Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 368: Hating Evil to the Bone

Chapter 368: Hating Evil to the Bone

The warrior in golden armor effortlessly hurled me away by shaking his hand. He looked at me for a while before turning around, heading toward the corridor. Only then I realized that my back was wet with sweat. 

While I was fighting the warrior, all of the troublemakers had fled. However, the golden-armored warrior didnt quit chasing after them. He ran down the corridor. 

I picked up the Sirius Whip and turned around to look for Li Mazi. I spotted him behind a table. He was clutching his head and shivered like a leaf in the wind. 

I angrily walked up to him and grabbed him. Li Mazi blurted, Little Brother Zhang, we should stay away from this case! We cant deal with that thing. Its just ten million renminbi, after all. We can work harder and get this much money after a few deals. 

Look at yourself! I scoffed. 

Li Mazi hugged the tables leg and didnt want to leave. This is too scary! His broadsword can cut people in half! No one can stop him. Im not going to do this anymore! 

Yin Xinyue intervened, Ive found his weakness. He only kills evil people. He wont kill nice people.

I nodded. Just now, the warrior in golden armor had two chances to kill me, but he didnt. It seemed this otherworldly item had its principles. 

When Li Mazi heard that, he was no longer that frightened. However, he couldnt ease his worries. Sister-in-law, do you think Im a nice person? 

Of course, youre a nice person! 

Li Mazi smiled. Little Brother Zhang, Ive made up my mind. Sometimes, you have to take risks when looking for wealth. We work in a dangerous line of business, so its pretty normal for us to put our lives on the line! 

I was speechless and could only shoot him a disdainful look. 

Since it was a very urgent situation, I didnt have enough time to get help elsewhere. I looked around and found a stainless cart that had scalpels, tweezers, and even hemostatic forceps. It seemed it had just been pushed out of the operation room. 

Scalpels were things that had direct contact with blood, and they could kill people indirectly at times. Perhaps I could use them later.

I called Li Mazi to carry the tray before we moved to the second floor.

The lights on the ceiling flashed, and all the doors were closed. The doctors, nurses, and patients all hid inside, and no one dared to make a sound. It looked like the building had been evacuated.

A dead body was in a kneeling position in front of a door. His blood dyed the entire door. From his position, he was stabbed to death from behind. 

It seemed like this scammer wanted to get inside to hide, but the people in the room didnt want to open the door for him. The golden-armored warrior killed him shortly after that. 

Since those medical scammers were bad people, no one dared to shelter them. They had to hide in other places in the building. 

A moment ago, they acted like haughty thugs. Now, they were just a bunch of rats who wanted to flee. It was rather ironic.

I thought to myself, Why don't they get a decent job instead of profiting from harming people? 

I knocked on the door. The people inside yelled, Dont come in! We dont want to die! 

Do you have some paper clips, a sheet of white paper, and a lighter? I asked. 


Really? Because Im going to knock this door down! I threatened. 

The people inside were scared and quickly said, Wait for a second! 

A moment later, the door opened a little bit, and the items I wanted were sent out in a box. The door was slammed shut immediately afterward.

Brother Zhang, why do you need these? asked Yin Xinyue. 

I smiled. Do you remember the paper crane Chuyi made to trace ghosts? 

I do!

Im going to show you something similar today! I said. 

Of course, I couldnt perform the exact skill as Chuyi. However, I could imitate it. I used the lighter to heat the deceaseds chin. I kept burning it until the lighter was too hot for me to hold. A drop of an oily substance had gathered at the corpses chin. 

It was difficult to extract the corpse oil from a freshly dead body. But one drop was enough.

I asked Yin Xinyue to fold a boat using the sheet of paper. Then, I dropped the corpse oil onto the boat before putting it onto the puddle of blood on the ground. The boat slowly started moving!

I seized the time and closed the corpses eyes, rubbing the paper clips on his eyelids for a while. I wanted to stain the paper clips with the oil from the corpses skin. Then, I chained the paper clips together and hooked them onto my belt.

Brother Zhang, the boat isnt moving anymore, said Yin Xinyue.

