Perfect Superstar

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 - Sister-In-Law, Help!

From the daythe capital was born, every pore was filled with filth and blood.

These twofamous sayings perfectly explain the nature of commerce. The early expansion ofthe domestic Internet industry is a bloody process of fighting and annexation, followingthe law of the jungle, survival of the fittest1. Severalgiants all fought out from the Red Sea, and their bones are full of wolf’snature, devouring everything.

They call itbusiness rules.

However, thedomestic political system determined that this kind of limitless barbaricexpansion must be curbed, because the result of monopoly of the giants willstifle the spirit of innovation to a great extent, making it difficult forsmall and medium-sized enterprises to gain a foothold.

And thegiants who swallowed up the weak and grown up domestically appear to be veryweak in the face of foreign predators.

Thissituation finally aroused the vigilance and reconsideration of the upper classof society. After a hard game, in September 2005, the Commercial Creative CopyrightProtection Act was officially issued. It exists as a supplementary regulationof patent copyright laws.

This regulationtargets the new Internet-based industries, protecting the original businesscreative model of enterprises from plagiarism, imitation, and embezzlement byothers, thus promoting industrial upgrading and expansion, forming a good marketcompetition atmosphere, and avoiding falling into a vicious cycle.

The regulationstipulates that commercial creative copyright only accepts applications from businessunits. After passing the review, a creative copyright protection certificatewill be issued, with a validity period of 12 months.

In otherwords, it will give you a year of development time. After one year, you willface the cruel competition in the market. If you can’t develop and establish anadvantageous position during the protection period, then don’t complain if youare defeated by others.

After thecommercial creative copyright protection regulations were enacted and passed,the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Information Technology and theGeneral Copyright Administration jointly established the Commercial CreativeCopyright Protection Office, referred to as the Creative Protection Office.

The Creative Protective Office is responsible for theexamination and approval, supervision and arbitration of commercial creativecopyright, and the department has big powers.

And theimplementation of regulations and the establishment of the Creative ProtectiveOffice have indeed protected the interests of small and medium-sized Internetenterprises to a great extent. It gave them room to survive and develop.

At present,three of the seven Internet giants in China have grown up under the protectionof this regulation, and many small and medium-sized creative enterprises havebenefited a lot from it. It allows everyone to dare to innovate and be creative!

Interestingly,due to the excellent results of domestic commercial creative copyrightprotection regulations, European and American countries facing the sameproblems have adopted similar programs and established correspondinginstitutions.

As early asa month ago, Lu Chen asked Lu Xi, in the name of Lu Chen Studio, to submit anapplication for creative copyright protection for the crowdfunding model to the Creative Protective Office, but so far there hasbeen no news.

It’s noteasy to apply for copyright protection. The Creative Protective Office is not likethe “Greater China Music Library” controlled by supercomputer. Itrequires tedious manual review, and the time process is naturally very long.

And becauseof some unknown factors, even original creative models may not be able to get thefinal approval.

In theindustry, this protection certificate is also known as the “goldenpermit”.

It is saidthat as long as the company obtains this certificate, it will immediately havethe attention to venture capital!

Lu Chen didn’thave the ambition to play a big role in the Internet industry, but he didn’twant to waste this good idea in vain, so he asked Li Mubai to help him findout, or at least inquire about the progress of the audit and see if he had anyhope of passing the review.

If there isno hope, then he will directly operate the online crowdfunding, and no longerwait.

Li Murongfinished reading Lu Chen’s creative copywriting. He pondered for a moment andsaid, “Your project idea is very interesting. But it doesn’t involveprivate fundraising?”

Privatefundraising is a minefield, and the crime of illegal fundraising is veryserious, and the crowdfunding model really has similarities.

Lu Chenreplied without hesitation: “from the perspective of business and capitalflow, crowdfunding is actually a form of group purchase, which is essentiallydifferent from illegal fundraising!”

“All crowdfundingproject cannot be rewarded with equity or funds, and project sponsors cannotpromise any financial gains to the supporters. It must be in the form ofin-kind, service or media content.”

“Supportfor a project is a purchase, not an investment!”

With aconfident look on his face, he continued: “For example, I want to releasea record, launch crowdfunding on the platform, and call on fans to come andsubscribe. As long as the funds required for production and distribution aremet, it will be declared a success.”

“Thismodel can also be extended to more levels, such as the development of newproducts, crowdfunding for record production, crowdfunding for book publishing,crowdfunding for film production, and even charity relief can be done through crowdfunding!”

For thisproject, Lu Chen went through the memories he got in the dream world, and hekept many details firmly in his mind. So, in the face of Li Murong’s query, hisanswer was watertight.

This kind ofself-confidence made Lu Chen show a certain temperament charm that doesn’tmatch his age.

Sitting nextto Li Murong, Su Daiwan’s eyes lit up.

She hadthought of something, and nodded slightly, with a smile in her eyes.

Clap! Clap!

