Perfect Superstar

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 - Spreading

September 6.The second day of Lu Chen’s debut album “You Who Sat Next To Me” pre-promotionon QQ Music.

At 09:10 inthe morning, there was a small V with an ID “Entertainment GossipMan” in Inspur blog that @ Lu Chen FMX. The content was exactly a videoclip of yesterday’s interview with Cui Zhengzhi by Inspur EntertainmentChannel.

At the sametime as Entertainment Gossip Man @ Lu Chen, a smiley symbol representing badintentions was added.

“EntertainmentGossip Man” was a little-known ID on Inspur blog, with more than a millionfollowers. He specializes in reposting all kinds of entertainment industrygossip news, and can read hundreds of blog posts a day.

The generalpublic have a taste for gossip, especially the big and small things in theentertainment circle, which have always been the focus of public attention.This small V has settled on the market that exists in it. He has been persistentlysorting out and handling entertainment news all the year round. His popularityon the blog was actually very good.

His favoritething to do was to gossip about the parties involved in the news on his blog.

Althoughmost star artists ignore Entertainment Gossip Man, there are always exceptions.

Five minuteslater, Lu Chen replied: Come to fight! (来战痛!)

These threesimple characters, plus an exclamation mark, have left Entertainment Gossip Manbaffled.

He knows allthree characters, but when put together, he couldn’t understand it - what is“Come to fight”? (TN: Me too.)

The small Vfelt it was very interesting, so he posted another blog post asking about themeaning of “Come to fight”.

He onceagain @ Lu Chen FMX.

But thistime Lu Chen ignored him and didn’t reply.

However, EntertainmentGossip Man has many followers. When they saw this special blog post, they repliedtheir guesses one after another.

There wereall kinds of answers, some of which are simply just too imaginative that itmade people laugh.

However,some people soon explained that according to the content of the previous andsubsequent blog post, it should be short for “Come and let’s have a goodfight”.

EntertainmentGossip Man was suddenly enlightened and he sent three laughing symbol [;] insuccession, while he @ Lu Chen FMX and Cui Zhengzhi at the same time!

Hisintention was very obvious. He wanted to stir up a fight between the two.

Unfortunately,neither Lu Chen nor Cui Zhengzhi paid any attention to him.

However, theword “Come to fight” has gotten its own meaning. It was forwardedeverywhere in Inspur blog.

Lu Chen has morethan 5 million followers on Inspur blog and Cui Zhengzhi has more than 9million. Both of them debuted at a competition. One is the runner-up ofXiangnan Satellite TV’s “Super Male Voice”. One is the champion of“Singing China”.

And both ofthem are very young and talented, and they will release their debut albums onthe same website on the same day. This undoubtedly has the hot elements ofentertainment gossip, so a lot of people, including the certified V account,have turned to Entertainment Gossip Man blog posts, spreading Cui Zhengzhi’sprovocation and Lu Chen’s response to more places.

Fans who arefamiliar with Cui Zhengzhi all knew that this Chinese-Korean mix idol artist isvery direct when speaking and never concedes defeat. He thinks he will easilydefeat Lu Chen, which is entirely reasonable.

But LuChen’s response really surprising.

As anindependent artist who has just debuted recently, Lu Chen has given everyonethe impression that he is modest and courteous. Even if others provoke him, he wouldnot oppose strongly, and he would use more facts to prove himself.

But today,his response to Cui Zhengzhi’s provocation was full of blood! (TN: Full ofblood - shows that he has a strong and righteous personality.)

You want tofight. Then come and let’s have a good fight!

It wasneither cautious nor reckless, and neither humble or haughty, but those three simplecharacters were so sonorous and powerful!

The groupswho often write and read blogs are mainly young people, and most of them are atthe age of rebellion and impulsiveness. Therefore, under the deliberaterendering and dissemination of some people, this new word has more and moreinfluence in blogs. And quickly spread into forums, post bar, QQ group.

And it wasLu Chen’s fans who really stir up the word!

After manymembers of Lu Family Army understood the ins and outs of the matter, all ofthem were filled with righteous indignation, and there was no need for anyoneto organize and instigate them. They log on to their own accounts and went toCui Zhengzhi’s blog, post bar and related forums, leaving a domineeringdeclaration “Come to fight!”.

With such a drop-inface-slapping, Cui Zhengzhi’s fans of course will not take it lying down. They immediatelyfought with Lu Chen’s fans!

September 6happened to be Sunday, and there were many people who have nothing to do. As aresult, the word became hotter and hotter.

That night,“Come to fight” was on the most popular keywords search list of Inspurblog.

As a result,thousands of bloggers came to know about Lu Chen, the showdown between him andCui Zhengzhi, and the album “You Who Sat Next To Me”, which will bereleased on the 8th.

Just as thisbuzzword appeared on the front page of Inspur blog, in dormitory No. 307 of thegraduate building of Beijing University of Technology, Wang Yu just clicked andopened a post.

As themoderator of the Beihai City Forum, Wang Yu likes this part-time job very much.When his roommates go out to have romantic time with their girlfriends, he wouldsit in front of the computer, like a dignified lord patrolling his ownterritory. Once any discord is found, he would decisively block it.

