Origin Seeker

Chapter 84: Classes

Chapter 84: Classes

Dream soon arrived at his Elemental sequencing class. 

He walked in and repeated the same process of standing for an introduction. The teacher this time was an older man named Mr. Modric, who looked to be in his 70s and was also a class 2. He had a rough voice and plenty of grey hair, giving Dream an old, wise man vibe.

"Class, this is Dream. He's new here and he's going to be joining us. Be sure to help him out if he needs it. Go ahead and find a seat up there, Dream."

The teacher pointed and Dream went over, finding an empty seat. Though before he took a seat, he asked the person next to it if it had already been taken. After hearing that it wasn't, he took it.

"Alright. Today we're going to continue practicing. Everyone open back up to page 76 and take a look at the water diagram."

Dream took out his book and flipped to page 76. On it was a magic circle that could supposedly gather and control water. Dream brought up his hand and mimicked the diagram. 


The circle formed and came to life above his palm. This time the runes gave off a blue glow. After the circle was completed, water began to conglomerate above it, forming a sphere of water.

'...Huh. This isn't much different than the practice one.'

[It helps when you know the rune language. Plus with your enchanting skills, this stuff is easy.]

'True. Though there isn't much I can do with this circle. All it does is gather water and launches it. I could use it as a squirt gun, but that's it.'

[Although that seems like it, there's a bit more to it. These magic circles actually pick up on not the matter, but the type of mana. That circle pulls in the water-type elemental mana. The secondary effect of having that type of mana accumulate in one place is that it pulls water in with it.]

'So they're controlling mana and not matter?'

[Precisely. The different types of mana are all around us, mixing in with each other. So they pull on these mana to do what they want.]

'Ok. I mean, I get it. But it seems like a crappy way to fight. You gotta take the time to make the circle, then wait for it to gather the element, then get it to launch at someone. I could end my opponent before they processed the runes, without even using my gun.'

[Again, you're the oddball here. Though they may suck for combat purposes, we should consider testing the limits of these circles. They work very different than your magic and yield different results. You've always wondered why Iris was able to wield flames, which should be impossible. Well this may give the answer.]

'Hmm...Maybe. Well, there's no reason why we can't. So...why is everyone looking at me?'

Dream observed his surroundings and found that everyone was staring at him. Was he naked or something?

"...Good job making the circle, Dream."

Mr. Modric came up to him and observed the circle above his hand. Dream was worried he did something weird.

"Oh, thanks. That is what we were practicing, right?"

"It is. I think it was just a little surprising that you are already able to do it."

"Oh. I mean, it's not that hard. Kind of like doing the practice circle at the beginning of the sequencing book."

"...Sure. Well feel free to go around and help anybody who needs it. Take it as a chance to get to know your new classmates."


Everybody got back to their own thing as Dream put away the circle. He looked at the guy to his left.

"You need help?"


After hesitating a second, the guy just nodded his head. Dream turned his chair to him.  

"Alright. What's your name?"

"Nathan. I'm actually in your sequencing class. The one before this."

"Deadass? What a coincidence."

"Actually, most of us in this class are in the other one with you."

"...Oh. Interesting."

Dream looked back around and did indeed see some familiar faces. Guess him looking like an idiot in the first class caused them to be surprised when he pulled out the water circle.

"...Well nevermind that. What's your trouble, Nathan?"

"Oh, I guess it's just the forming. Pulling out the mana correctly is difficult."

"Hmm... Let me see you try it."


Nathan brought up his hand and began. Dream could sense the mana traveling through his arm and out his palm. As the mana came out of the palm, he immediately began to form the circle. He made each rune according to the instructions, but suddenly as he was making one of the last runes, the rest of the circle began to dissipate. Once one part of the circle fell apart, the rest followed and he failed.

"...I see. You need more mana."

"I think I just need to do it faster. If I could get it all formed before it starts dissipating, then there would be no problem. It would also help my casting time."

"No, you definitely need more mana. The reason it dissipates towards the end is because it's not being fueled enough. You also need to maintain the entire circle at once. You're too focused on the runes you're making that you forget about the ones you've made. Go ahead and create each rune with 40% more mana."

"But aren't you supposed to use less mana? If you use too much then you'll run out of fuel before your enemy."

"You should worry about conservation when you can actually make the circle. Just try it. You aren't fighting anyone now."

Dream sat back and watched Nathan huff slightly before trying it again. 

His mana moved up his arm and out his palm just like last time. Though this time he took a little longer and infused more mana into each rune. He went one by one and as he reached the end, the runes at the beginning began to dissipate. The circle fell apart once more.

"Your concentration isn't there. The mana levels were good, but you're forgetting about the runes at the beginning as you reach the end."

"What do you mean forgetting?"

"You make one rune, then move on to the next, then the next. You take it one part at a time. In this situation, that's no good. You need to take it all as a whole and form it as a whole."

"How am I supposed to form all the runes at once?"

"...Let me just show you."

Dream brought up his hand and created the circle outline with no runes. Then, he formed one rune and put it where it was supposed to go.

After waiting for a while, nothing happened. Dream didn't form any more runes after the first.

"...What are you doing?"

"You see how it's not dissipating? I only have one rune, but the circle is maintaining itself. Do you know why?"

"Because you keep loading it with mana."

"Wrong. Do you sense any mana dissipating?"


Nathan looked at the circle and shook his head. He couldn't feel any mana coming off of it.

"If I don't want my mana to dissipate, then I tell it not to. You don't. As you form the circle, you forget to control your runes, letting them do whatever they want. And since they want to dissipate, that causes problems for your circle. Now watch this."

