Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 580: Young Master Song and the Turtle Soup

Chapter 580: Young Master Song and the Turtle Soup

The next day, Lin Qiusheng and I went to the coffee shop one hour before the meeting time. We found a relatively hidden corner and sat down. 

A moment later, I saw Ru Xue with beautiful makeup enter the coffee shop. She chose a table that was within our sight, but she couldnt see us from her position. 

It was as Lin Qiusheng had assumed. Not even a few minutes after she had taken her seat, Wang Jie arrived. Wang Jies waist looked bigger. It seemed he had bandaged it. As soon as he saw Ru Xue, his eyes opened wide. He started to flirt with her. 

Ru Xue had come here under the premise that she had a one-sided love for him. She treated him charmingly. A moment later, Wang Jie was already infatuated with her. 

I thought it was enough. I made a call to Ru Xues phone. Immediately, Ru Xue got the signal. In a slow voice, she said seductively, Wang Jie, do you want to come to my house? 

How could Wang Jie deny her offer? He wrapped her waist, left the coffee shop, and got in his car. 

Lin Qiusheng and I sneaked out of the coffee shop from the back door and got in the van that was waiting outside. Xiao Zhao immediately stepped on the accelerator. The van moved forward!

When we came to an apartment we had just rented, I knocked on the door. No one answered. I opened the door with my key. Then, we all found a place to hide. 

As soon as we hid, we heard a lock clicking sound followed by Wang Jies despicable laughter. When the door was closed, Ru Xue said that she needed to take a shower to get rid of Wang Jies control. 

Lin Qiusheng and I stormed out. Each of us held a knife. We immediately besieged Wang Jie. Since he had come to see the beauty, Wang Jie didnt bring anything with him. We had scared him well, which made him take out the phalanx and release the spirit. 

Once more, I heard him tell the spirit that he would reward it with a bowl of turtle soup. However, it was different from yesterday. He didnt direct the spirit to attack us but told it to grab a stick nearby! 

I gave Lin Qiusheng a commanding look. Lin Qiusheng dashed forward with a knife. Although he had a knife in his hand, it was clear he had never been in a fight before. His random slashes couldnt hurt Wang Jie at all. Meanwhile, Wang Jie seized some chances to hit him with his stick. 

I was worried about him, but I didn't have time to help. The spirit was flying toward me! The spirit started with a fast attack. When I had just parried it in the front, it had moved right behind me. If I wasnt hurt, I could reluctantly deal with it. However, my left arm couldnt move as fast as it used to be, which also restricted my bodys movement. 

The spirit seemed to recognize that my left arm was injured, so he deliberately attacked it. It was strenuous for me to deal with him. Lin Qiusheng could hold his ground for a while with his knife. However, I was slowly getting the lower hand. 

As soon as the spirit was about to dominate me, I snapped my fingers. Immediately, Ru Xue walked out of the kitchen, carrying delicious foods in both hands. She put the dishes on the table. 

It was Li Mazis idea. He said that since the spirit always wanted to eat until bursting, at the critical moment, we could use delicious foods to distract it! 

Li Mazis method worked surprisingly well. The spirit was attracted by the food. He immediately flew to the table and ignored me. As he was in spirit form, he couldnt eat. Still, he loomed over the table and hungrily took in the smell of food. He simply ignored Wang Jies scream. 

Wang Jie had roared and yelled for a long time, but the spirit didnt listen to him. He became restless. He screamed that he would never stew turtle soup again. 

When he said that, the spirit didnt drool over the food anymore. It seemed turtle soup had something to do with the spirit when he was alive. I was curious about who that guy was when he was alive. 

The spirit became brutal again. I pulled myself together. However, the wound on the left hand had affected me. I had to use all of my strength to be an equal match to the spirit. 

Lin Qiusheng saw my situation and made a quick decision. He recklessly hacked his knife at Wang Jie, which made the man bewildered. Wang Jie automatically raised his stick to parry. The stick was broken, and the knife continued its way to attack him.

Wang Jie immediately sat down to avoid the attack. Before he was hit, he was quick enough to summon the spirit to carry him away. They jumped through the window and fled. 

I had always watched him, so as soon as he summoned the spirit, I sprinkled salt at them. The spirit screeched in pain, but it didnt slow down. 

When I came to the window, Wang Jie was nowhere to be seen. As I had let him go a few times, I wondered when I could finally catch him. I couldnt help but curse. Damn it, just like a turtle retreating in its shell...

