Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 430: You're Next!

Chapter 430: You're Next!

Li Mazi and I also left Zhang Qinghais apartment, closing the door carefully. Should we call the police? Its not right to leave his dead body in his apartment. 

Li Mazi shot me a glance. Are you addicted to putting your nose in other peoples business? Why are you worrying about him? He wasnt born from a rock; he must have friends and family. When they cant contact him, undoubtedly some will be worried. If you call the police and they question us, what should we tell them? Dont forget that it was me who just picked this lock so we could enter the apartment. Do you want to harm your friends just to uphold justice? You want to send me to jail? 

I just said two sentence, and he taught me a lesson about the great truth. 

I sighed and decided to leave it at that. 

After we left Zhang Qinghais apartment building, Zhao Wuyang sat on the curb for half an hour. He vomited twice, his face pale. He didnt look well at all.

He feebly looked at me, gasping for breath. Zhang Qinghai is gone. Moreover, if we check the time, he died before Xue Peng and Xiao Sisis incidents. Does this mean that all people who went to Wuyan Village are going to encounter fatal incidents? Am I next? 

I shook my head. It shouldnt have anything to do with you. 

Why not? Zhao Wuyang asked, distraught. I also went to Wuyan Village I shouldnt have gone with them! I shouldnt have! After saying this, he slapped himself. 

He was lucky that the fright from before caused him to have little strength. The slap was like a breeze, barely hurting him. 

Li Mazi burst out laughing. You want to harm yourself? Let me do it. I wont even ask for anything in return. Free of charge! 

Li Mazi was still in the mood to joke. 

I kicked him aside, squatting and trying to comfort Zhao Wuyang. Its not as complicated as you think. Did you not see the pattern? Zhang Qinghai, Xue Peng, and Xiao Sisi got in trouble because they looked into that mirror. 

Mirror Zhao Wuyangs dispirited eyes finally had a sparkle of light. 

I nodded. Since you didnt look into the mirror, nothing will happen to you. Otherwise, how could you be safe and talking to us right now? 

Zhao Wuyang exhaled in relief. He grabbed my arm as if he had just grasped the straw that could save his life. You arent fooling me, right? 

I beamed at him. You dont trust me? 

I do, I do! Zhao Wuyang repeatedly nodded, his eyes red. I trust you, thats why I told you everything. I always trusted you

Li Mazi snorted. Hey, just a friendly reminder. Im the master. 

I ignored him, patting Zhao Wuyangs shoulder. So, theres no need to worry that youll be the next victim. 

Zhao Wuyang nodded repeatedly. I can ease my worried mind now. This whole thing should end here, shouldnt it? I wont travel again, ever. For the rest of my life, I will stay home. I must keep trouble as far as possible. 

A serious expression grew on my face as I looked at him. 

Zhao Wuyang grew pale. Whats wrong? Will something happen?

When he said this, his voice shivered, his face tense and anxious.  

I looked around Zhang Qinghais house, but I couldnt find the mirror. I didnt want to hide anything from Zhao Wuyang. This mirrors too dangerous. If someone gets a hold of it, there will be more deaths. We have to find the mirror first. 

Find the mirror? Zhao Wuyang looked at me, not quite understanding. Where do we find it? 

We must go to the place where it originated! I kept quiet for a long time before responding. 

Zhao Wuyang looked at me, his eyes saying: Youve lost your mind! 

I analyzed the situation calmly. If that mirror gets in someones hand, whoever looks at it will have their facial skin peeled off. This mirror brings dangers far worse than your imagination. 

Zhao Wuyang pursed his lips. What does it matter to me? 

I was amused by his reply. Although Zhang Qinghai started all of this, you are one of the participants. Even if you arent targeted by the mirror, the people who had their faces skinned will have a lot of grudges against you. 

Zhao Wuyang became frightened again, and his face changed immediately. He looked at me, tensing up. What should I do now? How do I get rid of their grudges? I didnt do anything. I-Im innocent. 

Li Mazi, who was smoking far away from us, suddenly chimed in, Oh, well, the accomplices always say theyre innocent. 

Im not an accomplice. Zhao Wuyang almost went crazy. I was standing back at the time. I didnt join their robbing operation! 

It doesnt matter now. We must find a solution to end this case! The best solution is that you take us to Wuyan Village, I said. 

Zhao Wuyang was panic-stricken. We have to go back there one more time? The mirror was taken away. Why do we have to go back there? What about Searching Zhang Qinghais apartment one more time? Perhaps we missed something. Maybe he had a hidden room or a chamber in his apartment. 

Zhao Wuyang was flustered. 

