Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 578: Spirit Tracking Formation

Chapter 578: Spirit Tracking Formation

Lin Qiusheng looked scared. Seeing his face, I knew the origin of this pinky phalanx wasnt simple. After pondering for a while, he finally made up his mind and said, I bought that pinky phalanx at an underground auction. 

An underground auction was the trade market for various items. However, most of them were illegal, and some were stolen goods. There were many grave items, too. One could even find national treasures that were not allowed to be sold by law. 

It wasnt strange that Lin Qiusheng could find a pinky phalanx in such a place. The problem was: How did he know that the phalanx could help him? 

Lin Qiusheng wore a wry smile. After my sense of taste went bad, I went to many famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, but it was no use. That was until someone sent me an anonymous message saying that the pinky phalanx could help me. I was very worried at that time, so I went to the underground auction to buy the item. It seemed that the anonymous person had come at the time I needed it the most! 

I sneered. Im sure someone wanted to harm you. Although the otherworldly item can help you taste the food for a while, in the end, youll receive the backlash. 

Lin Qiusheng looked embarrassed. Do you know how to subdue that pinky phalanx? 

I shook my head. For now, the only thing we can do is to go to that underground auction place to see who posted that item. If someone wants to harm you, that person must have some relationship with the pinky phalanx. 

Lin Qiusheng felt awkward. The underground auction wont disclose their customers information. Im afraid we cant access that information. 

I shrugged. Thats all I can think of for now. If you dont want to go, will you stay in your house and wait for your death? 

Lin Qiusheng was speechless. Eventually, he gave me a reluctant nod. Of course, this sort of underground auction house wasnt open during the day. We had to wait until nightfall. Seizing the time before the night came, I went out to prepare some stuff, then went home to rest. 

In the evening, Lin Qiusheng asked Xiao Zhao to stay and take care of Lin Xia. He picked me up and drove me to the underground auction place. When we were near, I realized that the place was pretty close to the antique street! 

Since Lin Qiusheng had been here before, we were allowed to enter easily. After taking the seat number from the doorman, we found that the auction had already begun. 

There were many antiques in this auction session. However, I just needed to take a glance to know that not even two of them were real. Anyway, they were enough to fool the amateur collectors. 

I felt bored, so I leaned against the backrest to rest. All of a sudden, I felt someone watching me from behind. When I turned around to see, I found no one. 

I quietly turned back and continued my rest, trying to ignore the drilling look at my back. It seemed that the person thought that I was sleeping, so they werent afraid anymore. Their gaze became unrestrained. I took the chance and turned around all of a sudden. I caught a middle-aged man looking at me hostilely. As he was busted, he didnt look at me anymore. He hurriedly left the venue. 

I had contemplated it for a while, but I couldnt remember how I was related to him. I decided to ignore him. As the auction session was about to end, Lin Qiusheng picked a random item. After the auction finished, we went to the back of the stage to pay. 

After paying, Lin Qiusheng asked, Last time I bought a pinky phalanx here. I wonder if I can buy the same thing again? 

The staff immediately checked his tablet and gave us a negative answer. 

Lin Qiusheng pulled a regretful face. Oh, thats too bad. I accidentally broke the pinky phalanx I got last time. I came here today to try my luck. I didnt expect that 

The staff person also expressed his regret. 

Hey, friend, can you give me the contact of the previous owner of that pinky phalanx? I can contact him to see if my luck is still here. While talking, he discreetly shoved some bills into the mans hand. 

The man wanted to refuse him, but as soon as he touched the red bills, he smiled. If I disclose the confidential information, I will be fired. 

I understand. Totally understand. Lin Qiusheng smilingly and secretly handed him a stack of money. 

The mans smile grew broader. He quickly jotted down a name and an address on a piece of paper and put it into Lin Qiushengs pocket. 

Liu Qiushengs purpose was achieved. We left the underground auction place. I was stunned to see the series of exchanges. Lin Qiusheng handed me the address. This is the person you want to see! 

I couldnt help but give him a thumbs-up. You are an efficient person! 

Lin Qiusheng smiled. I know money can even control the ghosts.   

As soon as we got the contact information, Lin Qiusheng became restless. Could you trick him to come out? 

I shook my head. If this person wants to harm you, perhaps hes still watching us discreetly! He may have seen me before. To not alert him, we must find someone who he has never seen before. 

Lin Qiusheng waved his hand. Master Zhang, I am counting on you. My people should be known already. 

I shook my head reluctantly. Li Mazi isnt a good option, either. Who else can I count on? 

