Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 25: To Get an A (2)

Chapter 25: To Get an A (2)

The current hero was called Greenton, he was a warrior who used a giant sword. Lin Xiao always felt that he could see Greentons shadow in Caesar whether it was the outstanding moral character or the hot-blooded courage, Caesar was definitely the best candidate for the next hero.

If he hadnt crossed into this world, Caesar might not even have a competitor, eh? Lin Xiao thought.

But you are obviously stronger than Caesar, the hero should be the strongest human, isnt it? Elena squinted and asked confusedly.

Im not denying that.

Then why dont you want to become the hero?

Its because my dream is to become the reserve hero!

So, what is a reserve hero?

For a long time in the past, the sense of existence of the reserve hero was very thin, even Lin Xiao has forgotten what the current reserve hero was called, so Elena naturally does not know either.

After a lot of effort, Lin Xiao finally explained the concept of the reserve hero, and his ideal life of eating and waiting for death, but Elena still did not seem to understand.

With great power comes great responsibility, do you understand? I dont want to take responsibility, and I dont want to be cannon fodder on the battlefield, so I can only pretend that I have no ability, and then give the position of the hero to Caesar.

Then, what are you going to do after you become a reserve hero?

I want to find a gentle and beautiful girlfriend. Speaking of this, Lin Xiao paused and looked at Elenas eyes seriously, Sorry, youre the Demon King, we cant, its impossible between us.

There was an unknown fire igniting in her chest, but she didnt know how to rebut and could only pretend that she didnt hear and change the topic. Chantless instant cast, youre the only one among the students that can do it.

So, you definitely shouldnt run your mouth. Never let them find out.

Who taught you?


I dont believe you.

Umhow should I explain it. Lin Xiao scratched his head.

Perhaps Elena felt that his answer was too half-hearted, but it was true. In addition to his super OP skill of accumulating magic while sleeping, he has a very high understanding of magic. After all, he was a profound gaming otaku in his past life. Since there was no video games in Eileen, he put all that energy into learning magic. As a result, it got out of hand.

Those high-end magic skills were all recorded in Loran Academys library. For Lin Xiao, the incomprehensible theoretical knowledge in ancient books was more like a game guide, simple and easy to understand, the complicated skills that many people have difficulty mastering was as simple and convenient as adding a game upgrade to him.

Chantless instant cast was one of the skills he grasped first, he still had several tricks hidden under his sleeve

Im probably the so-called magical genius. Lin Xiao shamelessly made a self-evaluation.

Peh. Elena spat.

Suddenly, she seemed to have noticed something and turned to look in the direction of where the carriage was heading. After staring blankly for a few seconds, Elena suddenly bent down, stretched her hand out of the burqa and held the carriage tightly, fishing the preparation for an impact.

Although Lin Xiao didnt understand the situation, he was fully aware of the power of the human-shaped self-propelled magic detection radar, something must have happened up ahead! So he also copied Elena and held on to the side of the carriage.


Sure enough, following a couple of horse neighs, the entire team suddenly stopped and many students who didnt react in time almost fell out of the carriage. Elena and Lin Xiao were not affected because they were fully prepared.

Its Green Wolves! Everyone be careful! Woos shouted with a loud voice.

Demonic beast raid?

In the face of the demonic beast raid, the students panicked and sat in the carriage shivering, so much so that they did not even dare to look at what the so-called Green Wolf looked like.

I didnt expect the group to encounter trouble on the first day of departure.

The Green Wolf is a low-level demonic beast similar to a wild animal. They lived in the forest and relied on their dark green fur to camouflage themselves. Their individual combat power is very weak. Adults can wield a long sword and cut off their heads with a little training. However, Green Wolves never act alone. Their pack acted as one unit to hunt together and also fight together against the enemy. They relied on the group to make up for their individual inferiority.

According to common sense, the wolves will carefully send a few sentinel wolves to observe the targets movements before hunting, then dispatch troops to surround the target. They would ensure its completely safe before the collectively assault. But the group of wolves that they encountered today were following the road, running wildly from the distant horizon. They were running straight towards them as if they didnt care about their lives, it was very strange.

But it was not the time to think about this!

If the wolves rushed into their formation, the consequences were unimaginable. Even if there were no casualties, the accompanying supplies and horses will undeniably suffer!

The wolves must be stopped!

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Classmates, prepare fireballs, aim straight ahead, listen to my command! Without waiting for the carriage to stop, a blond boy jumped out first.

Caesar pulled out the broad-edged sword at his waist and stood alone at the front of the group. In front of him, tens of Green Wolves were rushing over, yet he was not afraid!

Fireball ready, the target is 90 meters ahead, fire! Caesar held his sword with one hand, who knows who he was talking to, but it was the order.

Which students have as quick of a reaction time as Caesar? Most people were still trembling in the carriage, only two or three students caught up with his rhythm and successfully released the fireball.

Including Caesars, only four pitiful fireballs flew out and fell on the open space 90 meters away from the front, but the effect was very good. The fireball descending from the sky slammed into the Green Wolves that were rushing at the front. Bang, a few unfortunate ones were struck on their head and rolled a couple of times due to inertia, they screamed a few times and never got back up again.

The wolves evidently did not expect the attack to come so fast, their momentum slowed. The first few wolves slowed down and looked around, as if looking for the source of the attack. Taking advantage of this gap, the students finally came back to their senses.

You idiots, stop blanking out, get off the carriage! Do you guys want to get an E? standing behind Caesar, it was Rosie.

She used a hairband to fasten her hair, her pink pony tail hung behind her head. She had a capable and experienced looking combat suit, she was a little less innocence and a little more. She followed behind Caesar and was the second student who had the courage to rush to the front.

What should they do? Should they fight? Or escape? Or wait for the teachers to save them? The students didnt know what to do. At this time, only Caesar and Rosie were clear on what they needed to do!

We cant let the wolves break through! Line up with Caesar in front of the group and prepare your fireballs!

Under the command of Adjutant Rosie, the chaotic students finally found their backbone. Under the provokment of getting an E-level evaluation, they jumped out of the carriage and consciously ran to Rosie and stood in a row, while nervously preparing the spell.

Sounds of messy magic chanting sounded. The Green Wolves were just tens of meters ahead! If the wolves got near, these magic rookies would get their necks bitten!

In the face of a sudden crisis, the nervous students could not even chant properly.


Fire wall No, F-fireb-b-b-b


Only a part of the students completed their magical chant and circuit formation, and successfully released the fireball. Although there werent many, but it was enough for this crucial moment. More than ten fiery red six-pointed star formations were formed behind Rosie, and her own.

Fifty meters ahead, fireball, fire! Caesar raised the sword and swung it down.

The commander I dont know who designated him. But, under the command of Commander Caesar, fireballs were released!

The number of fireballs was significantly higher than the first wave. More than a dozen fireballs smashed into the open space 50 meters ahead. Because there was not enough distance, only a few fireballs successfully hit the Green Wolves. Consequently, the wolves did not suffer damages.

But this was Caesars aim, the fireball that fell on the open space continued to burn, forming a fire field out of thin air, separating the wolves and the group!

This time, the Green Wolves momentum was completely contained, the wolves could only wander around the edge of the fire, and at the same time howling, but never dared to rush over.

Teacher Woos, shouldnt we quickly help

Wait a bit first. Woos waved his hand to stop the teachers that were about to rush up and help.

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