Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 559: A Spring River that Flows Eastward

Chapter 559: A Spring River that Flows Eastward

I hurriedly moved aside to dodge the female ghost. I fumbled to take out the wormwood powder, smearing it over the wound on my neck. Then, I stood up and cautiously watched the ghost! 

The female ghosts weapons were her long sleeves. In the dreams, her sleeves looked mesmerizing when she danced. However, at this moment, if she used them, they could take peoples lives!

I didnt want to fight her head-on. I moved the lighter close to the painting and shouted, Calm down. Do you want your husband to perish? 

She froze. However, it was for only a moment. Then she continued to attack me even more furiously! Her sleeves moved into the air. I couldnt even see her shadow, only her moving sleeves. 

Li Yu, damn you I thought I would go mad after knowing that Li Yu had overestimated his position in Zhou Ehuangs heart. Since she had already become an evil ghost, she didnt care about betraying her husband or not. 

Dont hesitate! Burn me! I suddenly heard Li Yus rushing voice. It seemed he had made up his mind. 

I didnt want to. If I burned the painting, his soul would perish. I didnt mind him and continued to sway to avoid Zhou Ehuangs attack. I threw the Sirius Whip aside as I had already used up its power. I casually grabbed a blood transfusion rack near me. 

This transfusion rack had helped many people in the past. More or less, it had some Yang energy. When I used the rack to stop the ghosts sleeves, she screamed. 

The blood transfusion rack worked. I wielded it harder, but I had to stop after a few times since it was heavy. 

When the ghost saw me stop my movement, she shrieked and flew toward me. Soon, she pushed me into the corner. I had no way back! 

Ehuang! At this moment, Li Yu called her. I opened my eyes and recognized that the ghosts long nails were just around ten centimeters away from my forehead. She could pierce through my head in the blink of an eye. 

Li Yus Yin spirit was smiling. He was holding the scroll painting and hovering above the flame of a candle. 

Although the small candle couldnt hurt Li Yu, if Li Yu boldly pushed himself into the flame, it wouldnt be easy for him to return unharmed. 

Im so sorry Ehuang! I shouldnt have had anything to do with your sister under the moonlight and left you to die alone in the palace. Your sister was indeed young and beautiful, yet you are my only wife. Sigh! I have regretted it. But by then, it was too late. Why didnt I recognize and treasure you when I still had you with me? If you ask me how much I worry, its just like a river flowing eastward in the spring! Then, Li Yu threw the scroll toward the candle. 

I gawked in shock. I hadnt thought that Li Yu would be that cruel to himself! 

It seemed the female ghost also hadnt expected that he would be that resolute. She screamed and dashed forward. But the scroll had already been engulfed in flames. It fumed rings of dark smoke. Li Yus ghost slowly disappeared as the painting burned. In the high flame, he didnt even flinch and stood majestically as a king. I admired this man. 

However, as soon as Li Yu disappeared, the female ghost became more frantic. The black mist became thicker. It covered me shortly after. 

You all have to die! Ill bury you with him! As she saw that I didnt have anything to defend myself, she didnt hurry to deal with me but kept howling and roaring. 

I was speechless. Li Yus spirit was forced by her, right? Why did she pour it on me? 

Anyway, I understood that since Li Yus soul had vanished, it was impossible to help Zhou Ehuang ascend peacefully. I hadnt activated the formation earlier because I didnt want to hurt Li Yu. But I didnt expect that he would be so resolute. 

Before she could attack me, I jumped into the eye of the formation. 

The female ghost gritted her teeth and hurled herself toward me. I didnt let this chance slip away. I closed my eyes and read the spell to activate the formation. At the same time, I took out the Peach Soul Flower from my chest and held it horizontally in front of me. 

The Peach Soul Flowers power was not big. However, since it was small, it wasnt an attacking weapon, but a strong defensive tool. As soon as the Peach Soul Flower emerged, a dazzling red halo expanded, which swept the ghosts sleeves away. She screeched. At the same time, the Peach Soul Flowers halo faded and disappeared. 

I opened my eyes to look at her. She was wearing a menacing smile. She knew the Peach Soul Flower had lost its defensive effect. I shook my head and gave up on the idea of helping her ascend. I activated the mutually engendering and mutually restraining formations. 

From my spot in the center, two light spheres appeared. They spun and released a light that hit the ghost. She was stunned and looked at me for quite a long time before instinctively hitting the Life gate. 

Unfortunately, as soon as she broke through the Life gate, the Death gate of the other formation blocked her. Since the spheres were spinning fast, when she got out of the Life gate, she faced the Death gate. 

Under the silver light, the dark mist on the ghost diluted gradually. In the end, she had no energy left. 

I exhaled. I wanted to ask if she had any last words. However, before I could say anything, she had run toward the burning scroll. As I watched the flame devour her, I had a feeling I couldnt describe 

If Li Yu and Zhou Ehuang had lived during modern times, they would have been a typical married couple that loved each other a lot. 

Yet, the husband couldnt get over the mortal temptation. He was a typical man.

Zhou Ehuang could endure her husbands harem full of beauties, but she couldnt stand the affair between her husband and her younger sister. 

In the legend, after Zhou Ehuang knew about Li Yu and Young Lady Zhou, she laid facing the wall every day. Until her death, she hadnt glanced at her betraying husband even once. 

The next morning, Orange woke up. After such a horrible incident, Oranges mother agreed to her marriage. Shen Haoran stated that I had done him a great favor. He swore that he would stop his thug life and become a responsible husband. Moreover, he asked me to stay to drink wine at his wedding. 

Their wedding was small but warm. Li Mazi and I refused to sit on the high chairs for important relatives. We sat in a corner and silently drank. After the reception, Li Mazi and I spent another night there. After the newly married couple bid farewell, we drove back to Wuhan. 

I brought the remaining part of the painting with me. I would study it further since I didnt understand why a counterfeit could become an otherworldly item. Why did the Last Ruler, Li Yu of the Southern Tang, choose to dwell in it? 

Then, I went to an expert to check the painting. He told me it was true that the painting was a counterfeit. However, the poem on it was authentic. 

I couldnt hold my emotion after thinking about Li Yu boldly burning himself. He had chosen that way to destroy himself. Deep in his heart, he had felt guilty for a few thousand years. He wanted to be a good husband, but in the end, he became a cheater who had broken his wifes heart. 

It was similar to a famous movie stars recent affair. Why did they have to linger in the temptation of beauty for a moment and hurt the partner who had been with them through thick and thin? 

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