Sometimes hewould enthusiastically help rookies who have just come to the forum, earnestlyanswering the daily questions, be praised for his conscientious work, and getgreat satisfaction from it.

In truth,Wang Yu felt disgusted in his heart opening this new post that has just beenposted in the “Free World” section.

Because thispost was a promotion post, and it was an official promotion post.

Beihai CityForum, also known as Beihai University City Forum, has a history of up to 20years. It is a well-known university student BBS community in the country. Itis famous for gathering a large number of Beijing university students.

For a BBScommunity to exist for such a long time, first of all, it needs a steady streamof capital investment, and it must inevitably use advertising and other methodsto achieve profit or subsidize operating expenses.

Officialpromotion posts are also a way for the website to make money. The reason whythe forum vigorously blocks those external advertising posts is that inaddition to maintaining the normal order of the community, the most importantreason is that rich water does not flow to outsider’s field. (TN: Rich waterdoes not flow to outsider’s field - benefits can’t be given to outsiders.)

As themoderator, Wang Yu has the obligation to convoy such posts and keep it at theforefront of the page.

As amoderator of the Beihai City Forum, in addition to meeting the needs of hisheart, he also has subsidies to take.

In spite ofthis, Wang Yu still dislikes official promotion posts.

He felt thatevery time he opened this kind of post, a sacred place in his heart had beentarnished.

Well,although Wang Yu is a techie guy, he has a literary heart.

[The mosttouching voice of this year’s graduation season. I cried when I heard it, howabout you?]

Just lookingat the title of the post, Wang Yu had goose bumps all over his body.

He opened itwith his nose pinched, ready to handle it like usual and pinned it to the front.

However, thenext moment, Wang Yu was shocked.

Because he discoveredthat he knew the person in the thumbnail of the video attached to the post.

And veryfamiliar.

Lu Chen - Thewinner of “Singing China”!

Wang Yufirst got to know Lu Chen, not in the popular reality show, but in a forum,several months ago, called [In Houhai bar in the evening, found a handsome guy,and a very good song!] Post.

At thattime, this post caused a lot of controversy in the "Free World" section.

That was thefirst time that Wang Yu has heard Lu Chen sing and sing “You Who Sat NextTo Me”.

He added the“Moderator’s recommendation” medal to the post.

If a post inthe forum section was added with the “Moderator’s recommendation”medal, it will be automatically pinned to the front for 24 hours, visible toanyone browsing the post.

This kind ofhigh-grade medal is limited. Wang Yu has 10 with his authority, which meansthat he can add a “Moderator’s recommendation” medal to a post only10 times a month.

Mostimportantly, once a recommendation post is pinned to the front, it will bejudged by countless people.

Therefore,moderators who cherish their reputation and attach importance to fame willnever easily give out medal of recommendation.

Even if itis an official promotion post.

Because of“You Who Sat Next To Me”, Wang Yu got to know about Lu Chen, this barsinger. Later, he saw him again in “Singing China” competition. Hepaid close attention to it all the way to the end.

In the end,Lu Chen won the title of “Singing China” Champion. He was so excitedthat he drank two bottles of beer to celebrate!

Now seeingthat this official promotion post was actually related to Lu Chen, Wang Yuimmediately chose to broadcast it.

The picture qualityof the video was very clear. It was obviously not taken with a cellphone. The backgroundshown in the video let him know that this is a video clip of JianghaiUniversity’s 2015 graduation party.

Lu Chen wasstanding on the big stage with his guitar in his arms, and the big screenbehind him showed the words “Those Flowers”.

Those Flowers!

Wang Yualmost jumped. He heard Lu Chen sang this song in “Singing China”,and he liked it very much at that time. Later, he also downloaded the liveaudio file in QQ Music website and kept it on his cellphone.

This was thefirst time he has seen this video.

“Thatlaughter reminds me of those flowers, quietly blooming in every corner of mylife.”

“I oncethought they would be by my side forever, but now we have already parted lostin the sea of people.”

A movingsong quietly floated into Wang Yu’s ear.

Differentfrom the “Singing China” competition, Lu Chen used a guitar as anaccompaniment at the graduation party, and the sound quality was definitely notcomparable to the live version recorded by the professional equipment atBeijing Satellite TV.

Butlistening to this familiar song, watching Lu Chen play and sing alone in thespotlight, and watching the changing picture on the screen behind him, thosebeautiful, lovely, innocent and enthusiastic girls appeared and disappeared.

His heartseemed to be gripped by an invisible hand, and his breathing stopped.

Lu Chen’s singingfluttered in the auditorium, and the camera turned to the audience. Many girlswere crying. They either sobbed alone, or hugged and comforted each other, freelyventing the emotions aroused in their hearts.

Wang Yu wasable to feel the atmosphere at the scene through the video.

The sadatmosphere that was so strong that it made his nose sour and the corners of hiseyes astringent.

When thepicture came back, Lu Chen on the stage had tears in his eyes. He still had afaint smile on his face, singing so emotionally that there was a choking soundin his voice!

Wang Yu feltthat he sang much better than in “Singing China”.

Thismoderator of Beihai City Forum didn’t hesitate to pinned this post to the frontand send him a medal of recommendation!

It didn’tmatter if it was an official promotion post!


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