Thats right, Ru Xue!

I immediately returned to the antique shop. Li Mazi and Ru Xue were nesting on the sofa, watching TV. When they saw me, they pointed at the steaming food on the table. Oh, youre right on time. Come, eat something. 

Im not in a hurry. I have something I need Ru Xue to help me with. 

Li Mazi made a face when I said that I needed Ru Xues help. Oh, Im not sure if I can allow this. 

I directly ignored him. I went to tell Ru Xue the situation. Since I just needed her to make a phone call, she agreed. 

However, I wasnt sure which excuse to use to trick him to see us. 

Ru Xue pouted her lips. Its easy.

Then, she made the call. Hello, is this Mr. Wang? As soon as the line was through, Ru Xue started to drawl. Her voice was soft and spoiled. 

Li Mazi was mad. But before he could yell, I covered his mouth.  

Ru Xue shortly convinced the other person that she had a one-sided love for him for quite a long time. She wanted a date to see him. 

I dropped my jaw in shock. 

Ru Xue and the other party had chatted for a while. In the end, the man agreed to have a date tomorrow night at a coffee shop. 

As soon as she hung up the call, Li Mazi pulled her aside to give her a lesson. However, after a few minutes, the roles were switched. Ru Xue pinched Li Mazis ear and nagged at him for his narrow-minded self. 

After the arrangements were made, I drove to the hospital. Lin Qiusheng was touched when he learned that I had come to do the night watch.

I then showed him Ru Xues picture. Weve got a date with that guy. Tomorrow, we will meet up in a coffee shop near the hospital. You have to be there one hour in advance and see who Ru Xue will meet. 

After discussing the date tomorrow, I started to arrange something in the patient room. At first, I stuck a painting of the Taotie on the headboard. I had drawn this one myself. Although it wasnt as good as Chuyis, it would work, more or less. 

Then, I wrote a Spirit Tracking Formation on the door and the window using cinnabar ink. As soon as the pinky phalanx came in or got out of the room through one of these two ways, the Spirit Tracking Formation would be activated. Even if it escaped, I would be able to track it down. 

After preparing everything, I turned to take a look at Lin Qiusheng. He didnt look well. I asked him to take a rest.

He was a little embarrassed. 

Dont worry about me. I usually do the night watch. Im used to it. I smiled at him. 

He then pulled a chair with a backrest and rested. After a while, I heard him snoring steadily. 

I adhered a Yang Concealing Talisman on myself then went under the bed. My ears pricked up to listen to the commotions outside. After quite a long time, I heard some noises from the door. The door slightly opened. I peeped from under the bed and saw a transparent figure floating into the room! 

I craned my neck a little bit to see what it wanted to do. The figure suspended between Lin Qiusheng and Lin Xia for quite a long time as if it was considering things. A moment later, it abruptly entered Lin Xia.  

I started to get up from under the bed. The ghost had already possessed Lin Xias body. 

Lin Xia got up, his eyes blank. Then, he lifted his blanket, irritably twisting his neck. It was as though he couldnt adapt to his body. He left the room shortly afterward. 

After Lin Xia left, I woke Lin Qiusheng up. 

Seeing that Lin Xia was missing again, Lin Qiusheng started to panic. 

I said, Im going to chase after Lin Xia. You stay here and protect the formations Ive drawn. 

What should I do? Lin Qiusheng asked. 

I gave him the cinnabar ink and the brush. When you see the formation dim out, use the brush to dab it thicker. Just follow the lines Ive drawn. Remember, while doing that, you have to keep your mind as calm as still water. 

Then, I left the room. The Spirit Tracking Formation showed that Lin Xia had gotten into a car and left the hospital. He was far away. I called a spirit to take me there. 

Lin Xias car made a lot of turns into the suburbs. I had followed him for quite a long time before he finally stopped at a countryside villa. 

Although it was a villa, it was an unfinished project. There were a dozen villas around the neighborhood. However, without warning, the investors had withdrawn their investment when half of the villas were done. It was buzzing news at that time. 

The person controlling the otherworldly item wouldnt have good intentions, so I discreetly put up a guard. Lin Xia looked around then entered the villa.

I quietly hid in a thick bush. The place was completely dark, so it was easy for me to hide. 

Soon, the light on the first floor of the villa switched on. It shone on Lin Xias figure. A man was standing in front of him. When I saw his face, I was a little shocked. He was the middle-aged man that had his eyes fixed on me during the auction.

The man began to talk awkwardly. No one has followed you. Thats good. Ill reward you with a bowl of stew turtle! 

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