Dream focused back on the circle and formed all the runes, except for the last one. He let the circle sit in his hand without being completed. but even after waiting a while, it never showed signs of dissipating.

"If you're controlling your runes properly, then you won't have to worry about it breaking. I can hold an incomplete circle for however long I want. Obviously at some point I'll get tired, but that'll take a while. And so..."

Finally, Dream formed the last rune. The circled flashed and waited for his activation.

"Voila. Now you try it."


After watching Dream's little display, Nathan couldn't help but take his word for it. He brought up his hand once more and moved the mana, forming runes on top. After a bit, he got to the point where he was before, but the circle didn't dissipate. Though he looked to be under a little more strain than before as well, a sign that he was heightening his concentration. Soon, he had a complete circle above his hand.

"...I did it."

"Good job! And once you complete it, it doesn't take much more concentration since it'll pretty much hold itself together. Now just keep practicing that and it'll get easier."

Dream smiled and relaxed back. It felt good being able to teach people. Though he wondered why this stuff wasn't common knowledge. Shouldn't they put that stuff in the book?

Turns out, Nathan wasn't the only one listening either. Most of the class had faced them and focused in on their conversation. After it finished, many of them began to try it themselves.

"Hey, I did it."

"Me too!"

A few of the people were able to finish it on the first try while others repeated a couple of times before they got it. After 45 minutes or so, Nearly half the class had made the circle while others had made most of it before failing. 

Throughout the period, the teacher looked on in surprise. He didn't expect half his class to grasp the concept after overhearing a conversation with the new kid. Was there something he was doing wrong?

"...Alright class. We have a few minutes before the period ends. Since we've made so much progress, I want you to take a look at the next page tonight. It'll give you an idea of what we're going to deal with after this. Other than that, you're dismissed with the bell.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Soon, the bell rang and everyone stood to leave. Dream also left with the class towards his next period.

'I have practical next. It said it was in some kind of gymnasium. This'll be interesting. Wonder what we'll do.'

Dream didn't take too much time to walk to the gymnasium. When he got there, he went through the doors and found that the area was basically the size of a stadium. It surprised him a bit, but he just guessed that this was this school's version of a field. Every school had a field.

After basking in the sun that came through the roof of the stadium, Dream looked around for people. 

"...Why Are there only 5 people here?"

Dream looked at the 5 people along the walls of the stadium. This was supposed to be a popular class. Where was everyone?

Dream walked over to the quiet group.

"Umm, excuse me. Do you guys know where everyone is?"

The 5 turned and looked at him curiously before one spoke up.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, my name's Dream. I'm new here."

"...Makes sense. Everyone is given extra time before this class to change clothes."

"...Didn't even think of that. Then how are you guys here so fast?"

"We wear our practical clothes underneath our regular clothes."

"I see. Not sure how intense this class is, but I guess I don't want to ruin these clothes either."


Dream snapped his fingers and was dressed in athletic clothes. He then reflexively began shaking out his muscles to warm up, even though that was no longer necessary. 

"...Inventory? Class 2?"

"Oh, yea I am. Though I only just recently advanced."


"Thanks. So... What do we do in this class?"

"We practice magic against each other."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Can be. But that's what healers are for."


Dream nodded and looked back towards the gym entrance. More people were beginning to pile in. Dream just moved over to the wall and sat against it, waiting for class to start.

Some 15 minutes later, the gym was filled with people. Dream counted 130 people. It was a lot considering everyone would be fighting each other. 

After everybody had arrived, a person who Dream assumed to be the teacher flew up above everyone and looked down.


The man in the air yelled out while amplifying his voice with mana. His voice filled the entire stadium and everyone went quiet, looking up towards him.

"Today we're going to be doing speed casting."


Sounds of discontent came from the crowd. Looks like this workout wasn't particularly popular. 

"Don't give me that. Get your drills done and meet with your captains. But before that, is Dream out there?"

"...Uhh, yes. I am."

Dream stood up and responded. Everyone in the stadium turned to look at him.

"Good. Stay there. Everyone else, get going."

When he said that, everyone gave Dream one last glance before spreading across the stadium. The man in the air flew done in front of him. 

"You're the new kid?"

"I am."

"You're more than I expected. Everyone here calls me Instructor."

"Nice to meet you, Instructor."

"Likewise. So here's a rundown of what we do..."

The instructor went on to explain the drills that everyone does every day. It was a basic fitness regime using no mana with the purpose of improving the body. The theory was that the better your body, the better your mana flow.

While this didn't really apply to Dream, it definitely applied to the others. Even before he built his new body, his flesh body was at its peak. He had been a college-level athlete after all, despite his injury. Even when he couldn't run he never stopped working out.

Anyway, there were the drills at the beginning of the class and then began the real workout. He explained today's workout, speed casting.

"Basically, everyone pairs up and stands opposite one another. Neither of them move and when the signal is given, they have to launch a rock at the other. Obviously the first one to get the rock off wins."

"So it's a duel?"

"Yes. Though a rock is really the only thing we use. It won't hurt them too badly but it hurts enough to where they're motivated to try. If it were something weak being used then nobody would care."

"Makes sense."

Dream nodded while laughing on the inside. This was a cowboy duel with magic! Maybe he'ss need to bring out his big iron and show them what's what. 

After the Instructor explained everything, Dream joined in on the drills. They were simple pushups, squat jumps, and some long sprints across the stadium.

He dropped to an empty space on the floor and knocked out 100 pushups without feeling anything before popping back up and doing some light squat jumps. It was all just for show and he didn't gain anything from it. Even the Instructor who was watching him could see how easily he'd done everything. 

"Looks like they've found a good addition. This kid's pretty good."

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