Pick Me Up!

Chapter 33: DPS (3) (1)

Chapter 33: DPS (3) (1)


Goblin riders zoomed past us on their wolves, kicking up a swirling cloud of dust that briefly concealed their presence.

There were approximately 27 of them.

When you count the goblins and the wolves separately, the total comes to 54.

The goblins, clad in sturdy iron armor, brandished crossbows and blades, while the wolves were massive creatures, almost resembling horses.

Looks like weve got some troublemakers on our hands.

Dealing with just one or two wouldnt be an issue, but facing nearly 30 of them was akin to a full-fledged cavalry charge.

The goblin riders, who had been thundering by, abruptly changed course and charged directly towards us.

What should we do?

Simple! Take em down!

Quick as a flash, Jenna notched an arrow and let it fly.

One of the leading goblins toppled from its wolf companion, crashing to the ground.

Of all the places, it had to be an open plain.

I couldnt help but frown. We were left completely exposed to the stampeding onslaught of the twenty goblin riders. Dust billowed around them as they raced forward.



The wails of the wolves mingled with the goblins cries, creating a dissonant symphony.

Well need a different approach here, something unlike our usual tactics.

Aaron, when you come face to face with them, sidestep and strike. Can you handle it?

Ill give it my best shot!

As for you

I turned my gaze towards Eolka.

Well deal with you later!

Suddenly, a bolt whizzed through the air, aimed directly at my forehead. Swiftly, I deflected it with my shield and spun around, unleashing a sweeping arc with my sword. The foremost goblins upper body twisted grotesquely as it was severed from its lower half. Rolling swiftly to the ground, I evaded the charging path just in time.

As the goblins raced past me, their blades swung perilously close. I parried with my shield, retreating a few steps.



With a piercing thrust, Aaron impaled a goblin with his spear, piercing its chestplate. At that very moment, a bolt flew towards the defenseless Aaron. Reacting swiftly, I cleaved it in half with my sword.

Jennas well-aimed arrow sent another goblin tumbling to the ground, lying motionless.

Using my shield, I deflected a bolt hurtling towards Jenna and spoke urgently.

Eolka! Cast your magic.


Dont make me repeat myself! Arent you a magician? Wipe them all out.

I need some time!

How long?

One minute!

The goblins launched a second charge. This time, a ferocious wolf lunged for my face. Reacting swiftly, I dropped to the ground, thrusting my sword into its gaping maw.

With lightning reflexes, I rolled once more, narrowly avoiding the trampling fury.

Cast it now!

Eolka frantically shook her head, her eyes closing.

La Gran Cedus.

A deep, resonant low note flowed from Eolkas lips as if it were expanding through the air.

A single thread of fire ignited beneath Eolkas feet, steadily growing thicker and twisting upward like a coiling serpent, enveloping her entire body.

This is magic.

The warmth radiating from Eolkas figure tickled my cheeks, a tangible testament to the power surging within her.

Given our limited range and maneuverability, Aaron and I lacked the means to launch a preemptive strike. It was up to Jenna, the skilled archer, and Eolka, the proficient mage, to make their mark.

Aaron, shield Jenna from incoming bolts. Let her focus on her shots.

Yes, sir!

With a swift motion, Aaron deflected the bolts with his spear. In the meantime, Jennas arrow pierced through one of the goblins, finding its mark.

Just one minute. Time is running short.

We had to endure until the enemy passed us by and circled back, a process that would take at least 30 seconds.

Kia, Kiaaa!

One of the goblin riders realized the unfolding spell and rallied the others, charging recklessly towards Eolka. Stepping forward, I positioned myself in front of her, intercepting their path and cleaving through their ranks with my blade.

Mages, whether allies or adversaries, were always the primary targets for elimination. I could buy us some time, but completely halting the charge of 30 goblin riders was an impossible feat for me alone.

Cant you make a shield while casting?

Mages, during their incantations, typically fortified themselves with an additional barrier to withstand any interruptions or impact.

Cant you answer?

Or perhaps she cant hear me?

I turned my gaze back, catching sight of Eolkas unceasing muttering, her eyes flickering with a fiery glow.

It would take approximately 10 seconds for the riders to reach us. Despite Jennas expert marksmanship, bringing down another goblin mid-charge, their momentum showed no sign of faltering. The goblins swung their swords overhead, forcefully kicking their wolves with their hind legs.

If you remain there, youll be swept away by their charge!

Cant you cast your magic while on the move?

Oppa! Its getting too risky!


Acting swiftly, I grasped Eolkas arm and rolled to the side, narrowly evading the swinging blade that passed perilously close. A scorching heat tingled through my limbs, evidence of the searing flames that had nearly caught us.

What What are you doing?

Youre quite the nuisance, arent you?

If there had been a shield barrier, I wouldnt have been able to reach out and grab Eolkas hand. In the end, she was casting her spell completely exposed, without any protective measures.

A nuisance, you say? Well, this magic, do you know difficult its to convert mana into fire!


I clenched and unclenched my hands, the lingering warmth of the flames still tingling through my fingertips. It was uncomfortable, but I could still move.

Having completed their third charge, the goblin riders now aimed for a fourth, hurtling towards us with one goal in mindEolka.

If their target had been me, Aaron, or even Jenna, we could have lured them in, evaded their charge, and launched a counteroffensive, wiping them out. But Eolka was different. With her clumsy attire and lacking both stamina and agility, there was a real risk of her being swept away and killed in an instant.

Well, if I could come up with a plan, I could use Eolka as a decoy and eliminate the enemies.

I scanned our surroundings once more.

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