Part Time Employee in Konoha

Chapter 161: Extreme Methods

Chapter 161: Extreme Methods

Konoha Village, Root Base.

Akihara Kagura led the Root members to escort the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, back to the Mist Village. After handing over the mission to Sarutobi Hiruzen, he spent most of his time at the Root base.

Besides that,

The mission involving Uchiha Itachi joining the Akatsuki organization has also been concluded.

[System Prompt]: [Assisted Uchiha Obito in instigating the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha Village, forcing Uchiha Itachi to defect and join the Akatsuki organization. Mission completed, reward: Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique.]

[Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique (B-rank Fire Release jutsu, expels several massive dragon-shaped flames, very powerful.)]

[System Prompt]:[Safely escorted the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, back to the Mist Village. Mission completed, reward: Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique.]

[Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique (B-rank Water Release jutsu, by simplifying hand seals from Rat-Dragon-Rabbit-Tiger, can quickly gather surrounding water to unleash a water dragon composed of water flows!)]

This technique is quite good.

Mainly because it doesn't require many hand seals.

Akihara Kagura had once witnessed Zabuza Momochi using the Water Dragon Bullet Technique. The hand seals were dazzlingly fast, but the released Water Release jutsu wasn't particularly strong.

Of course.

Since acquiring the Rinnegan (temporary), Akihara Kagura has mastered six types of chakra nature transformations and can simplify the hand seals for ninjutsu.

During this time, Akihara Kagura has been using his limited Tsukuyomi world to train the surviving Uchiha clansmen, carefully selecting twelve individuals from them.

These individuals are about the same age as Akihara Kagura and have awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan in the limited Tsukuyomi world, and through Hashirama cell transplantation experiments, they awakened Wood Release.


The strength of the Wood Release awakened by these surviving Uchiha wasn't as satisfactory as hoped.


Akihara Kagura needs to find a way to settle these individuals.

To settle them, a way must be found to make Shimura Danzo take the blame, as Danzo certainly wouldn't be willing to do so willingly.

Just then.

At that moment.

Yakushi Kabuto returned to Konoha Village.

When Yakushi Kabuto met Akihara Kagura, the first thing he wanted was to teach the Edo Tensei technique he had recorded to Akihara Kagura: "I've obtained the Edo Tensei technique, but this technique might still need some refinement..."

"You refine it first."

Akihara Kagura wasn't in a hurry to learn.

Because in its incomplete state, Edo Tensei is very likely to go out of the caster's control, and the resurrected dead might not reach the expected strength level.

This is partly because the sacrifices required for Edo Tensei aren't quite suitable, and also because the technique's completeness isn't high enough.


Yakushi Kabuto is a genius.

A genius capable of perfecting the Edo Tensei technique.

"There's another piece of news."

Yakushi Kabuto mentioned the person he was most concerned about previously: "Orochimaru told me that Danzo might still have some tricks up his sleeve, and told me to contact Danzo..."

"I understand."

Akihara Kagura was more curious about something else: "Where is Lord Orochimaru? The Akatsuki organization actually drove Lord Orochimaru out, is he now homeless?"

"Orochimaru has gone to the Land of Rice Fields."

Yakushi Kabuto mentioned Orochimaru's whereabouts, adding: "Orochimaru intends to spend a fortune to bribe the Daimyo of the Land of Rice Fields, so as to establish his own ninja village in the Land of Rice Fields, seeking a true place to belong, secretly recruiting young talented ninja..."

"He also intends to usurp your body."

When Kabuto said this, he pushed up his glasses and stated: "I will find another opportunity to return to his side, continue to learn his knowledge, and must also eliminate this hidden danger in the future..."

"Kabuto, you're too extreme."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, feeling Yakushi Kabuto was a bit extreme: "Since Lord Orochimaru already knows about the breakdown of our relationship, yet he still wants to usurp my body, let him find an opportunity to try..."

"If he doesn't try..."

"How can that guy experience despair?"


Yakushi Kabuto felt that his idea of eliminating Orochimaru was much gentler than Akihara Kagura's attitude towards Orochimaru, shaking his head and saying: "But there is also good news, at least Orochimaru knows our relationship has also broken down, he should not harm the Dean anymore..."

