Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 538: The Power of the Umbrella Mantra!

Chapter 538: The Power of the Umbrella Mantra!

Old Hong was almost eighty years old. He just wanted to leave his last days in peace. How could he be willing to see his son go to jail? 

I didnt expect that filthy animal to do those things! Old Hong grabbed his thigh and wept silently. At this moment, Hong Tianjiang came home. We all stopped talking. Hong Tianjiang wasnt a fool. As soon as he saw our faces, he knew what we were talking about. He didnt even try to hide anything and gave us a cold sneer before going to his room to rest. 

I knew he wasnt scared. Widow Li had been dead for a long time, so I guessed Hong Tianjiang had already destroyed the evidence in her house. Moreover, with Hong Xiuquan on his side, he was confident. 

Hong Tianbao was shivering as he was mad at his brother. Old Hong was wiping his tears and mumbling something to himself.

I comforted them and said nothing more than that. I wanted to see what their decision would be. Once I took action, Hong Tianjiangs crime would no longer be concealed. Widow Lis son would soon come home and discover his mothers death. At that time, the first suspect would be Hong Tianjiang. 

I patted Hong Tianbaos shoulder. Take your time to consider it. I respect your choice.

Then, I went to the guest room to rest. 

Li Mazi was sleeping in his bed. I lit up a cigarette and thought about a solution. 

As I took in the smoke, I felt really upset. I wanted to do something, but I also didnt want to hurt Old Hong 

Early the next morning, Li Mazis call woke me up. I thought it was something urgent, so I hastily got up and ran to the living room. Then, I learned that Li Mazi had woken me up to show me the newly hatched chicks. 

I went over and patted him to show that he shouldnt act like a fool. Li Mazi was still happy with his findings. He didnt mind me at all and casually brushed my hand away. He wanted to pick up a puffy chick to play with it. 

However, as soon as he touched the chick, the hen jumped and hostilely pecked his forehead. Li Mazi covered his wound and chased after the old hen. All the chickens in the yard flustered and quacked. They jumped around. 

Hong Tianbao leaned against the door frame and looked at me with a painful expression. I didnt see Hong Tianjiang. All of the troubles in this village were caused by him. I guessed he was out doing bad activities again. 

Hong Tianbao sighed and said, I hope you will expel that evil spirit. Im not sure how to deal with Tianjiang. But I hope that after the spirit is destroyed, my brother will have his sanity back. 

I nodded. The spirit had contributed to turning Hong Tianjiang like this. After watching Hong Tianbao, I was exhausted mentally and physically. I felt sorry for the man as he had to shoulder all the burdens. I patted his shoulder again and told him to ease his worries. 

After Li Mazi was done playing with the chicks and the hen, he came and took a look at our aggrieved expressions. He pretended as though he understood everything. Isnt it just an otherworldly item? Why are you guys standing here and sighing? 

Li Mazi wasnt the sort of person who could keep secrets. That was why I hadnt told him about Hong Tianjiangs case. Li Mazi didnt know that the nature of this case had changed. If it were only Hong Xiuquans ghost, I could just put more effort to subdue him. 

But now, I could tell that Hong Tianjiang and the spirit had become one. If I forcefully expelled and smashed it, I could also destroy Hong Tianjiangs soul. 

Hong Tianbao was standing aside and listening to me and Li Mazi. He said, Can you protect Hong Tianjiangs life? As long as my brother doesnt die, you can do anything! 

I nodded. Yeah, I can. 

Hong Tianbao clenched his jaw. Please take action now. 

That evil spirit had enraged him a lot. Although he wasnt willing to report Hong Tianjiangs crime, he loathed his brothers deeds. He wanted me to teach him a lesson. 

If Hong Tianbao made up his mind, I didnt need to hesitate anymore. I asked Li Mazi to go back to the room to prepare things with me. We would wait for nightfall! 

Hong Tianjiang always went out at midnight to bewitch the villagers, so it would be convenient for us to deal with him then.

At around midnight, I knew the time had come. I used the Heavenly Dipper Formation to protect Hong Tianbao and Old Hong before releasing Hong Xiuquans ghost. 

As soon as Hong Xiuquan saw us, he knew he couldnt beat us. He screamed and tried to leave. I wouldnt give him that chance! I opened the Yin and Yang Umbrella, which then flew up and cast a shadow over him. As soon as I started to read the Umbrella God Mantra, the umbrella began to spin faster and faster. Hong Xiuquans tattered soul began fading away, and his screeching eventually subsided.

Right as the ghost was about to perish, someone pushed the gate open and walked in. It was Hong Tianjiang. He coldly looked at me with one hand on his head. I noticed that there was a tear on his red turban. It meant the evil spirit was about to disappear.  

Li Mazi was ready and held the Sirius Whip. He had been waiting for Hong Tianjiang there. 

I shot Li Mazi a glance and signaled at him to take action now. Li Mazi nodded, his face turning stern. He needed to entangle with Hong Tianjiang to seize more time for me.

As I began to read the mantra faster and faster, Hong Tianjiang became more anxiously restless. He didnt say anything and dashed toward me. But before he could approach me, Li Mazi lashed the Sirius Whip. Then, the two began to fight. 

