
Chapter 86 A Date

Chapter 86 A Date

"Hmm?" Yang Li raised her eyebrows when she saw Shen Qing coming out of the room, especially since she was already dressed up beautifully, and she then asked her daughter. "Where are you going with that appearance? Isn't Qin Ming still overseas?"

"En, Qin Ming is indeed still overseas and won't be back for two days." Shen Qing replied as she walked over and sat down beside her. "Anyway, I want to go with my friend to buy some things."

"Oh?" Yang Li was surprised to hear her answer, for she didn't have many friends, and she mostly stayed at home when Qin Ming was away to take care of his work. "Who is your friend? Do I know that person?"

"His name is Mo Xie, but I'm unsure if you know him."

"Mo surname? Did he come from that Mo family?" Yang Li asked in shock.

Shen Qing sighed and shook her head. "I met Mo Xie yesterday, so I don't know much about him. However, he is very kind and cares about the children in the orphanage; even Little Bao'er also likes him very much."

"Oh?" Yang Li knew that Xiao Bao'er hardly got close to other people, so she was surprised to hear that. "Then how did you know Mo Xie?"

"Hmm?" Shen Qing was a little irritated when her mother asked that, mainly because her first meeting with Chen Li was unpleasant. "Yesterday morning, I accidentally met him at the herbs market, and we went to the orphanage at night."

"Do you-"

They heard their doorbell ring before Yang Li could finish her question, and the maid opened the door.

Soon, the maid led Chen Li into the house, and he smiled faintly when he saw Yang Li. 'So she is Shen Hu's wife, huh? Moreover, she is also Yang Lang's cousin.'

Yang Li raised her eyebrows when she saw Chen Li's face, and she felt that she had seen him before but couldn't remember, especially since his current appearance was far different from his old appearance.

Yang Li's heart skipped a beat after Chen Li activated the Heavenly Charm Technique, which caused her to be instantly captivated by him.

Chen Li then sat down before them and introduced himself by his pseudonym. "Aunt Yang, my name is Mo Xie, and I have come here to pick up Shen Qing."

"Oh, I see." Yang Li nodded to him, and her eyes couldn't leave Chen Li's face.

However, before Yang Li could ask Chen Li, Shen Qing immediately stood up and pulled him away, and she said to her mother. "Mom, we're leaving right now, and I might not be back until tonight."

Yang Li nodded to her. "Mo Xie, please take care of my daughter."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of her." Chen Li answered with a smile, and they immediately left the Shen House.

After they left, Yang Li felt confused about her feelings, especially since she had never felt such a feeling before, for Chen Li's charm technique was too strong for her.




"So, where are we going now?" Chen Li asked.

Shen Qing thought for a moment and answered him. "Let's go to the orphanage first; I want to take Little Bao'er for a walk with us. Is that okay?"

"It's okay; we'll pick her up first." Chen Li then drove towards the orphanage and picked up Xing Bao'er, which made her overjoyed.

Afterward, they went to the shopping mall. Xing Bao'er asked Chen Li to accompany her to play in the game arena, especially since she rarely left the orphanage.

Chen Li unhesitatingly complied with Xing Bao'er's wish, and he accompanied her to try out the various games available in the place.

On the other hand, Shen Qing continued to follow them, and a beautiful smile appeared on her face, seeing Xing Bao'er so happy. 'Sigh, if only Qin Ming could act like Mo Xie, I would be pleased if he could get close to Little Bao'er and the others. Unfortunately, he doesn't like them, and he is more concerned about himself.'

Sometime later, after Xing Bao'er was satisfied playing many games, Chen Li took her to buy an ice cream, and she really enjoyed it.

"Do you want to taste it, Big Brother?" Xing Bao'er asked.

Chen Li shook his head and rubbed her little head. "You can eat it yourself, and if you feel like the ice cream isn't enough, I'll get some more for you later."

"Hehe." Xing Bao'er giggled at that. "Big Brother! Sister Lan often tells me I shouldn't be greedy, so this ice cream is enough for me."

