Perfect Superstar

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 - Collision

Internet inChina began to sprout in the late 90s and flourished after entering the newcentury. Up to now, it has become a trillion-level huge industry, which can becalled one of the pillars of the economy.

The adventof the Internet era has also profoundly changed the economic pattern of theworld, which has had a great impact on many traditional industries, and manyindustries have declined or even disappeared.

The recordindustry is one of them.

Whenportable audio music players were developed and integrated into the smartphone,the traditional record industry entered an irreversible decline, and manyrecord companies have transformed themselves into new entertainment media.

In the 80’sand 90’s, singers can make a lot of money from a big-selling record. Now, thenew generation of idol artists still makes records even at a loss, just for thesake of appeal and promoting popularity, and then get back the cost throughperipheral products, advertising endorsements, notices and performances, etc.

Therefore,online sales have become one of the main business channels of entertainment brokeragecompanies, such as QQ Music, NetEase Music and other big music websites, whichis an important battlefield for singers and artists.

Moreover,the sales performance of the four domestic music websites is calculated throughalbum sales, resulting in the new era of [Gold Record], [Platinum Record], [DiamondRecord] and [Crown Record]!

Online sales+ actual sales of more than 100,000, through places certified by Chinese Music Association,can get the [Golden Record] achievement!

When salesvolume reached 500,000, it is [Platinum Record] and when it reached 1 million,it is [Diamond Record].

As for thehighest honor [Crown Record], the sales volume requirement is 5 million!

The musicwebsites certified by the Chinese Music Association include QQ Music, NetEaseMusic, Pop Radio and Voice of China. The physical store that is certified tosell CD is only limited to Xinhua Book Company, and online sales on Yibao arenot included in the list.

The reason whyYibao is not included is very simple. The sales results on Yibao was very easyto alter, due to the cost of doing so was very low, and it was impossible forthe Chinese Music Association to require a behemoth like Yibao to cooperatewith itself, so it simply gave up.

As for thefour major music websites and Xinhua Book Company, although people can alsospend money to alter the sales, the cost was much higher.

Therefore,the authority of China Music Association certification is the highest in China.

Every Monday,the Chinese Music Association will publish the top 50 domestic record sales onits official website, as well as the list of certified Golden, Diamond, andCrown Records!

For mostsingers, getting the [Golden Record] was enough to make them proud.

And amongthe criteria for judging a first-class singer, a [Platinum Record] isessential.

As for thereal superstar, the target has always been [Diamond Record]!

As for [CrownRecord], it is now a type of miracle that may come by chance but not sought. Infact, even [Diamond Record] often take a long time to accumulate, unlike in thepast, where millions or even several of millions of sales can easily beachieved.

The free andsharing spirit of the Internet has resulted in cultural piracy of film, musicand literature that can never be eliminated.

The mainreason why people were not optimistic about the online sale of Lu Chen’s firstsolo album, “You Who Sat Next To Me”, was apart from strong rivals, wasthat the songs in the album can basically be found on the Internet, and manynetizens have heard all of them, and the desire to buy it naturally greatlyreduced.

September 8,at 7:00 pm, his album went on sale on QQ Music online.

At the sametime, Cui Zhengzhi’s “Provocation” also went on sale!

A lot ofpeople were paying attention to the sales of these two albums and the showdownof the four singers.

Zou Bei’s album“Blooming Flowers” was in the lead. It was 4th in the list. Currentsales are 70,000+. (TN: She is in the lead, among the four of them, and 4th onQQ Music.)

LingXiaoxiao’s solo album “True Love is Invincible” was 5th in the list,with sales of 50,000+. There was not much difference between the two.

So far, theresults of both were up to standard, not too surprising, and not toodisappointing.

At least getting[Golden Record] was secure, but the momentum of both albums was obviously slowingdown.

There hasalways been a law in online record sales, that is, the sales within seven dayson the shelves account for 40-50% of total sales, especially the first threedays, which is called the 72-hour law.

How well analbum sells, whether it’s a miss, up to standard or a hit, will basically beknown within 72 hours. (TN: bad, meh, or good)

Zou Bei’s“Blooming Flowers” and Ling Xiaoxiao’s “True Love is Invincible”can only be regarded as just up to standard, far from the standard of being a hit.The performance of the two more or less disappointed the onlookers.

Originally, everyoneexpected to see a fierce competition, but the start was so peaceful. So, everyone’seyes couldn’t help but fall on Lu Chen and Cui Zhengzhi’s new album to see if therewould be a collision between the two and create dazzling sparks.

Most peoplebelieve that there is no doubt that Cui Zhengzhi will win!

If nothingelse, in terms of publicity campaign alone, Cui Zhengzhi’s “Provocation”left Lu Chen at least three blocks away, and his title song “Provocation”still firmly occupied the top spot on the home page of QQ Music, which wastruly imposing. (TN: Spot here is the advertisement location, I think.)

In contrast,Lu Chen was too low-key, “You Who Sat Next To Me” basically has nobig advertising investment.

Some peoplehave also analyzed that Lu Chen’s approach was wise. Even if he spends money,his album sales will not be very good, and an improvement in his reputation is enough.