When I said turtle, something suddenly came to mind. I took out my phone to search for turtle soup. The web search results popped up fast. In the Kingdom of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, there was a man called Young Master Song. He was a relative to King Zheng, and lived under his care. 

One day, Young Master Song went to the palace with the imperial guard. Along the way, his index finger shook unceasingly. The guard was curious so he asked, Whats going on with your finger? 

My index finger is very smart. When it shakes like this, it means Im going to enjoy delicious foods. When they came to the palace, they found that King Zheng had stewed turtle soup to treat his important officials. 

During the feast, the imperial guard reported the interesting story of Young Master Songs index finger to King Zheng. King Zheng immediately planned a prank. He didnt distribute the turtle soup to Young Master Song. 

Oh, your index finger didnt work well today, did it? joked the King. 

Young Master Song was enraged. He dipped his finger into King Zhengs bowl, sucked it, then said, How could my finger not work? It just tasted the delicious food, didnt it?

Then, he left arrogantly. To prevent King Zheng from killing him out of his wrath, the next day, Young Master Song came to the palace with his guards. He took the initiative to murder King Zheng and take his place as the king. 

But it was a pity that Young Master Song wasnt popular or convincing enough to the important imperial courtiers. Soon, they condemned him for treason and gave him a death sentence. His body was thrown into the wild to be eaten by wild dogs. 

After reading the article, we looked at each other and felt awkward. Young Master Song was bold enough. Because of a bowl of soup, he killed the king. King Zhengs death was too awkward. 

Anyway, it seemed the pinky phalanx was Young Master Songs index finger. It was gluttonous, and that was why it could affect Lin Qiusheng and make him stuff his stomach with food, even to the point of killing him!  

This finding made me feel uneasy. However, the important thing to do now was to find Wang Jies hideout. If we couldn't deal with Young Master Song, Lin Qiusheng would have to live in danger!  

Lin Qiusheng just smiled. Dont worry. From what I know about Wang Jie, when he gets mad, he will do something crazy! We just need to make him think that my sense of taste has recovered. Im sure he will jump out. Tomorrow, I will spend more money to shoot another cuisine show

I nodded. It was the only thing we could do now. 

The show was broadcasted for three days, but we heard nothing from Wang Jie. We all thought that this trick of Lin Qiusheng wasnt useful. However, he insisted that Wang Jie would stay idle for a week at most! 

In the evening of the fourth day, I was still in Lin Qiushengs house, keeping watch. Seeing the time tick by, I shook my head. It seems Im going to waste another night. 

Right after I sighed, the small bells in the room jingled! I got a hold of myself and grabbed the Sirius Whip tighter. Something had just intruded into the house! 

I had used extremely fine red threads to chain a dozen small bronze bells and hung them in different corners of the Lin familys house. I had closed all the windows of the house as I didnt want to let the wind come in. Since the bells were jingling now, something was entering the house.  

I kept my eyes on the direction of the bells. Soon, a cold wind rushed in. I jerked back then rolled around to dodge the wind. The cold air moved behind me. Instinctively, I wielded my Sirius Whip. Borrowing the force from the whip, I slid a distance to avoid the attack. 

I turned around and saw Young Master Song, his eyes bloodshot. He was hurling himself toward me.

I was scared. It had been just several days, and Young Master Songs Yin energy had strengthened by a lot. He had even recovered half of his soul that I had smashed in the previous fight. It seemed Wang Jie had been patient until tonight because he wanted to strengthen Young Master Songs Yin energy! 

As I had been alert for several days in a row, my strength wasnt at its fullest. Moreover, I had underestimated Young Master Song. At this moment, he was slowly gaining the upper hand. I was getting mad. I retrieved the Sirius Whip, took out an ancient leather belt, and aimed it at Young Master Song. 

In ancient times, when people buried a deceased person, they would use leather to wrap the dead body because all ghosts were afraid of leather. Indeed, Young Master Songs furious attack subsided after he saw the leather belt. 

When he slowed down, I immediately moved faster and lashed the leather belt. It finally coiled around Young Master Song. The more he struggled, the tighter the leather belt became. I knew my chance had come. I picked up a bowl of turtle soup I had prepared and poured it into Young Master Songs mouth. 

At first, Young Master Song struggled hard. But when he tasted the turtle soup, he calmed down. As he didnt react furiously, I quickly poured the entire bowl of soup into his mouth. 

I had put the blood of two roosters into the pot and stewed the turtle for a few days. There was no doubt about its power!

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