"That's good; Sister Lan's words are spot on because greed will corrupt our character." Xing Bao'er repeatedly nodded to him, and Chen Li said to her again. "After you finish your ice cream, we'll go straight to the clothing store, and I'll buy you some new clothes, okay?"

"En. Thank you, Big Brother." Xing Bao'er then turned to Shen Qing. "Big Sis Qing, don't you want to taste my ice cream?"

"No." Shen Qing shook her head. "It's still early, so I don't want to eat ice cream."

"In that case, I'll finish it myself." Xing Bao'er quickly devoured the ice cream, and they went to a children's clothing store.




"Which clothes do you like?" Chen Li asked Xing Bao'er, who was coddled in his arms, and he looked at some of the children's clothes on the display rack. "You can choose all the clothes you like."

After thinking for some time, Xing Bao'er finally chose three sets of clothes and a beanie hat.

"Do you only like these three?" Chen Li asked.

Xing Bao'er nodded. "En, those three are enough for me."

"All right then." Chen Li then took Xing Bao'er and the three sets of clothes to the cashier to pay for them; he then turned to Shen Qing. "Where are we going after this? Do you want to go shopping again to buy their needs?"

"Yes." Shen Qing nodded to him. "Last night, I couldn't find some of their necessities, so I wanted to buy them here."

"All right." After that, they directly searched for groceries for the orphanage, and Shen Qing bought several items.




After everything was done, they escorted Xing Bao'er back to the orphanage. After they unloaded Shen Qing's groceries, she asked him to go to another place.

However, before they left the orphanage, Xing Bao'er whispered to Chen Li. 'Big Brother! I support you snatching Big Sis Qing from her boyfriend, for that guy is so mean.'

Chen Li just smiled and nodded to her. "All right, we will go now, but I will come again with my wives tonight."

"Okay! I'll be waiting for you guys tonight." Xing Bao'er immediately ran into the orphanage, and they immediately left the place.




Sometime later, Chen Li and Shen Qing walked side by side in the park, but she kept her face down in silence, especially after remembering her actions last night.

"Why do you keep quiet?" Chen Li finally asked Shen Qing, but she didn't want to answer his question. "If you continue like this, it would be best if we go home now, for I still have other important business to attend to."

"No." Shen Qing shook her head and grabbed Chen Li's hand; she then looked at him and asked. "What exactly did you do to me? I've tried to forget you, but your image keeps popping up in my minds. That's why I asked you to accompany me today, for I feel confused about my feelings."

"Hmm?" Chen Li turned to her and asked back. "What do you think I did to you?"

"I don't know." Shen Qing replied with a shake of her head. "I already have Qin Ming, but I keep thinking about you, and I even kissed you last night, which makes me feel guilty toward him."

Chen Li chuckled and hugged Shen Qing's waist, and his hands rubbed her cheeks. "Are you really fascinated by me?"

"En." Shen Qing simply nodded at him.

"Who is better between me and Qin Ming?"

Shen Qing didn't want to open her mouth to answer his question, but in her heart, she thought Chen Li was better than Qin Ming.

Chen Li then cupped her cheeks and kissed her directly on the lips, making Shen Qing really shocked by his action, especially since they were in a public place. She was worried that anyone close to Qin Ming would see them.

Shen Qing was even more shocked when Chen Li's tongue invaded her mouth, and she wanted to push him away. But instead, he hugged her tighter, and his hands also squeezed her supple buttocks.

"Mhn~" In the end, Shen Qing resignedly accepted Chen Li's action, embraced his neck, and kissed him back.

As they kissed, their eyes kept looking at each other, simultaneously making Shen Qing overjoyed and bewildered.

However, the sky suddenly rumbled with flashes of lightning, and raindrops immediately poured down. Yet, they didn't stop their kiss, which only became more passionate.

After a while, Chen Li separated their lips and pulled Shen Qing towards his car, and they got inside to take shelter.

"Ahh!" Shen Qing exclaimed in surprise as Chen Li pulled her onto his lap. "What... what are you going to do?"

"Nothing." Chen Li replied by shaking his head and rubbing her cheeks. "I just want to admire your beauty up close."

- To Be Continued -

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