Unfortunately, Li Mazi didnt know the Big Dipper Sirius Spell. After seven whips, he no longer had the upper hand. Eventually, Hong Tianjiang kicked Li Mazi away. Li Mazi landed on his butt with a low thud. He crouched and shivered. 

Hong Tianjiang sneered and ran toward me. I had sweat on my forehead as the cold wind came close. I read the spell faster and instinctively closed my eyes. 

After a long moment, I didnt receive any hits from Hong Tianjiang. I opened my eyes and saw Li Mazi hugging Hong Tianjiangs thigh. His mouth was bleeding, but he didnt let go. After seeing this, the flame of my courage burned again. I read the spell faster and faster. 

Suddenly, I heard a crackle. It sounded as though something made of glass had shattered. Hong Xiuquans ghost turned into countless pieces and vanished in the air. 

At the same time, Hong Tianjiangs face froze. While Li Mazi was still holding him, he screeched. I saw more cuts appear on his turban. 

Hurry up! Li Mazi screamed and urged me as he felt Hong Tianjiangs change. 

I knew the wisp of soul I had eradicated was just a part of Hong Xiuquans soul. The real, powerful soul was still with Hong Tianjiang. I didnt dare to relax now and jumped toward Hong Tianjiang, sticking several talismans on his head. 

I used my blood to draw runes on his face. Hong Tianjiang struggled harder and harder. However, under the power of the talismans and Li Mazis hold, he couldnt escape. 

The talismans worked soon. Hong Xiuquans soul slowly detached from Hong Tianjiangs body. At first glance, the scene looked very strange.  

Li Mazi, get in the formation! I said to Li Mazi as I saw Hong Xiuquans ghost. Li Mazi let go of him, slumping and gasping for his breath. Hong Xiuquan smirked and reached for Li Mazis head. 

When Li Mazis life was at stake, his body moved like a swamp, smoothly slithering into the Heavenly Dipper Formation. I turned and found that Hong Tianbao had risked his life to pull Li Mazi in at the most critical moment. 

After seeing that Li Mazi had escaped danger, I focused on reading the spell. Hong Tianjiang was free. He looked at me with bloodshot eyes. He wanted to kill me. However, he was too weak to threaten me. Hong Tianbao knew that his chance had come. He ran out of the Heavenly Dipper formation and made the risky decision to pull Hong Tianjiang into the formation. 

At this moment, only Hong Xiuquans ghost and I were standing outside the formation. I felt a little dizzy as I had been chanting the spell. At the same time, Hong Xiuquan looked vigilant after I had erased a wisp of his soul. None of us made the first move. 

After resting for a while, I suddenly recognized that Hong Xiuquans soul had turned from transparent to translucent. I didnt expect that he would recover that quickly. I knew that if I kept waiting, I would lose this battle. I immediately bit my middle finger. 

Hong Xiuquan saw that I was about to attack him. His face changed. Then, he advanced toward me. 

However, he was a step too late. Before I bit my finger, I had already opened the Yin and Yang Umbrella. It was part of my plan. I had calculated that he would storm toward me at this moment. I jumped into the Heavenly Dipper Formation and sprinkled the blood from my finger onto the red turban. I then used a lighter to burn it. 

As soon as the red turban caught fire, Hong Xiuquan froze. The soul looked baffled. I took the chance and stormed toward him. Then, I put him under the Yin and Yang Umbrella. As I started to chant the Umbrella God Mantra, Hong Xiuquan started to float up. 

It seemed he had recognized that he was disappearing. He screamed and roared. 

I kept chanting the spell, which made me dizzy again. I had to slow down a bit. Hong Xiuquan sneered when he recognized this, and he started to bump into the Yin and Yang Umbrella. 

I was using my mental energy to control and support the Yin and Yang Umbrella. When the evil spirit hit it, I felt as if a sharp needle was penetrating my head. I guessed he wanted to perish with me.

After thinking about this, I didnt want to show mercy anymore. I pulled myself together and continued to read the spell fast. The light from the Yin and Yang symbol was dazzling, and Hong Xiuquan was eventually pressed onto the ground.

Before he had the chance to get up, the light hit him further. His shadow faded and he eventually disappeared. 

I heaved a sigh of relief. I closed my eyes and lost consciousness. 

When I woke up, Old Hong was crying. Li Mazi was comforting him.

I didnt see Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianjiang. Later, Li Mazi told me that Hong Tianbao had taken his brother to the police station to report him. 

He had committed rape and murder. I thought that even if Hong Tianjiang went to the police himself, his sentence wouldnt be any lighter. After seeing Old Hong, I couldnt help but sigh.

This was life. Taking a small advantage will eventually lead to receiving a bigger disadvantage. If Old Hong and Hong Tianjiang didnt have the idea of using the otherworldly item, they wouldnt have to face these consequences. 

The red turban, which was supposed to be my reward, was burned to cinders. Hong Tianbao was a little embarrassed, and he told me that he wanted to repay me with something. I gently denied his offer. Instead, I asked him to support Widow Lis son until he finished his degree at university. 

Hong Tianbao agreed and he told me that he would adopt the boy. And he did just that. Moreover, he gave up his jade business to stay in Jintian Village to take care of his old father.  

Since Hong Tianbao had good relationships with the folks in the village, Old Hong didnt need to live under peoples mocking and despising eyes. It was somewhat a blessing in disguise.

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