Looking at Akihara Kagura, Kabuto continued: "So now we only have one thing to do, which is to find a way to deal with Shimura Danzo, to find a way to kill him..."

"How can you be even more extreme than me?"

Akihara Kagura frowned, very much disagreeing with Yakushi Kabuto's opinion, and put forward his own idea: "Once Shimura Danzo is killed, the Third Hokage will definitely suspect us, those who have grudges against Danzo first, this kind of retaliatory method will inevitably affect us first..."

While Akihara Kagura was speaking, he gently clenched his fist: "I have thought about it, Danzo is wholeheartedly for the sake of Konoha, so let him feel what it is like to be abandoned by Konoha, let him become a rogue ninja of Konoha..."


Yakushi Kabuto was silent for a while.

Although Akihara Kagura's method sounds somewhat merciful, Yakushi Kabuto still felt that his idea of killing Shimura Danzo was gentler...

Shimura Danzo is almost seventy years old!

He was even once the adviser to the Hokage of Konoha Village, no matter how you look at it, he is a high-ranking member of Konoha, and yet he has to be forced to defect from Konoha?

"I think..."

Yakushi Kabuto looked at Akihara Kagura, who was very confident, and cautiously asked: "Compared to becoming a rogue ninja, Danzo might prefer to choose suicide, right?"

"Isn't that great?"

Akihara Kagura spread his palms, continuing: "If Danzo defects, then his matter will definitely have nothing to do with us; if Danzo commits suicide, then his matter will definitely have even less to do with us, in any case, we won't be involved..."


Yakushi Kabuto's eyebrows were tightly furrowed.

That seems to be a bit off, doesn't it?

"Lord Kagura!"

A member of the Anbu came to the Root base, conveying an order from Sarutobi Hiruzen to Akihara Kagura: "The Hokage orders you to rush to the Hokage's office immediately!"

"I'll go right away."

Akihara Kagura dismissed this Anbu member with a wave of his hand.

"Alright, then I'll go to the Hokage's office for a meeting first."

Akihara Kagura adjusted his ninja forehead protector and instructed Yakushi Kabuto, "There are some accounts from the Root that I can't quite understand. You happen to help me with the budgeting, and also bring back this month's funds for the Konoha Orphanage. I won't make Yamanaka F run an extra trip for this"

"I understand," Kabuto sighed somewhat helplessly.

Konoha Village.

Inside the Hokage building.

When Akihara Kagura arrived, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two Hokage advisors had already been there, with all three showing a somewhat solemn expression.

"The Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, has committed suicide," Sarutobi Hiruzen announced, delivering a piece of news that was somewhat expected.

Akihara Kagura had anticipated this as well. Yagura had long harbored thoughts of suicide, and the Blood Mist policy enacted during his control by Uchiha Obito had led to severe losses within the Mist Village. If it weren't for Konoha insisting on bringing him over as a guest for a while, he likely would have committed suicide earlier...

"Konoha's S-rank rogue ninja, Uchiha Itachi, and an S-rank rogue ninja from the Mist Village, Momochi Zabuza, infiltrated the Land of Water and battled Yagura. During the battle, Zabuza was killed by the Mizukage, and Uchiha Itachi once again used his Mangekyo Sharingan to control Yagura"


"After that, the Mizukage chose to commit suicide."

"The Mist Village hopes to form a joint pursuit ninja team with Konoha to chase after Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, the two S-rank rogue ninjas from Konoha, and the S-rank rogue ninja from the Mist Village, Hoshigaki Kisame"

"I actually agree with this idea"

"Regardless, the threat posed by Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito is too significant; someone must track their whereabouts to prevent them from bringing further disaster to the ninja world"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen raised this issue, his gaze shifted to Akihara Kagura and quickly moved away, as if he was afraid that Kagura might take on this mission voluntarily. "However, Kagura absolutely cannot leave Konoha. Finding a suitable candidate will not be easy"

Konoha had pursued the rogue ninja Uchiha Obito for some time.

At that time, the main members were Hatake Kakashi, Akihara Kagura, and Uchiha Itachi. Due to Kagura's actions, they nearly triggered the Fourth Great Ninja War.

