Ostentatious Zhao Yao

Chapter 52.01

Chapter 52.01

As soon as my chest moved, the pain enveloped my heart, making my mind become somewhat muddled. Then my body fell uncontrollably into Mo Qings embrace. I rested my forehead on his chest until the feeling of light-headedness subsided for a little bit.

As far as Mo Qing was concerned, it was as if on my body, there was a branding iron that burned him, making him tremble slightly. His palm held my arm, as if he was trying to control his emotions with all his might.

I gritted my teeth, tenaciously restraining the blood in my throat: Luo Ming Xuan is still alive.

He became somewhat contemplative, and said in an ice-cold voice: He wont live for long.

As Mo Qings hand circled my body, his warm palm pressed against my back. I only felt a force being transmitted from his palm, it flicked around and shattered the Demon Vanquish Curse in my heart. The pain that seized my heart immediately vanished. Along with it came his unique strength, it was warm and thick, filling up my absolutely empty internal aura.

As my forehead rested on his broad chest, I could not help myself and turned obliquely towards the hollow of his neck, finding a more comfortable position for myself.

Mo Qings body stiffened slightly, and the energy that was flowing into my body suddenly stopped, and then, he relaxed immediately after.

I had never imagined that one day I would rely on another person, while fighting on the battlefield

All of a sudden, I noticed that the seal I placed on Luo Ming Xuans heart was getting further and further away.

I suddenly came back to myself, this was not good, I only had four hours, it was very likely that the fight from before had already wasted more than half of the allotted time. Right now was not the time to take advantage of Mo Qing. 

As I clenched my teeth, my hand pushed against Mo Qings chest to move him away: Cant let him get away, chase after him!

Youll stay here. Mo Qing withdrew his hand and got up to leave, but I pulled him back: I crawled out from Hell with much difficulty, so I didnt come back to mess around.

He pursed his lips, but did not try to stop me again. He only removed Wan Jun Sword hanging from his side. He handed it to me like he was gifting me a wildflower by the side of the road.

I was stunned and dumbfoundedly raised my head, gazing at him. In my mind, I suddenly remembered a certain evening when I was in Zhi Yans body. That day, I told him that Lu Zhao Yao wanted to come back and seek revenge on him, and yet he said, if Lu Zhao Yao did come back, he would readily surrender the sect leader position.

At that time, when he said it, he downplayed it, so when I heard it, I did not heed it. But I did not think that he could actually have such determination

It was unlikely that he did not know what Wan Jun Sword signified, otherwise during that year, I would not have placed this life on this sword.

Wan Jun Sword recognizes its owner. I said, I cant use it.

Itll protect you.

Just to protect me? But this life of mine only had about an hour left, how sufficient was it to make him protect it in such a way

Mo Qing saw that I did not take it, so he simply hanged Wan Jun Sword on my waist. Five years ago, I wore this outfit to the Sword Tomb to fetch the sword, but was not able to get it at that time. Now through a freak combination of factors, this sword was hanging on my waist, but my mood was not as good as it was then. 

It really gave someone No other choice but to sigh in sorrow.


I suppressed the feelings in my heart, closed my eyes and sensed the direction of Luo Ming Xuans escape. As soon as I opened my eyes, I grabbed Mo Qings wrist. After winking, I stopped Luo Ming Xuan in a dense forest. He held Liu Su Ruo in his arms, the bloodstains on his face were frightening. Following behind him were the four celestial sect grandmasters, equally in a sorry state.


After seeing me, Luo Ming Xuans pupils constricted, and wanted to use the Instantaneous Travel Technique again. However, during the moment of his action, a huge, black magical array flashed simultaneously from the sky and the ground. As Luo Ming Xuan groaned, his magical powers were bombarded back into his body, causing him pain.

I turned my head to glance at Mo Qing: Did it pretty well. These celestial sect guys always use that magical array to suppress us, they really must have thought that we would not use the same move on them. You deal with those four, leave Luo Ming Xuan to me.

As soon as I finished speaking, the four celestial sect grandmasters immediately appeared to be wrapped up by the demonic energy boring out of the ground. The demonic energy flooded their mouths and noses, making it impossible for them to control their wildly gesticulating body, as if they were becoming demonic.


I was stumped for words, amazed at Mo Qings fast movements.

In their painfully anguished cries, Mo Qings voice echoed steadily in my ears: Theyre no longer worth any worry. He turned his head to look at me, For the rest, I will face it with you.


Mo Qing You, really, in a situation like this, how could you make me feel like I was being pampered by someone

If you kept playing like this, where would I go play, with my former sect leaders awe-inspiring authority?

Seeing me not answering him, he turned grave for a moment: It was because these four grandmasters had already fought with you to the point of exhaustion, so they were easily controlled by me.


Mhm As it turned out, when I was secretly thinking of a way to get out of this embarrassing situation, letting myself take a step down

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