Online Game: Starting with an SSS-Level Plundering Talent

Chapter 168: Chapter 168: Eighth-Tier Powerhouses, Demon Slayer Slash

Chapter 168: Chapter 168: Eighth-Tier Powerhouses, Demon Slayer Slash

John watched the advancing army with disdain, completely unafraid.

If these enemies had thrown everything they had at Phoenix City, they might have overwhelmed him.

But if they thought they could take him down, they were sorely mistaken.


A surge of powerful dark energy swept across the battlefield as John cast Dark Descent, enveloping both the Dark Humans and the Angel Race forces.

The spell weakened the enemies' attributes by 12% while enhancing John's dark magic damage by the same amount.


He followed up with Dark Storm, unleashing a furious whirlwind of darkness.

Massive damage numbers flickered across the battlefield.





Boosted by the dark magic enhancement, John dealt over two million critical damage and nearly 200,000 true damage per hit.

The notifications flashed rapidly.

[You've killed a level 500 sixth-tier epic Dark Human. You gained 142,000 experience points.] [Plunder talent activated. Spirit +100, Strength +50.]


All the enemies below seventh-tier were instantly wiped out.

The once overwhelming force of tens of thousands was reduced to just over ten thousand in mere moments.

Meanwhile, the Undead Lord wasn't idle either. He cast necromancy spells, reanimating the dead Elemental Dragons and Dark Humans as undead creatures to fight against the remaining Dark Human army.

However, John frowned-he had underestimated the strength of these legendary enemies.

His immense dark magic damage, totaling over 1.3 million, couldn't even break the defenses of the seventh-tier pinnacle Two-Winged Angels, let alone the eighth-tier Four-Winged Angels.

"Human, you're strong, but you're still no match for us!" sneered the leader, an eighth-tier pinnacle Four-Winged Angel. He swung his light sword, sending several sword beams hurtling toward John.

John didn't dare take any chances. He conjured a Water Mist Clone and activated Diamond Armor.


The powerful sword beams tore through the Water Mist Clone with ease, and two beams followed, one after the other.


John's Diamond Armor shattered as the Light Sword Slash struck him directly.


[You've been killed by the Four-Winged Angel. The Blessed Ring activated, and you've resurrected in place.]

Twenty-two million damage!

As expected, John was instantly killed.

Fortunately, he had plenty of lifesaving measures.

"Human, give up. There's no point in struggling," the Four-Winged Angel said coldly as he watched John resurrect, clearly unsurprised.

He had already learned that John possessed resurrection-type abilities.

"Destroy the city, and the rest of you eighth-tier angels, come with me. We'll kill this Godslayer once and for all!" the leader ordered, gathering the nine other Four-Winged Angels as they all charged toward John.

"Damn it!" John's expression grew serious. He decided it was time to stop playing around with these enemies. With a thought, he summoned Tony and Ben from the Abyss.


The two appeared in front of him, just as several light swords came slashing through the air. "Hey, kid! Couldn't you give us a warning first?" Tony exclaimed, startled by the sudden attack. A shield resembling a turtle shell appeared in front of him just in time.

Clang, clang...

The Light Sword slashes hit the shield, sparks flying, but Tony was completely unharmed. "Tony, Ben!" The leading Four-Winged Angel's heart skipped a beat, instinctively trying to flee.

"Stop them. Don't kill them, leave them for me to handle," John instructed. He needed to kill these angels himself to Plunder Divinity.

For Tony and Ben, two ninth-tier pinnacle legends, dealing with the Four-Winged Angels posed no challenge at all.

Meanwhile, John charged toward the remaining Dark Humans and Angel Race forces.

The 100 Two-Winged Angels and over 10,000 Dark Humans were too much for the Undead Lord to handle on his own.


Sword energy hummed, dark winds howled, and endless flames surged.

John unleashed the Infinite Sword Array, Dark Storm, and Hellfire, covering the battlefield.

In an instant, the enemy suffered massive casualties.

With John single-handedly holding off more than 10,000 enemies, the pressure on the Undead Lord was significantly reduced.

On the city walls, the members of Phoenix Guild watched in awe, gasping at the scene.

Even Malina was filled with excitement.

These Dark Humans and Two-Winged Angels were all legendary seventh-tier beings, and the experience points were skyrocketing.

In just a short while, she had leveled up from 121 to 150.

It faster than she had in the past several months combined.

"I wonder if I can hit level 200 and reach the fifth tier..." Malina thought excitedly as she

watched John in battle.

With graceful ease, he moved through the battlefield, elegant and composed, cutting down angels and Dark Humans like they were nothing.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

[You've killed a seventh-tier Two-Winged Angel. You gained 1,600,000 experience points.]

[Plunder talent activated. Divinity +1, Luck +1.]


The notifications continued to flash, and almost every Two-Winged Angel yielded 1 point of

Divinity through Plunder.

Moreover, these Two-Winged Angels had unusually high Luck attributes.

On average, for every 10 Two-Winged Angels John killed, he plundered 1 point of Luck.

The only downside was that these enemies were summoned through special means and did

not drop items upon death.

The terrifying dark magic surged across the battlefield, mercilessly slaughtering Two- Winged Angels and Dark Humans alike.

Several legendary seventh-tier Dark Humans also fell, dropping a few artifacts as they died.

John didn't have time to inspect the loot, as he continued casting a flurry of dark magic, sword techniques, and assassin skills.

