Phoenix in the Moonlight

Chapter 1: Spring Dawn

Chapter 1: Spring Dawn

"Half awake on a spring dawn

Hearing the birds' song

At night came sounds of wind and rain

How many blossoms have fallen down?"

In the spring of the twenty-fifth year of the Zhou Dynasty, the courtiers assembled to greet the Son of Heaven. They knelt on the floor reverently, waiting for the Emperor's arrival. Wang Yifeng knelt alongside the men, ministers and generals alike.

He heard the rustle of clothing as it brushed against the floor. He saw the side of the intricately embroidered shoes and the trail of blazing yellow longpao as it moved past him. The dragon gown, with its auspicious embroidery and vibrant color, required four master tailors to work tirelessly for two years to make. He knew of this and he couldn't help but think of the grandeur.

Was this the time to adorn oneself in priceless pieces? The world was torn apart, citizens starving, civil unrest, and terrorists often infiltrating their lands. This was the time for action, of pulling in their reigns and thinking carefully about where their dynasty was heading.

He remained knelt as the Emperor took his seat on the grand throne. The crowd erupted in prayers for his longevity. Wang Yifeng followed, his voice lower than the others, his heart unchanging and insincere. That was his brother on the throne, the same one who had slaughtered everyone he came across to usurp the throne, even poisoning his own Imperial Father.

Court began as usual, with the courtiers presenting their case, pleading the emperor to head their warning and provide relief to the people. The Emperor remained stoic, acting benevolent.

'Wang Wei,' he thought. 'How long will you pretend to be a good ruler? Have you no shame?' He sneered in his heart.

"Qinwang," he heard the Emperor call on him. "Dearest brother, it is time for you to rise on the opportunity." Wang Yifeng raised his head and bowed as he took the imperial order.

"Your Highness," he acknowledged.

"The Southern states are war-torn, the people are suffering and they are in dire need of your services. I know that you wish to live a life of peace, but no other is as competent as you in these matters."

Indeed, he simply wanted to remain a prince who liked his leisure and didn't meddle in politics. But wasn't the Emperor just pushing him to dangerous waters so that he could take care of the brother who was the only threat to his throne?

The doubt in the courtiers' hearts increased. For a king who didn't even trust his own sons and daughters, how could he trust the brother who the previous emperor had favored. He had even provided the infant prince with a golden medallion that would protect him from all harm in the future, even if his imperial brothers and the crown prince conspired against him.

Wang Yifeng scoffed internally. Of course, this was an act to send him out of the capital and ensure that the current crown prince could win over the courtiers. Furthermore, wasn't this the perfect opportunity to punish him for marrying without the Emperor's implicit permission?

"As you command, Your Majesty."

"Hao, you will venture out to the southern lands and come back victorious, brother." The date was set. In a mere two weeks, he would have to leave to fulfill the mission given to him, leaving his newly wedded wife and mother in the Qin Wangfu vulnerable to all attacks from the Imperial house.

As he entered his courtyard, he was followed by his trusted eunuch and his shadow guard.

"Wangye, the consort wants to see you." He made a humming noise as he disrobed from his official attire. Putting on some light clothes and loosening his hair, Wang Yifeng strolled across his property towards where his newly-wed consort had been placed.

Jia Lixue. True to her name, she was as beautiful as the falling snow and came from a wealthy merchant family. Though the outside world thought that he had married for love, he knew better. He was not in the position to give his heart or feel affection for anyone. His mother had taught him from a young age that the Imperial harem was not safe and feelings were vulnerabilities. His own mother was a noble consort, favored by the previous emperor, whereas the current emperor was the son of the previous Empress. The two mothers had fought tirelessly to keep their positions.

How could the brothers have any shred of affection after that? And how could they afford to feel any weakness?

He entered the courtyard and saw Lixue waiting for him. A gentle smile came upon his lips as he moved closer to her and pulled her into his embrace.

"Beloved consort, you shouldn't have waited for me outside," he told her, then moving to hold her shoulders and guide her inside the room. "What bothers you?" He could sense that she was agitated and he had an inkling what it was about.

"Tomorrow, we must return to my paternal house to greet the elders," she said, as gentle as ever.

She was merely sixteen summers old and full of romantic notions. She wanted flowers and affection and an informal relationship with her husband. He had idealistic notions about being her husband's only wife, but she didn't have the position to be his legal wife. It made her anxious. What if he brought more women into the house? Wouldn't she be an old, broken toy then?

He could read her mind.

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