As soon asLu Chen’s voice fell, Li Murong clapped his hands.

The Lifamily’s Eldest Young Master praised: “It’s wonderful. This is the bestnew creative model I have heard in recent years.”

He turned toLi Mubai and said, “Mu Bai, of all of your friends, only Lu Chen is reallyworth associating with. I didn’t run over here in vain this evening.”

Li Mubaiscratched his head and smiled, smiling a little silly.

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Brother Li praised me too much. In fact, it’s just asmall idea.”

Li Murongshook his head: “Even if it’s a small idea, it also has gold value. Thecore of your crowdfunding platform’s profit is the project commission, right?Then how to ensure the success of the project and ensure that the projectsponsors will not escape with the money is probably the biggest problem It needto carry out strict project review, you alone will certainly not be able to doit.”

Thecrowdfunding model is mainly composed of project sponsors, supporters andplatform. In case the crowdfunding failed, it’s actually simple, just refundthe money to the supporters. However, if the project fails in theimplementation process, it means that the supporters will not get anycompensation.

This is the platform’sexemption clause, but the failure of the project will also dampen theenthusiasm and confidence of supporters, which means a loss of credibility forthe crowdfunding platform.

Li Murong’squestion can be said to hit the nail on the head.

Lu Chen saidcalmly: “Yes, because at present, I set up this platform to serve myself.If I want to expand in the future, I will definitely introduce professionalmanagers and work out more comprehensive and guaranteed terms.”

Li Murongnodded with satisfaction.

Among theyoung people today, there are very few young people like Lu Chen who are socool-headed and meticulous in doing things.

He said witha smile, “I almost forgot that you are an artist.”

This is nota belittlement, but a compliment, because Lu Chen behaves more like a businesselite!

“What’swrong about being an artist?”

Su Daiwan didn’tagree and said angrily, “I am still an artist!”

Li Murongsmiled and didn’t explain. He just gently held her hand gently, his eyes fullof affection.

Su Daiwan’selegant face blushed and she lowered her head shyly.

Li Mubaifinally couldn’t bear it and shouted, “Big brother, stop showing off youraffection with sister-in-law. After saying so much, can you help?”

This Li Family’sthird young master’s idea is very simple, can you just give me a word, why talkso much?

Big brotheris really not frank and straightforward!

With Li Murong’sself-control, he couldn’t help staring at his younger brother.

He thoughtfor a moment and said, “Lu Chen, how far are you going to do thisproject?”

Lu Chen’s heartmoved, and said, “My original idea was to make quick money. If Brother Liis interested, you are very welcome to invest, and there is no problem holding share!”

Lu Chen originallyplanned to obtain the “golden permit”, and serve himself first. Ifthere is interest in venture capital, he would sell it as long as the bid isreasonable. He believed that this money would be enough to repay their family’sdebt and there would still be an excess.

If Li Murongis interested, it couldn’t be better!

With theother party’s assets bearing, it is impossible to do anything forcible to him. Evenif the situation really happens, at worse, it will be enough to repay Li Mubai.

With thememory wealth of a world, Lu Chen has no fear.

His dreamhas always been to stand on the brilliant and highest stage, and this has notchanged.

Butintuition tells Lu Chen that Li Murong may not be able to take a liking to it.

Li Murongsmiled and said, “I’ll say Mubai has met a true friend...”

“I’lltell you what, you two can work together to build this crowdfunding platform,and you can discuss the shares yourself.”


Li Mubaiimmediately jumped up and shouted, “I’m not doing this, how can I robBrother Chen’s shares!”


Li Murongexclaimed, “What robbing. You have to pay for your own investment and exchangeshare to help your friend start his business, so you don’t have to spend all daydrinking and picking up girls and see what you have become!”

“Besides,if you don’t have your shares, in what name do I get involved in this matter? Doyou think the people in the office are easy to talk to that you can ask them tohelp with a casual meal?”

Li Mubaisuddenly wilted like frosted eggplant. He honestly sat down again, his eyes growling.

Li Murongsneered: “Don’t try to be sneaky and cheat. After investing in shares, thefamily won’t give you any money. You have to earn money by yourself, otherwiseyou will obediently follow the arrangement of the family and marry and havechildren with the Wang family!”

Li Mubai lookedlike he was hit by lightning five times by the heaven, with a look ofunrequited love.

Li Murongdealt him another fatal blow: “Mushi will return to China next month. Thisproject just allows her to practice her skills and supervise you whileconvenient. In the future, you will have your share in the family’s business,and you can’t lose it all!”

“Li Mushi...”

Hearing thename, Li Bai was trembling all over and his face changed.

He suddenlyfell to the ground and hugged Su Daiwan’s leg.



TN: Furtherexplanation: Original text is "Law of the jungle. The weak meat, strong eat". Literally:"weak (is the) meat, strong eats (the meat); if you are weak, you are the meat;if you are strong, you eat the meat". Which also means survival of the fittest.

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