Even if heresponded to Cui Zhengzhi’s provocation with “Come to fight” on hisblog, many people thought that Lu Chen was just taking advantage of the latter,which was an act of hitchhiking, and he didn’t really want to fight to the bitterend with Cui Zhengzhi. (TN: Hitchhiking - taking a ride on Cui Zhengzhi’s fame,at least that’s what those people think.)

The simplestproof was that there were no advertisements for Lu Chen’s album in the majoronline media, including QQ Music, but the publicity of “Provocation”can be seen everywhere.

On Inspurblog, although the buzzword “Come to fight” has been hyped up, but howmuch effect can it have?

In related blogs,forums and post bars, there were many people who hold the same view.

IncludingCui Zhengzhi himself.

He was in afive-star Mingdu Hotel in Huhai when his album "Provocation" hit the shelves.

During thealbum promotion period, Cui Zhengzhi has done dozens of notices under thecompany’s arrangement. Today alone, he performed live activities in twoshopping malls and a car 4S stop in Huhai.

When hereturned to the hotel, it was already dark, he hadn’t eaten, and he was exhausted,but he was still in high spirits.

The youngidol artist was staring at the computer screen, staring at his and Lu Chen’salbum list on the home page of QQ Music, staring at the changing numbers besidethe two albums - download sales.

From thebeginning, the sales volume of “Provocation” has steadily gained theupper hand, and it was significantly ahead of the album “You Who Sat NextTo Me”!

CuiZhengzhi’s face showed a satisfied smile.

“LittleZhi, you don’t have to see that. That Lu Chen is not your opponent atall!”

The one who spokewas his agent sitting next to him.

Interestingly,like Lu Chen, Cui Zhengzhi’s agent was also his big sister, Cui Xiuyin.

Cui Xiuyin,who was originally an artist. Even with the support of her parents, she didn’t becomepopular even after several years. She has been in several small role in severalTV dramas, but her career has never improved.

Later, she wentbehind the scenes and concentrated on helping her brother.

Cui Xiuyin’sappearance is very ordinary. Even after careful dressing, she is only 6 or 7points. All of the good traits of their parent were basically inherited by her youngerbrother Cui Zhengzhi, who blossomed with dazzling brilliance when he made hisdebut.

Cui Xiuyin wasn’tjealous of her younger brother. On the contrary, she loves Cui Zhengzhi themost and takes good care of him.

In OrangeField Entertainment, she is famous for her tough personality. Many people darenot mess with her.

For Lu Chen,who competes with her brother, Cui Xiuyin is completely dismissive.

“He’llbe lucky if he can sell a tenth of your sales with those old works of his!”

Cui Xiuyindared to say such words showed that she was very confident.

This was becausein Cui Zhengzhi’s album “Provocation”, except for a few songs writtenby himself, all the other songs were written by Lee Jung Ki, a famous Koreanpop music composer.

This album wasalso supervised by Lee Jung Ki himself. The level can be called first-class authenticKorean pop style. It is the pop song and fast-paced song that young people likethe most nowadays. Both its melody and rhythm are impeccable.

Cui Xiuyinbelieved that with this album, Cui Zhengzhi’s career will inevitably take a bigstep and he will become a popular idol in the domestic entertainment industry,and then naturally he will step into the film and television industry.

A broad pathto stardom has been paved out in front of him!

As for LuChen, hehe, he was nothing more than a small stone on the road, someone that caneasily be kicked aside.

It was his misfortuneto run into our Zhengzhi oppa! (TN: Oppa - Korean word which means big brother.)

Thissentence didn’t come from Cui Xiuyin herself, but from Cui Zhengzhi’s fans inthe post bar.

Cui Xiuyin wasdeeply convinced.

Although CuiZhengzhi was proud and agreed with Cui Xiuyin’s view, he still said: “LuChen’s strength is still there. His "Brightest Star In The Night Sky" is good, buthis other songs are very ordinary and too out-of-date.”

Cui Zhengzhigrew up in South Korea and received artist training in South Korea. He wasinfluenced by the prevalent customs of South Korea. He returned to China todevelop and expand the market through “Korean Wave”. He didn’t likeLu Chen’s folk songs.

“But ifhe’s this too bad...”

CuiZhengzhi’s face showed his signature smile: “Then it’s no fun for me towin, is that right, sister?”


Cui Xiuyintouched her brother’s hair and said with a smile, “Don’t look at itanymore, eat first, don’t starve yourself!”

The dinnerin the hotel has just been delivered to the room. She was afraid that it willnot taste good if it is cold.

Cui Zhengzhinodded and turned off the computer.

He has full confidencein his own album.

Justthinking of Lu Chen’s response to himself in his blog, Cui Zhengzhi was reallya little annoyed.

I will letyou know what real power is!

He has alreadyworked out what he would write on his blog post tomorrow, and has to fight backwith facts.

Wouldn’tthat just be thinking too highly of Lu Chen?

Cui Zhengzhicouldn’t help laughing and asked loudly, “Sister, what delicious food didyou order for me?”

“I wantto eat meat!”


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