Perfect Superstar

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 - Big Brother and Third Sister-In-Law

It was LiMubai who called Lu Chen.

Li Bai’stone was a little excited: “Brother Chen, my big brother wants to seeyou!”

Li Mubai’s bigbrother?

Lu Chen was dumbfounded,but he soon realized that Li Mubai’s big brother should be able to help him.

A few daysago, because of a very important matter, Lu Chen asked Li Mubai to help him to seeif the latter could help him contact the relevant people, etc., so as to avoidbeing someone who’s holding a pig’s head, but couldn’t find the temple door.(TN: He has something to offer but don’t know where to offer it.)

China is ahuman society, if you want to start a career, having connections is reallyimportant.

Li Mubai hasan extraordinary family background, coupled with his straightforwardpersonality, he must know a lot of friends in Beijing. It is better to ask himfor help than to sit in the studio and wait.

Whether it succeedsor not, it’s always right to try.

To Lu Chen’ssurprise, Li Mubai unexpectedly invited his big brother.

Lu Chen hadno idea who Li Mubai’s big brother was, but listening to his tone, it’s obviousthat things have begun to take shape.

It was alsoamazing that Lu Chen and Li Mubai have never met in person, but therelationship between them has changed from former anchors and fans to somethingof a real friend.

Had it notbeen for this relationship, Lu Chen wouldn’t have asked Li Mubai for help.

Just likeChen Jianhao’s view of Lu Chen - his pride is deep in his bones.

Lu Chenhurriedly asked, “When and where will I meet you? I’ll come over myself.”

Li Mubaiasked, “Where are you now?”

Lu Chenreplied, “I’m at Jinghua Hotel near the Creative Park. I invited peoplefrom Nirvana Studios to dinner in the evening. My album has been completed. It isexpected that it will available for sale on QQ Music in two days.”

“Is youralbum been completed?”

Li Mubai waspleasantly surprised: “Great, then I will mobilize everyone to support it,and help you get on the sales list. It’s just that downloading on the Internetis boring, and only a real album will have an appeal.”

Lu Chentaught him the word “appeal”. He learned it from the dream world, andthe opposite of it is “boring”.

Li Mubai likesto apply the things that he learns. He often wrote it in the bullet screen inthe broadcast room from time to time.

According tohis words. Li Bai is a man of great appeal.

As for hisnemesis, Alsace, that is, the exact opposite of him, boring!

Lu Chen saidwith a smile, “I asked you to help me with the record. The specificsituation is more complicated. Let’s meet and talk.”

Takingadvantage of this opportunity, he would like to meet his staunch supporter.


Li Mubaisaid: “At 7:30 in the evening, go to the Ping’an District on Beijing SecondRing Road and call me when you get there.”

Lu Chencertainly has no objection.

He was veryhappy.

This thing,which has been planned for a long time, finally has hope for success!

Back in thebox, Lu Chen apologized to Wang Changsheng and the others, and asked Lu Xi to continueto eat with everyone.

He first wentback to the studio by himself.

Lu Chen’sstudio had bathroom facilities in the lounge. He took a quick bath, washed awaythe smell of alcohol, then changed into a set of clean and tidy clothes andwent out.

Because hehad a drink in the evening, Lu Chen didn’t drive his car, so he stopped a taxion the roadside and rushed to Ping’an District.

Taxi driversare locals. Anyone who often takes a taxi in Beijing knows that the greatestcharacteristic of local masters is that they can talk well. Knowing astronomyabove and geography below, the temples are as high as rivers and lakes. Theywill talk about everything.

The same istrue to the middle-aged driver. When Lu Chen said that he was going to the Ping’anDistrict on Beijing Second Ring Road, his chatterbox opened immediately, and salivaflew out incessantly.

Ping’anDistrict is one of the earliest high-end communities in Beijing, with anextremely superior geographical location, in which 70% of the buildings arevillas. The people who live in it are either rich or powerful.

When Ping’anDistrict opened for sale more than ten years ago, it set a new record for houseprices in the country at that time, and now it has increased at least tenfold.A large villa is worth at least 100 million of yuan.

Speaking ofhousing prices in Beijing, the old driver sighed unceasingly. He said that hethought the house price of 5,000 yuan was too expensive to buy, but now hecouldn’t buy one for 50,000 at the same location, and he regretted until hisintestine turned green.

Lu Chenlistened to him talking all the way, but time passed quickly.

Fortunately,the taxi didn’t run into a traffic jam on the way. Lu Chen arrived at Ping’anDistrict at 7 o’clock.

After payingthe fare, he got out of the car and called Li Mubai.

As ahigh-end community, the security of Ping’an District is very strict. Lu Chencan’t get in without a pass.

Li Mubai cameout quickly.

This was thefirst time Lu Chen has seen him in person!

Li Mubai isone year younger than Lu Chen, and has a standard height of about 1.75 meters.

He has shorthair and is not very handsome, but at least he has good facial feature, hisbody is full of youthful vitality, and his hip-hop style is eye-catching.


Seeing LuChen, Li Mubai ran over with a smile, opened his arms and gave Lu Chen a firmhug.

Lu Chenpatted him hard on the back and said with a smile, “Li Bai!”

