Pick Me Up!

Chapter 50: I’ll Let You Know Failure (5) (1)

Chapter 50: I’ll Let You Know Failure (5) (1)

Preparations for conquering the 15th floor were steadily underway.

Auxiliary weapons were provided to the three-party members, and their previously worn equipment was further reinforced. Outwardly, the three-party members seemed to be honing their skills just like us, spending extended periods at the training camp.

Arent you supposed to do something about this?

Eolka, who was running alongside, asked.

She seemed to have improved her stamina to the point where she could talk while running.

If they keep going like this, well get caught up. I dont know what, but you need to do something!

Let them be. But if you want to change parties, I wont interfere.

I dont want to go to join them. Theyre so unpleasant.

Then wait. Until the opportunity comes.

Have you learned enough about telekinesis power to use it?

Of course. Cant you tell?

Eolkas eyes lit up with a blue glow.

A sandbag placed in a corner of the training ground floated in the air.

She could even cast it on the move. The stat window also showed a skill called Lesser Telekinesis Power. It was a significant advancement from the first time she came here. Still, she looked like a mess when it came to fire magic.

I surveyed the training ground.

The members of Party 1 were running after me. Party 2 was conducting formation training on the left side of the training ground. Party 3, on the right side, was engaged in a training resembling combat. In a corner, a few 1-star individuals who couldnt fit in anywhere were awkwardly swinging swords.

An active group of more than twenty people.

The training ground, which had previously felt spacious, now seemed narrow. Free draws were also being conducted at intervals, and the waiting room was currently packed. It was about time to create a 3rd-tier facility.

But it doesnt seem like he has that intention.

After clearing the 10th floor, some facilities that were previously unavailable for construction had been unlocked.

However, none of them had been built.

I sighed and started my push-ups.

Members of the third party, led by Nokin, began to reveal their true colors, having realized that the Master favored them.

It was still minor behavior, like squeezing out an extra serving of meat or taking the sofa in the lobby, but if they succeeded in conquering the 15th floor, it would escalate significantly.

A few days later.

[Party 3, gather at the plaza!]

Iselles voice resonated throughout the waiting room.

Hehe, is it finally happening?

Nokin, who was striking a wooden doll at the training ground, muttered.

An undeniable thrill welled up on their faces.

Lets go. Anything special?

Winard cracked his knuckles.

His expression was overflowing with confidence.

Seems like the lower floors were manageable.

Since mission assignments were random, it was possible for a particularly easy difficulty to be assigned.

I think they dont know that a boss stage comes to every 5th floor. It was natural they didnt know since I hadnt informed them.


A sound like a tearing wind came from somewhere.

I turned my gaze.

An arrow was flying toward my left shoulder.

I happened to be in the middle of my shield and sword training.

Oppa, danger

I released the sword and caught the arrow barehanded.

My skin scraped and a bit of blood oozed. Simultaneously, a refreshing sensation spread through my mind. The familiar feeling of skill advancement.


[Han ()s Projectile Defense skill has increased to Level 2.]

Whats dangerous?


I flicked the arrow from my right hand and sheathed my sword.

Training ends here today. Weve got something interesting to watch, cant afford to miss it.

Come to think of it, it seems like Party 3 is heading out, Aaron said.

Youre going too?

If Hyung-nims going.

Me too, me too.

Jenna and Aaron folded their weapons.

Eolka was busy training with Telekinesis Power in the magic hall. We decided not to disturb her.

The plaza was crowded with quite a number of people.

Including support staff like Chloe and Enok. Id seen a scene like this before. It was when the Fangwolve was deployed.

Edis, who had arrived early, murmured.

No one was here when we went to the 10th floor.

Thats a good thing.

I took a seat on a bench.

Jenna and Aaron took their seats beside me.

[Here you go!]

Iselle, who had brought a cart out of the warehouse, threw potions to the members of Party 3.

Nokin accepted a glass bottle filled with red liquid. Following that, potions flew through the air. Three potions in total.

[Nokin () is equipped with Lesser Vitality Potion!]

[Weinad () is equipped with Lesser Vitality Potion]

It was hard to obtain these.

Jenna pouted her lips.

The ingredients for those potions were collected by us in the Weekly Dungeon. I didnt intervene in the potion-making process. Anytng managed to make only three after blowing up more than ten times. It was an expected outcome since we didnt have a professional alchemist.

To think theyd give away what weve obtained for our own use. The Masters really something.

If we need more, we can just gather more materials.


[Open, Rift of Time and Space!]


The door at the front of the plaza opened.

The two 1-star individuals who had been quite hesitant entered first. Then, the entrance of the three 3-star members began. Two went in, and Nokin, the leader, went in last.

Before entering, Nokin looked at me and said.

You, you jerk, you insolent jerk! When I come back, Ill deal with you. Ill complain to the Master and make a scene. Just wait and see, hahaha!

With those words, Nokin hurried inside as if escaping.

The door closed.


Hes quite the character, huh?

Edis chuckled, poking my side with her elbow.

Thats if you can come back.

I chuckled too.

Whether things would turn out as Nokin said, time would tell.

What happens if those guys succeed?

Aaron, who had been sitting quietly, asked.

He looked composed on the outside, but his gaze was wavering.

Breaking the 15th floor, you mean?


Well have to lift our strike. Since we could end up dead.

The possibility of Party 3 breaking the 15th floor wasnt 0%.

While the difficulty of the Pick Me Up system was generally challenging, there was a very low chance of an easy mission appearing. There were instances where a party sent out to die actually cleared the mission.

If it happens with a probability of less than 1%, then our protest would have been useless. Anytng would be convinced of his thoughts, and the need to listen to our demands will disappear.

If they do come back, do everything the Master orders you to do. Dont resist.

Of course, by then, Id probably be dead.

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