My agreement with Malta ends the day it falls."

Kane joined the general in his sharp gaze. Since the emperor declared war, he planned to attack Malta's military regardless of the situation.

While they understood the need, his brazen disregard for Malta left a bad taste in their mouths.

"I assume you understand the risks of consolidating all your people in Lainwright, correct?" General Michaels asked frankly.

"There are no risks, general." The emperor countered instantly, confusing the man, "Malta is holding all of them as collateral.

The soldiers are likelier to take revenge or save resources by killing them if the groups are smaller, as their value decreases.

Therefore, keeping everyone together is much safer, as their negotiation value is higher. "

The room fell dead silent, and the atmosphere's pressure multiplied.

All the cabinet members learned their family members were alive a moment before. A moment later, they learned they were hostages, just as he had warned.

"Does that imply you're willing to negotiate for their lives?" General Michaels asked bluntly.

"Depends on your perspective of the word [negotiation]." Kaze prefaced chillingly, "If you're asking if we'll change policies to save their lives, then no.

Everyone in Immortal Skye thinks they're dead. If we coincidently find them alive, it will be a celebration for the fortunate ones. If they coincidentally die, no one will know."

Every cabinet member took sharp breaths after his statement. Knowing their families were alive worsened their anxiety and made them unjustly resentful that he wouldn't negotiate to save them.

They wished they had coincidentally saved their family members alongside everyone else.

​ As for Evalyn, she closed her eyes and cultivated to calm her emotions.

Kaze planned to save her mother but couldn't early without accepting her abusive father. That was a profound gesture that moved her more each day.

Moreover, he couldn't save her later because she took a freak vacation. That wasn't his fault.

If he had saved her after the fourth influx, the military would've targeted her mother as a hostage in the hospital or tried intercepting them en route.

He was genuinely not at fault for her mother's death. It was just fate.

Evalyn had to accept that harsh reality. However, she found it was easier than she expected because—

"Therefore, we will not negotiate with their lives." Kaze declared chillingly, "However, I'll massacre every soldier in all five bases if they kill or abandon them.

So if you consider that ultimatum a [negotiation], you're free to see it that way."

—she knew who he was now.

The emperor was a pragmatist who knew he couldn't guarantee the safety of those he cared about. However, he would slaughter anyone who harmed them without distinction.

Only Evalyn knew that Kaze Lexicon wasn't as cold and callous as he sounded—and that he was just as murderous as he claimed.

[A/N: I hope you've changed your perspective on Kaze Lexicon for the positive.

Kaze not saving families because he couldn't protect them from becoming bargaining chips wasn't popular with many readers. However, here's what that looks like.

Mundane, isn't it? The military didn't show up with special forces members to take their families hostage, bind and gag them, and demand ransom. Nope. Thousands became hostages the moment the military protected them.

Now, if conflict breaks out and resources become scarce, what do you think angry, stressed-out soldiers will do to the families of their enemies, eating and consuming their food?

It's a dull, depressing reality. However, Kaze is handling it like a boss in a way that other MCs wouldn't. I hope you appreciate that. Thanks for reading!]

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