I lowered my head to check. The little boat carrying the corpse oil was slightly tilted as though it was showing us the direction. I told them, The cannon is over there! Lets go!

We ran down the staircases and searched from the first floor to the fifth floor. When we reached the fifth floor, the smell of thick blood welcomed us.

The scene before our eyes was horrible. Three bodies laid on the ground. One was cut off at the waist; his upper body was around ten meters away from his lower body. His organs and intestines were spilled onto the ground, which had formed a large puddle of blood. 

The other corpse had also been sliced in half. His limbs were chopped off, and a piece of his intestine hung from the fluorescent light on the ceiling. His blood and intestines dripped to the floor. 

These two corpses belonged to the group of scammers, but the third body was a doctors. From his position, I guessed he was running for his life when half of his head was sliced off. We could even see his brain.

B-Brother He killed the doctor! Didnt you say that he only kills bad people? Li Mazi was so scared that his tongue went stiff. 

I found a swelling spot on the doctor's chest. It was a thick stack of euros. They were all new notes. If we exchanged this stack, it would be around one hundred thousand renminbi. A doctor had such a large amount of money, and it was a foreign currency at that. At a glance, I knew he had just received a gift from someone. 

He was killed because he received money? Yin Xinyue was surprised. 

Although its not right to receive money like this, this ghost went too far. We need to find a way to stop him.

Li Mazi received the stack of euros from me and was about to put it inside his shirt when I shot him a glance. Do you want to die?

He then embarrassedly gave it back to me and made an excuse. I have never seen euros before. 

Anyway, its a generous gift, isnt it? Yin Xinyue said, My aunt had a uterus fibroid tumor removal surgery, and she gave the doctor a gift of one thousand renminbi. Its somewhat exaggerated to give a gift of one hundred thousand renminbi.

I picked up the doctors name tag. He was a neurologist. I understood now. The rich woman gave him the money last night!

There were at least five or six doctors that had joined her husbands operation last night. If she gave all of them money, they would become the next targets.

Hating evil that much was no longer righteousness. It was madness!

We suddenly heard someone call for help upstairs. We rushed over and saw the warrior in golden armor chase after a doctor. While the doctor was running for his life, he tried to knock on some doors, but no one wanted to open the door for him.

Then, he saw us. He rushed to grab my arm. Grandmaster, please save me!

I told Li Mazi to dart the scalpels and hemostatic forceps toward the warrior. Li Mazi followed my instructions. The golden-armored warrior flashed then disappeared. 

So easy? Li Mazi was surprised.

Its just a temporary solution. Now, go find more for me. We dont need the forceps or tweezers. Just take the scalpels. We can use them later, I said in a worried voice. 

Those surgical tools werent able to subdue the warrior in golden armor. They just disgusted him.  

It was like seeing dog poop on the sidewalk. You would just step aside. But if you were in a hurry, you wouldnt mind it even if you stepped on it. 

I glanced at the doctors name tag; he was also a neurologist. What happened? 

We were in the meeting room when we heard someone scream outside. A doctor went out to check, but his head was chopped off. Everyone in the room was shocked. Then, a man wearing golden armor suddenly charged in. He chopped three people. I escaped, along with another person. But that guy was killed shortly after

The ones who died had all joined the brain tumor removal operation last night, right? I asked. 

How did you know that? The doctor asked in puzzlement. 

I asked him to show me the gift he had received. The doctor was embarrassed and took out the stack of euros. Indeed, the rich woman had given him money. 

Do you want to live? 

The doctor nodded repeatedly. 

Give me the money! I held out my hand.

What? The doctor was shocked. You want to rob me? 

Do you want to survive or not?! 

The doctor was extremely reluctant, but he gave me the money. I turned and stuffed all of the money into a nearby donation box for a charity project. The doctor looked at me in puzzlement.  

The golden-armored warrior could sense peoples evil thoughts. That was why I had to solve the money issue for the doctor. He should be safe now. 

At the same time, the paper clips I had kept at my belt shook as if they had sensed something. Hes coming! Hurry, arrange the formation!

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