"This is actually very dangerous."

Akihara Kagura frowned, expressing his opinion, "Whether it's Uchiha Obito or Uchiha Itachi, both possess the Uchiha clan's top-tier Kekkei Genkai, the Mangeky Sharingan. The wielders of the Mangeky Sharingan have strange abilities, and even I cannot guarantee victory over them. The Mist Village might not have someone who can match them"

To be honest,

Akihara Kagura wanted to recommend Lord Danz, but recommending Lord Danz at this time might inevitably seem like sending him to his death

"It's true"

Koharu Utatane nodded, sighing, "The Mist Village's eagerness for revenge is understandable, but sending innocent people is essentially sending them to their deaths"

"I plan to send Kakashi"

Sarutobi Hiruzen suggested a candidate, continuing, "Kakashi has always wanted to track down Uchiha Obito's whereabouts. Moreover, he was once the leader of Uchiha Itachi's Anbu unit and has a certain understanding of Uchiha Itachi"

Sarutobi Hiruzen actually had this idea for a while because Uchiha Itachi was a spy for Konoha and would definitely not harm Hatake Kakashi; he might even provide Kakashi with secret information.

"I can go with Kakashi"

The solution proposed by Akihara Kagura was immediately rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"No, that's not possible."

Holding a smoking pipe, Sarutobi Hiruzen made his decision unilaterally: "I have already decided on this matter."

Homura Mitokado glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen and frowned, saying: "If that's the case, won't the number of operatives in the Anbu decrease? Konoha has just gone through a turmoil..."

"We can reallocate personnel from the Root."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Akihara Kagura beside him.

"I don't really have any objections."

Akihara Kagura nodded, indicating no particular objections and took the opportunity to apply some ointment to the conversation and introduce a topic: "But I don't know if Lord Danzo would have any opinions. The members of the Root are more accustomed to working under Lord Danzo's leadership, after all, Lord Danzo is the founder of the Root..."

"How about involving Danzo as well?"

Homura Mitokado shared his thoughts, suggesting proactively: "Since we don't want to continue giving Danzo power within the village, why not let him pursue the rogue ninja? The ninjas of the Root are his old subordinates and will surely follow his commands..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into an abrupt silence.

Normally, Sarutobi Hiruzen wouldn't want Shimura Danzo to regain power and cause trouble, yet this situation seemed quite suitable for Shimura Danzo...


This matter deals with affairs outside the village.


Shimura Danzo knows that Uchiha Itachi is Konoha's spy.

Moreover, hearing Akihara Kagura talk about the Root, it seems the ninjas of the Root have always been disobedient, yet they would follow Shimura Danzo's orders...

"I'll think about it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to put this matter on hold.

"Could it be like this..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, sharing his idea: "Once the joint pursuit ninja force between Konoha and Mist Village is established, there will definitely be a shortage of personnel. The Root is essentially a training ground for the Anbu, so why not supplement the Anbu with a batch of ninjas from the Root..."

"Actually, those guys don't really listen to my commands either, some of them are much older than me, only willing to follow Lord Danzo's commands..."

This wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Indeed, many from the Root had been thoroughly brainwashed and controlled by Shimura Danzo over the years, becoming his loyal followers, keen on serving Shimura Danzo even if the persuasion from the mountains couldn't convert them.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's indifference, Akihara Kagura resorted to his trump card: "Sometimes I think about simply killing them off, since they're of no use anyway..."

"Don't be so extreme!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly stopped Akihara Kagura, saying sternly: "You select a batch of personnel to send to the Anbu..."

At this point, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes suddenly flashed: "But then, wouldn't the Root be short of personnel..."

Akihara Kagura finally realized the difficulty of dealing with this Hokage, whispering: "The Root has its purpose. I am still young, I can slowly select some youngsters to train or those who want to protect Konoha in the shadows..."

Taking the opportunity, Akihara Kagura planted a seed: "Before Lord Danzo retired, he left a group of children in the Root being trained in extreme ways. I have sent some of these children to the orphanage, and plan to gradually train some of the talented ones"

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