Soon, only four seventh-tier pinnacle Two-Winged Angels and one eighth-tier legendary Dark Human remained.

"Human! You've actually mastered the Power of Darkness Laws!" The eighth-tier Dark

Human was visibly shaken. He had unleashed several dark magic attacks, none of which had

harmed John in the slightest.

And with John's dark magic dealing true damage, it was clear that he had not only mastered the Power of Darkness Laws, but had done so with incredible potency.

"How is this possible?" the Dark Human powerhouse muttered in disbelief, unable to accept

the situation.

"Stop talking and attack together! He's not our match!" urged one of the Two-Winged

Angels, and all of them charged at John simultaneously.

"What a hassle!" John muttered. Realizing he couldn't afford to be careless against these

foes, he turned and flew toward Tony and Ben.

At that moment, both Tony and Ben were in a difficult spot. They could easily kill the ten Four-Winged Angels.

But John needed them alive, and they couldn't let any escape. So, the two had no choice but to

tank the damage head-on.

"Can you two hold these guys off for me a little longer?" John shouted as he used Sword

Flight to speed toward them.

"Kid, what exactly do you want?!" Tony was visibly irritated, having been tempted several times to just kill the Four-Winged Angels outright.

"I need them to boost my strength, almost there! You two handle the four Two-Winged Angels, I'll deal with the eighth-tier Dark Human!" John said, immediately charging toward

the Dark Human powerhouse.

Tony and Ben, though frustrated, had no choice but to follow John's instructions and keep the

four seventh-tier Two-Winged Angels occupied.

"Fool!" The Dark Human cursed, brandishing a massive black sword. Even without casting dark magic, he could easily kill John with his raw strength.

John raised the Sword of Divinity and Demons to block the incoming strike.


The powerful collision sent John flying backward, barely escaping being killed outright.

"Hmph, even if you've grasped the Power of Darkness Laws, it's worthless before a true powerhouse!" the Dark Human sneered, raising his sword again and charging forward for another strike.

John narrowed his eyes, focusing intently on his opponent's movements, and then he struck.

"Demon Slayer Slash!" His longsword whistled through the air as he activated his newly

acquired skill.


The longsword hit with a thunderous force, immediately triggering the stun effect. But that was only the beginning of Demon Slayer Slash's terror. As long as the skill wasn't interrupted, it would continue to strike endlessly, until the enemy was dead.


John's attack speed was enhanced to over 300 points, allowing him to strike three times per

second. The longsword moved so quickly it created afterimages.

Slash! Slash!

The continuous barrage of attacks hit their mark. The stun effect hadn't even worn off before

it was triggered again.

The Dark Human stood there, dazed, eyes wide in terror.

John's Demon Slayer Slash tore through the air like relentless waves crashing against the

shore, as damage numbers continuously flashed across the screen.



Demon Slayer Slash was a basic physical attack, unable to break through the Dark

Human's defenses, but it still dealt over 40,000 true damage with each strike. Against the Dark Human's massive pool of over 30 million HP, this might not seem like much.

But the terrifying part was that he was completely unable to dodge, forced to take the hits while losing over 140,000 HP per second. He wouldn't last long.

His health rapidly plummeted, and within moments, he was on the brink of death. "Human, get away!" The Dark Human roared in panic, finally managing to break free of the stun and interrupt John's relentless assault. He retreated, his heart racing. He exhaled in relief-he had barely 200,000 HP left, narrowly avoiding death. "Hmph, it's over. Flying Sword Strike!" John's cold voice echoed as a terrifying sword beam,

like a streak of lightning across the sky, slashed toward the retreating Dark Human with unstoppable force.

"No..." The Dark Human's eyes widened in terror as he roared in desperation, but it was too

late to dodge.



A deafening explosion sounded as John's attack dealt over 280,000 true damage, instantly

wiping out the last of the Dark Human's health.

[You have slain a level 3000 eighth-tier legendary Dark Human. You gained 12.16 million

experience points.]

[Plunder talent activated. Strength +100, Spirit +100, Constitution +50, Agility +50.] As the notifications flashed, John immediately Plundered 300 attribute points.

Along with that, a variety of items dropped, including a black longsword-a powerful


John casually stored it away.

Turning his gaze to the other side of the battlefield, he saw Tony and Ben looking worse for

wear, but still managing to contain the 14 angels.

"Let one of the angels through," John called out.

He couldn't handle all the seventh-tier angels at once, so he had to take them down one by


Without hesitation, Tony and Ben released one of the Two-Winged Angels.

This was a seventh-tier legendary Two-Winged Angel at its peak.

Having witnessed John kill the eighth-tier Dark Human, the angel knew he stood no chance.

He immediately turned to flee.

"Trying to run?" John scoffed, activating Sword Flight and quickly chasing after him.

Once again, he unleashed Demon Slayer Slash.

The stun effect triggered, and the Two-Winged Angel had no chance to fight back, swiftly

falling under John's sword.

John gained another point of Divinity and Luck.

And so it continued.

Using the same method, John hunted down the angels one by one.

Even the powerful Four-Winged Angels stood no chance, falling with ease. Only the leader, the eighth-tier Four-Winged Angel, proved to be more of a challenge. He

seemed to possess some kind of immunity to control effects, putting up considerable


In the end, John had no choice but to activate the ultimate skill of the Sword of Divinity and Demons-Wrath of the Gods. With the assistance of Tony and Ben, he finally managed to take down the leader in a hard-fought battle.

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