After Li Mazi finished his cigarette, he walked toward us. You think were shooting a movie? Hidden chamber? Did you lose your mind? 

Zhao Wuyangs nerves were now tense strings. I was afraid that he would crack within the next moment. I hurried to push Li Mazi aside, talking to Zhao Wuyang. Didnt you say that you trust me? Theres no need to be afraid. Ive been through this type of situation many times, and they were all more dangerous than this. Dont worry. Im sure youll be safe and sound.  

Whether it was my firm and resolute voice or my bright protagonist halo that caused it, Zhao Wuyangs worried nerves were calmed after listening to me. 

I decided to double down. Moreover, you said earlier that youre rather weak-willed. Do you want to live like that for the rest of your life? You must have your own principles and stick to them. You may find that youve changed once were done with this case. 

Zhao Wuyang thought for a second then nodded. I trust you. Ill take you there. 

I checked the flight tickets using my phone. The earliest flight was tomorrow morning, so we couldnt depart today. Either way, there were things that couldn't be rushed. I told Zhao Wuyang, Well gather tomorrow at the airport. 

Before I finished speaking, Zhao Wuyang stammered, intervening, Hey Master, c-can I stay in your shop tonight? 

Eh? I dropped my jaw, gawking at him. 

Im not scared. Im just worried. Zhao Wuyang tried to find an excuse. 

Li Mazi chimed in at the right minute. All right, no need to explain. We know youre scared. Although youre a big man, youre not even as brave as a woman. 

Actually, even when considering my own experience, Zhang Qinghais death was terrifying. Since Zhao Wuyang was a little weak-minded, I guessed he would get nightmares all night. 

Since I decided to help him, I decided to see it through to the end. Who made me such a kind man? 

I nodded. Okay, but you have to cook me dinner. 

Zhao Wuyang agreed immediately. 

Usually, the only other person who ate at my place was Li Mazi. And now, I had another visitor. The rice container in my house would have a protest soon. 

Zhao Wuyang spent the night in my shop. The next day, we got on the airplane early in the morning, flying directly to Shandong. With Zhao Wuyangs guidance, we took a train, a bus, and then got off at a rural mountainous area where even birds wouldnt want to shit in. 

We looked around, seeing the surroundings devoid of all human life. 

Li Mazi was shocked, pointing at Zhao Wuyang. Hey, are you some sort of human trafficker? Be honest, your goal was to bring two handsome, young men to this remote area and sell them to the old widows here, right? 

Zhao Wuyang was worriedly looking around, not even noticing Li Mazis teasing. 

I patted Li Mazis shoulder. Do you really think some widow would want to admire that ugly face of yours? 

Then, Li Mazi and I began to exchange jabs at each other. From a far distance, we saw a tractor. Zhao Wuyang hurried to stop it, telling the driver that we were going to Wuyan Village. If he was going in that direction, we wanted to hitch a ride. 

The tractor was full of straw. The driver was afraid of trouble, so he didnt want to give us a ride. Zhao Wuyang hastily gave him his watch. Please take us there. Here, take this.

The driver agreed happily. 

After two hours on the bumpy road, the driver pulled his tractor to a halt by the road. You guys, go that way! I dont live in that village, so I wont approach the place further. 

Li Mazi wasnt pleased. Hey, man, you arent very honorable. Didnt you say that you would take us to Wuyan Village? Why did you drop us here? 

The drivers tone was firm. You voluntarily gave me the watch. I didnt rob you or anything. Get off my tractor and go there yourself. No matter what, Im not going to Wuyan Village. 

It sounds like theres something pretty odd in that Wuyan Village!

I hurried to shove the watch back into the drivers hand. A deal is a deal. Brother, I know youre a nice guy, and unless there was a reason, you wouldnt drop us here, right? 

After I said this, the drivers face changed into a warm smile. Little brother, you know how to bargain. 

I deliberately took a pack of cigarettes out of Li Mazis pocket and handed it to the driver. 

The driver immediately lit up a cigarette. Then, he didnt leave but instead spoke to me as if we were friends. Little brother, from the way you dress, you dont look like youre from Wuyan Village. Why do you want to go there? 

I smiled. We found out about Wuyan Village from the Internet. They say this village is like a paradise on earth. It has beautiful sights that people should visit at least once in their lives. Since we have some time off, we decided to go there to widen our knowledge. 

When I said that, the drivers face grew disdainful. Nonsense! Birds dont even want to shit in Wuyan Village. It has no beautiful sights at all. Youve been deceived. Little brother, I think youre a good and kind person. Im going to be honest right now. That Wuyan Village is really strange!

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