Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 15: A Monster Who Can Attack Reality

Chapter 15: A Monster Who Can Attack Reality

The anxious Chen Xiao called an ambulance, and Chen Li was carried into the car and rushed to the hospital.

But before they got to the hospital.

In the middle of the journey, Chen Li opened his eyes blankly.

"Brother? Brother! You finally woke up!" Chen Xiao kept looking at Chen Li, and when he opened his eyes, he immediately heard Chen Xiao's worried voice.

"What's wrong with me?" Chen Li's last memory stopped at the second when the golden light entered his body, and then he felt a pain in the side of his neck and passed out.

"Brother! Don't worry about so much for now! We have to go back to school soon!" Chen Xiao suddenly slapped the rear glass of the cab with great emotion and shouted loudly:

"Stop! We're going to get off!"

A few nurses were startled and rushed over to try to control him. However, Chen Li rolled over from the stretcher and kicked one person away. He didn't care who they were, he only knew that Chen Xiao would not be rattled for no reason.

"Stop the car!"

Chen Li roared and suddenly burst out. A panicked nurse was pressed against the glass by him, a hand was deeply pinched into the neck of the nurse, and Chen Lis fierce eyes instantly swept the front row driver.


The harsh braking sound, the red and blue colors alternated constantly, and everything around was rendered by these two colors, which made people feel nervous and restless before they knew it.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything after getting out of the car and quickly stopped a taxi. The two sat on it. The driver immediately turned the car around and headed for the school.

"Where's my dog?" As soon as he got in the car, Chen Li turned his head and asked Chen Xiao.

He still remembers that picture, the huge silkworm chrysalis wrapped in dazzling golden light. This is a transformation, and Chen Li deeply felt it.

Chen Xiao looked strange, glanced at Chen Li's chest, and said slowly: "Your dogit seems to have been absorbed into your body"

When Chen Li was in a coma, the golden silkworm chrysalis also dissipated little by little. Chen Xiao only saw a black animal rushing towards Chen Li and then disappearing into his chest.

"my body?"

Chen Li frowned a little, he didn't feel any difference in the body, but if it was in the body

After a turn, the taxi stopped at the gate of the school, and the two got off.

"Da da da"

Dozens of police cars were lined up in an orderly manner at the school entrance, and from inside the school, bursts of gunshots continued to sound, like 9,999 firecrackers during the New Year.

"Excuse me, are you Chen Li and Chen Xiao?" An armed police officer who was on guard outside came over.

Chen Li was stunned for a moment, but Chen Xiao had already walked out.

"It's me." He took out an ID card issued during the physical examination. This type of ID card is only available to players. It is used to force them to go to the hospital for physical examination every week. It contains Chen Xiao's personal information.

The armed police immediately stood upright and quickly raised their hands to salute.

"Our people have been waiting inside for a long time! Please don't let us down!" The armed police said solemnly.

Chen Li was stunned, and his heart was full of questions, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

I was only in a coma for a few hours, what happened to this world?!

Suddenly, Chen Xiao grabbed him and said as he ran, "Brother! According to the records, you are most likely the one with the highest level among all players so far! Your black dog has surpassed level ten, so, you must be being called for this!"

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Suddenly, he stopped talking, stood still, staring blankly at the playground not far away.

On the playground, a dark and vicious beast was wrapped by countless animals. Birds swooped down in groups in mid-air, and a small emerald snake was slapped flying by its claws. Painful screams.

"That's Chen Xiao! He brought Chen Li!"

"Chen Li is here! Everyone hold on!"

"We can't lose!!"

Chen Li was stunned.

Chen Xiao quickly explained:

"This is an alien monster that appeared here at the same time when you were in a coma, but unlike all the previous monsters, this one it can attack in reality!"

The giant mantis is called a monster from another world by players. Because it has not yet adapted to the laws of reality, it cannot cause damage to reality.

But this one, it broke people's old concept from the moment it appeared.

It cannot be harmed by reality, but it can attack reality!

After the police found that the firearms were useless, they urgently summoned all the players and wanted to use pets to deal with monsters. Therefore, after discovering that Chen Li was missing, they immediately saw Chen Li's mutation from the surveillance.

As a result, when thousands of pets are vulnerable to monsters, they are as vulnerable as turkeys.

Naturally, they thought of Chen Li, a mutated pet, and immediately called Chen Xiao and asked him to rush over with Chen Li.

Therefore, Chen Li was stunned.

Just then.

The black beast suddenly raised its head, the dark red beast's eyes with a dangerous light, it looked at the sixth-floor teaching building not far away.


With a roar like the sky, the black beast jumped up, about four meters above the ground, it leaped over the encirclement of pets in an instant, and rushed towards the teaching building like a madman.

Every step of it left a deep mark on the grass, and everyone looked at the footprints it left along the way in disbelief.

"This monster can really attack real objects!"

A man exclaimed, and quickly covered his mouth with both hands, staring wide-eyed at the gradually approaching black shadow. 

A monster that can attack the real thing!

This means that if anyone gets hit by it, they will be half disabled even if they don't die!

"Chen Li save me!" The girl couldn't help crying anymore.


The monster jumped in place, touching the wall with its limbs, and in the next second, it seemed to run up at this right angle as if it were on the ground.

After seeing the above people, their hearts are even more desperate.

This monster cannot be understood with common sense at all, it seems to be rampant with the laws of another world.

No one can take him.

Chen Li gritted his teeth, his face turned red like an apple.

Suddenly, he shouted up to the sky.

"Old Hei! Come out for me!"

If you're really inside me, get out of me! I need you!!

Chen Li's eyes kept struggling until a dark shadow appeared from his body.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

It was a giant dog that was almost two meters tall, with pure black and dull fur. Between its two red eyes, and at the center of its forehead, an inconspicuous little acute horn stood up toward the sky.

Chen Li feels that his perspective in life was hit more today than in his entire life. Is this dog in front of him really my dog?

Before he could be ecstatic.

As soon as the dog and beast appeared, Chen Li immediately felt that his vision was blurred for a while.

His vision looked down at the young man, but the young man in front seemed to have never heard of him, just stood there blankly, staring blankly ahead.

"Monster! Another one appeared!"

"Chen Li, run!"


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