Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 20: Meng Ke became a scumbag?

Chapter 20: Meng Ke became a scumbag?

However, when he thought it over, he still chose to forgot it.

He no longer needed the so-called fame and money, and instead he strives to develop and research his own abilities further.

Sorting out his thoughts, Meng Ke had already tried to suppress the secretion of hormones, naturally, it was essential for him to see whether he could enhance the secretion of hormones as well.

Its an important observation that when phenylethylamine and dopamine secretions are suppressed, a person seems to have regained the calm and rational state of mind.

Then, on the contrary, what happens if phenylethylamine and dopamine secretions are increased to an alarming amount?

Would the person affected, love whoever they meet at that point?

Meng Ke was rather curious to see the result of this experiment because if that is the case, he wont have to worry about his parents having a conflict with him regarding his future partner when he does find a girlfriend in the future!

It could also help in making the woman more obedient and flexible so she wouldnt ask for a house, a car and a deposit.

The moment this thought entered his mind, Meng Ke couldnt help but start looking forward to it.

Finally, he looked at a girl waiting for the bus at the bus station, she was dressed like a good girl, with a beautiful face and wide black-framed glasses covering her face.

After looking around, Meng Ke realised that the girls appearance was the most satisfying out of everyone.

Since he was done choosing a target, Meng Ke immediately started to fantasize.

But just as Meng Ke was fantasizing, the girl happened to look at him, her eyes didnt experience a single ripple as they drifted past him without a pause.

Suddenly though, the girls gaze turned back and she looked at him carefully.

Meng Ke felt an ominous premonition in his heart.


The girl couldnt possibly know that Meng Ke was messing with her, but in contrast to the surrounding crowd, Meng Kes unique temperament made him stand out and just by looking at him, the girls heart couldnt help but beat faster.

Lin Chenxi didnt know how to describe this feeling, the specific process that happened in this feelings manifestation was that her eyes lit up, her heart thudded harder against her ribcage than ever before and she felt hesitant about what to do.

Is this what they call love at first sight?

Shall I go up and say hello?

Truth be told, the man sitting over there didnt look the most outstanding among the men she had met before, but she didnt know why, the moment she looked at him, she couldnt take her eyes off of him.

It was as if there was something magical surrounding her, constantly whispering in her ear.

Youre in love with him Youre in love with him Youre in love!

She had never been in love before, but somehow Lin Chenxi knew at this moment that this feeling that made her face blush and heart race was love at first sight.

She had hopelessly fallen into the sea of love and there was no getting out of it.

Continuously struggling in her heart, Li Chenxi had already noticed that the man on the other side was also looking at her, and her heartbeat began to beat faster again, her breath becoming shallower and she could no longer stop herself.

My name is Lin Chenxi

Meng Ke pinched his brows, feeling a headache coming, he didnt know whether he should cry or laugh, was it so exaggerated? Just some hormonal secretion can do this to a human?

Is something the matter?

Meng Ke tried his hardest to show his indifferent self, acting like a steal straight man, who had no idea about what the girl felt.

However, he was doomed to be disappointment.

Lin Chenxi blushed and did not dare to look directly at Meng Kes face, but when she heard him speak, she finally plucked up enough courage, and raised up her lowered head slightly.

In an instant, as if stung by an electric shock, Meng Kes cold eyes collided with hers, and her face turned even redder, and she hurriedly lowered her head.


Lin Chenxi suddenly didnt know what to say, she was both panicked and flustered, it was as if there were thousand people fighting in her head1.

What a handsome cold man!!

She screamed in her heart, this is madness.

Why am I not speaking at such a critical moment?!


Lin Chenxi! You clearly arent like this!!

The girls cheeks were already so red that blood was about to drip down her face, even if he stopped the illusion perhaps it wont go away, Meng Ke couldnt help but felt bad for her.

No way, I dont want a girlfriend

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and he stopped drinking his milk tea, and hurriedly got up, preparing to leave.

Its so good to be single, why should he get a girlfriend? Isnt it annoying to be entangled day after day? There was no freedom at all!

If he didnt have any freedom then hed rather die!

Unfortunately, before he could even take two steps out, the girl suddenly shouted loudly behind him.

Can I have your WeChat!!

He was finished!

Even without looking around Meng Ke could feel that his surroundings had suddenly quieted down, and the whole street was looking at them, their gazes sharp enough to cut him to pieces.


Being watched by countless people, Lin Chenxis cheeks burned as if they were on fire, and the world in front of her suddenly turned around, her eyes turned black, and she fell straight down.

Call 120! Someone suffered from a heat stroke!

Heat stroke, my ass! Its almost winter now!

What happened? What happened? Im going coming over to see the liveliness.

The quiet crowd rioted instantly, and many people started crowding around the place, curiosity bubbling in their eyes. The scene resembled that of a vegetable market- crowed and congested.

Meng Ke knew that the women had probably fainted due to her emotions being too intense, and there shouldnt be a big problem with her. After confirming that there was indeed no problem with her Meng Ke turned around, preparing to leave the scene.


A womans coquettish voice suddenly sounded, the wind strengthened as a girl ran over and blocked his path.

You scumbag! You actually want to leave even after your girlfriend fainted?!

Meng Ke frowned.

I dont know her at all.

Why didnt he read his horoscope before he went out today? Why couldnt he get rid of this trouble?

Hmph! The girl sneered, scanning Meng Ke from top and down, her face expressing her disdain.


Meng Ke continued to walk forward, not caring about the girls insulting words, if he wanted to provoke him, this trick was not enough.

Hey! An arm thicker than Meng Kes held his shoulder, and a tall muscular man who seemed like a fitness trainer walked up to him.

Brother, men cant do such things, take your girlfriend to the hospital! The man said seriously, as if he had come over to advise him, but Meng Ke felt

As if he was being threatened? He sensed something different, but he wasnt quite sure yet.

Dont go around sprouting nonsense if you dont know the truth, dont you understand such a simple principle? Meng Ke said lightly, as far as he as concerned, the girl had just fainted and would be fine when she woke up.

Why were people nowadays so stupid?

He didnt normally see people acting all righteous and brave!

At this moment, the girl next to him suddenly taunted.

Can we believe the words of a scumbag?

So, he is a scumbag? No wonder the girl fainted just now.

Oh! He turned out to be a scumbag! Its no wonder.

Geez, scumbags should be damned!

Meng Ke turned his head to look at the crowd, and realised that at some point, people had started gathering around him and now everyone was pointing at him.

The muscular man and the mocking woman stood on the side, quietly looking at him standing inside the encirclement.

Somethings not right!

Meng Ke suddenly realised that things werent as simple as they seemed!


it was as if there were thousand people fighting in her head1: Her head was filled up with countless thoughts and she couldnt tell what to do.

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