Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 447: The Secret Underneath the Floor

Chapter 447: The Secret Underneath the Floor

Li Mazi also got out from underneath the bed. However, he didnt dare to directly face the man as he was holding a cleaver in his hand.

Luckily for us, we heard footsteps from the corridor. I guessed it was the people from the hospital doing a nightly room check!

After I looked at the back of the man wearing the raincoat, I realized that something was wrong. He looked familiar.

I shot Li Mazi a glance and lashed the Sirius Whip, coiling it around the mans arm. Li Mazi stormed forward to subdue him.

However, as soon as the Sirius Whip hit him, the man screamed and fell. At the same time, a pungent smell exuded from his body.

I went over to him and flipped open his raincoat. It was Song Zhong!

Song Zhongs head was sewed back to his body, and an eye-catching blue talisman was adhered to his chest.

It was pretty obvious that someone was controlling Song Zhongs body.

But why did he send the corpse here? Did he want to frame us? 

I recognized that the situation wasnt good. I rushed to put the raincoat back on the dead man and was ready to carry him out with Li Mazi.

However, before we got out of the patient room, we saw flashing lights from the police cars outside the hospital.

Crap, hes pushed us into a pit of fire! The cameras will show that he went inside the room alive and that we carried him out as a dead man. We wont be able to explain ourselves if that happens!

Li Mazi was panic-stricken. What should we do? The only guy at the scene is Yu Hua. But hes still unconscious!

At this critical moment, I had a sudden idea. I took Yu Huas phone and found the number saved as Manager and dialed it.

I believed that if the person I was calling was the manager of the Shenyang Museum, he must know about Li Mazi and me.

Sure enough, after listening to my explanation, the manager said with a voice full of energy, Kid, dont worry! The organization wont wrong good men, and we wont spare the evil, either!

Not long after we hung up, the police cars outside retreated. I turned and caught the sight of the empty area beneath Yu Huas knees. I shook my head reluctantly.

I had to wait until he woke up to make him guess the person controlling the ghost. After all, I didnt know any of the people working in the museum.

But before Yu Hua woke up, I received a call from Song Zhongs wife.

Master, Song Zhong came to me in my dream. He told me that theres a document hidden beneath the floor of the hall. Its the hall where theres a lot of paranormal activities. That document must be delivered to Yu Hua.

A document? A lot of possibilities appeared in my head.

If Song Zhong didnt let go of that document even after his death, it must have been something important. It could be the cause of his death.

Perhaps, an important figure in the museum had murdered them because of that document. Since I didnt have much time, I left out the details and just asked Li Mazi to stay here and protect Yu Hua.

When I arrived at the Shenyang Museum, I saw the guards; they were back.

They didnt look lazy at all. They looked stern as they watched the entrance.

It seemed my assumption wasnt wrongthe problem laid within their organization.

Anyway, if I couldnt enter from the main entrance, I would use the back door. To my surprise, there was a man also watching the back door. Feeling helpless, I had to knock him unconscious.

The security guys on duty didnt dare to go near the exhibition hall where there were paranormal activities. As such, I easily reached the hall where the weapons list was kept.

The surroundings were silent, and there was no commotion from the spirit, either.

This made me feel restless.

However, I didnt have much time to consider things. I boldly turned on the light and crouched on the ground, starting to knock on each tile.

Song Zhong said that the document was hidden beneath the floor. As such, I suspected that there was a hidden chamber underneath one of the tiles. However, all the tiles I knocked on sounded the same.

Did Song Zhongs wife mishear her husbands words? I muttered as I called the woman. However, her phone had rung for quite a long time, but no one picked it up.

All of a sudden, the lights in the entire hall blacked out. My surroundings were swallowed by darkness.

Before I could react, a cold wind arose. The strong Yin energy created a two-meter tornado, which encircled me.

I hurried to wield the Sirius Whip to protect myself as I took a few steps backward. At this moment, I didnt have any other weapon except for the Sirius Whip. I didnt know if I could endure the attack.

The tornado slowly congregated into a dark shadow figure in front of me.

I took a better look at the shadow. It was a burly man with a fierce face who wore the General uniform of the Kuomintang. Who else could it be but Yang Yuting himself?

Before he could open his mouth, I hurried to bow to him and respectfully addressed him as General Yang.

I didnt do it to earn his favor. I did out of respect for him.

It seemed Yang Yuting planned to attack me at first, but after hearing me greet him, he looked pleased. His malicious aura subsided a little bit.

I exhaled in relief because I knew that I could talk to him. General Yang, you can tell me your wish. Im sure I will find a way to help you fulfill it.

You want to help me achieve my wish? Yang Yuting asked with red eyes. Xueliang was just a kid. I supported him with all my heart and helped him inherit the Great Warlords position. However, I didnt expect him to listen to that female Japanese spy in his bed and murder me! If I didnt help him, how could he have protected the Northeastern area? He would have disappointed the Warlord!

Even a good official would have a hard time resolving a family dispute. Furthermore, it was almost a century ago.

Until now, there was no historical confirmation of Zhang Xueliang murdering Yang Yuting. However, most of the experts agreed that Yang Yuting shouldnt have been killed. Killing him was no different from breaking the tigers teeth. After his death, the Japanese army was no longer afraid of the Northeastern army.

I quietly listened to his words, noticing that he didnt complain about his wrongful death. He was only worried about the fate of his country.

Although he was dead, he still loved his country and was worried about it!

I rubbed my face then carefully advised, General Yang, rest assured! The Japanese were expelled, and China isnt the China you once knew. Today, Chinas a powerful and rich country. The name of our country is well-known around the world. No one dares to bully us anymore!

I know. Its much better than before.

Then, Sir If you also think that our countrys doing well, why would you come out here and make a mess?!

Oh right, why did I come out here? Yang Yuting suddenly felt muddled. He asked me if I knew what was going on.

I told him every detail of the event.

After listening to me, he was mad, telling me that he didnt kill anyone. And, when he heard that Song Zhong was dead, he thundered and said that he would never kill a fellow from his hometown.

I realized that Song Zhong and Yang Yuting were both from Sheshangkou Village. No wonder the graveyard had such powerful resentful energy; Yang Yutings grave was there.

It seems my assumption was correct. Someone killed those security guards and then blamed it on you, I said.

After they discovered his secret, the murderer used the paranormal activities as an excuse to kill the five security guards.

Then, he invited me to deal with Yang Yuting, shifting all the blame on him.

I asked Yang Yuting if one of the security guards had buried anything in this exhibition hall. Being a departed soul, nothing in this place could escape his eyes.

If Song Zhong did bury a document here, Yang Yuting would know about it.

Yang Yuting thought for a moment and shook his head.

Whats going on? 

I called Song Zhongs wife one more time. This time, the line went through immediately. Before I could talk, Song Zhongs wife started crying.

While sobbing, she said, Master, Im so sorry! I didnt have a choice. A man stormed in my house and forced me to trick you to go to the museum. If I didnt listen, he said he would kill my children...

Damn it!

I couldnt help but curse. It was clear now. This place didnt have any hidden documents.

Still, why did the murderer trick me into coming here? 

Was he hoping that Yang Yuting and I would destroy each other? Or, did he want to send me away so that he would have enough time to kill Yu Hua? 

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