Although it wasthe first time they have meet each other in person, the two have chatted onlinemany times and are quite familiar with each other.

So, it feelslike a reunion of old friends that haven’t seen each other for many years, withjoy and excitement from the bottom of their heart!

There was nostrangeness or alienation.

Li Mubai letgo and said, “Let’s go to my house. My big brother and third sister-in-laware already there.”

Lu Chenasked curiously, “Is this going to bother your big brother?”

As theywalked and chatted, Li Mubai explained: “This is just a trivial matter formy big brother.”

“However,my big brother has always not care about my business, so I asked third sister-in-lawfor help. Third sister-in-law likes your songs very much, and says that you arevery talented. My big brother loves third sister-in-law the most. This iscalled a curve to save the country!” (TN: Curve to save the country -saving the situation in an indirect way.)

There was atriumphant look on his face, with an expression of “I’m smart, pleasepraise me.”



Lu Chen listenedto this, feeling that something was not right - Li Mubai’s big brother doesn’tcare about him, he asked his third sister-in-law for help, and his big brotherloves his third sister-in-law.

Your circle,it seems to be a bit messy!

Probablynoticing Lu Chen’s strange look, Li Mubai said with a laugh, “Don’t get mewrong. I only have one big brother, but there are three sisters-in-law. Hebecame a native of Taiwan in his early years, and the three sisters-in-law arefrom Taipei, Taiwan.”

Taiwan natives!

Lu Chen wassuddenly enlightened.

As early as1967, Taiwan returned to the embrace of the motherland together with Hong Kong.In addition, Macao City returned to the motherland in 1969. It is the threemajor special administrative regions (SAR) that implement the "one country, twosystems” policy.

Thepolitical system is different, and the law in the SAR are also quite differentfrom those of China. The most typical one is the Marriage Law, which allowspolygamy in all three special zones.

For example,He Liangwei, the famous gambling king of Macao City. He owns a seven-star AojingHotel and three luxury casinos. His business scope includes gambling, realestate, logistics, entertainment and other industries, with assets of more than50 billion yuan.

What peoplelike to talk about most about He Liangwei is not how much money he has, butthat he has a total of seven wives. In addition to the first wife, the othersix include four Miss Macau and two Miss Hong Kong. He can be called a realwinner in life.

It isprecisely because of the different marriage laws that many rich people inTaiwan are trying to find ways to move to the three special zones. What theywant is to marry more wives, enjoy the happiness of having more wives, and atthe same time open branches and spread leaves, and have babies enter theirfamilies!

However,after entering the new century, the feminist movement has risen, and the callsfor the three special zones to abolish this unfair marriage system are gettingstronger and stronger. Therefore, both Taiwan and Hong Kong are planning toamend the marriage law and abolish polygamy.

It is saidthat there is a lot of resistance.

With that,the two came to the front of a large villa in the community.

The area of Ping’anDistrict is very large. There is an artificial lake in the center of thecommunity. Many villas are built around the lake, scattered and separated by greenbeltto ensure privacy.

The villa ofLi Mubai’s family is three storeys high, at least 600-700 square meters insize, and there is a small garden in front of it.

It was alreadydark, and the street lamps standing on the green field emitted a soft light,which evenly illuminating the cobblestone path leading to the front door,surrounded by a serene scene.

Li Mubaistepped forward and opened the door. A magnificent hall immediately appeared infront of him, and a huge chandelier suspended from the dome was emittingthousands of rays of light. It was as if it were a palace.

Li Mubaimade a gesture of invitation to Lu Chen and said, “Brother Chen, welcometo my house!”

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Thank you.”

Although LiMubai’s home was astonishing, it will not make Lu Chen lost himself.

When hisfamily was not in a decline at that time, the place where he lived was also avilla in the best community in Binhai. Although it couldn’t compare to the billion-yuanhouse in front of him, he has also enjoyed riches and honor.

Lu Chenwalked into the door very naturally. The living room was empty and there was noone there.

Li Mubaisaid, “Big brother is listening to third sister-in-law playing the Guqinin the teahouse on the second floor. I’ll take you up.” (TN: Guqin – aseven-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither.)

Under his guidance,Lu Chen came to an elegant room on the second floor of the villa.

Although itwas said it was a teahouse, but in fact, it was more like a large study. Thedecoration was completely antique in Chinese style. There were many famouscalligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, and there was a faint smell oftea in the air.

He saw a manin a white gown sitting on a mahogany chair, listening to a woman in cheongsam playingthe Guqin. (TN: The man was wearing something like this. Here.)

Seeing LiMubai and Lu Chen come in, the man in white raised his right index finger andmade a silent gesture.

The gracefulwoman was playing the Guqin with great concentration. The sound of was like thesound of nature. It was impressively the melodious and smooth Xiaoxiang Shuiyun.Listening carefully made people unconsciously enter into the vast artisticconception of clouds and water. (TN: Xiaoxiang Shuiyun is a very famous tune inGuqin.)

Li Mubai andLu Chen stood still until the other party finished playing the ancient song.

But Lu Chenwas surprised to find that he actually knew the Guqin player, that is, LiMubai’s third sister-in-law!


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