One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 423

Chapter 423: The Power of one person! Dueling Five Myths!

On Jiang Fan’s side, the maze puppet walked in the front and the Goblin Chief followed closely behind.

Even though the Water Cannon Turtle was a transcendent species, it was the slowest.

As the Great Desolate Army had all-terrain off-road vehicles, there was also a tank.

Tanks and buggies run at full speed.

It was not slower than the Goblin Chief.

The demonized people stayed at the end.

These guys were gigantic, but their defense was a little too low.

The Great Desolate Army was at least protected by tanks and battle suits.

The entire group of tens of thousands of numbers …… moved forward with no hurry.

Above the sky, twenty rainstorm jets swept by‌.

Because of the other side to guard against surprise attacks.

So the altitude was pulled to a thousand meters above!

But at this distance, the machine guns could not function.

“The first jet rushed down to test. The other jets will cover from the rear.” Xue Rengui ordered.

Hoo ……

The first warplane swooped down.

It rushed towards the opposite position of the Transcendental Plants!

The outermost one was ……

A mega tree that was over thirty meters tall.

Not only high.

The tree was also very wide.

The branches spread out, covering the sky .

Covered the other plant races in it!

Against plant races, Armor-piercing bullets would not be of much use.

Instead, artillery shells were better.

This rainstorm fighter jet swept over these mega trees.

Dropping a cannonball!

Rumble ……

The shells landed on the ground.

Explosions rang out one after another.

The branches and leaves of the super large trees blocked a considerable portion of them.

Exploded directly on the tree.

-After the series of sounds.

Through the drone footage from the air, they could see ……

The branches and trunks of these mega trees.

The tiny ones were blown apart.

The larger ones were just charred and blackened.

Not much happened!

“The shells are ineffective. They can’t blow through these large transcendental trees.”

Seeing this scene, Su Dingfang said somewhat helplessly.

“This kind of transcendental tree itself is not much combat power, they specially used it for defense. If the defense piece is no longer strong, what use is it?”

Xue Rengui was calm in his expression.

In the sparring chamber, Jiang Fan and the others had also expected this.

This kind of mega tree also belonged to super civilized species.

The movement was very slow.

Basically, there was little attack power.

It could be recognized as a super civilization.

Relying on its too powerful defense!

They wanted to break through.

I’m afraid we have to let the Great Desolate Army use …… The ultimate killing weapon!

But this was only an exchange match.

Totally unnecessary.

“Yeah, stop.”

In the sparring room of Zhongda Academy.

The five players just looked uplifted!

In their opinion, as long as they defended against the most powerful plane of Bei Dou University’s side.

Then there would still be a chance!

Hoo ……

The second fighter plane flew over again.

Continuing to throw shells.

There was nothing that could be done about it.

Although the previous shell attack was not effective.

Keep throwing shells.

There was no way.

Maybe wait until a certain number, it will have an effect.

Anyway, the Great Desolate Army was not short of ammunition.

And at this time.

Wan Yunsheng suddenly spoke out, “Be careful!”

The words fell.

The others were seeing ……

Underneath the super large trees, a turquoise unidentified object flew out.

Straight towards the warplane in the sky!

The speed was very fast.

They encountered a sudden situation.

The fighter pilot slightly panicked, but immediately reacted.

Immediately pull the fighter plane higher.

The turquoise unidentified object below thundered loudly, but rained a little!

At first, the speed was still fast.

But further up, affected by gravity and air resistance.

The speed was getting slower and slower!

Finally ……

Stopped at a height of over 300 meters.

Then it fell down.

Then the drone detection.

Xue Rengui and Su Dingfang also clearly saw the appearance of this turquoise object.

Surprisingly, it was a huge leaf half a meter long!

The shape was very similar to that of a willow leaf.

“Willow leaf grass.”

Wan Yunsheng recognized this huge leaf and said, “This is also a super plant race, although it is a grass, it is very strong!”

“Able to fire the leaves as if they were bows and arrows!”

“This should be a brand new race created by Fatty Luo on the other side.” Lin Youhe also speculated.

“Luckily the plane flew high enough. There was no danger.”

Jane Ziqiang said with a palpitating heart.

“Even if just now Jiang Fan’s plane did not pull up high, this willow leaf grass can not hit.”

But Xiang Zhifei laughed and shook his head.

Jane Ziqiang faintly froze and immediately reacted.


Willow-leaf grass and the plane’s speed was quite different.

It was impossible to hit.

“It’s a pity.”

There was a burst of regret at Zhongda Academy’s side.

“Let’s fight defensively. Look for opportunities to eliminate the opponent.”

Fatty Luo was also helpless and could only give such an order.

“Let’s go straight to those transcendental incendiary bombs.”

Great Desolate Army’s side.

Su Dingfang proposed.

Transcendental incendiary bombs.

It was not quite the same as the ordinary incendiary bombs.

They added a transcendent substance that the Great Desolate Army had plundered from the outer planets.

Adding it in.

Let the incendiary bomb had a very terrifying power!

Once ignited.

It would quickly burn.

It was difficult for water and sand to extinguish it.

“Use the Transcendental Incendiary Bomb.”

Xue Rengui decided at once!

They already hung the Transcendental Incendiary Bomb on top of the storm fighter.

But it was in another specially made hatch.

At the same time, above the ground.

The Great Desolate Army and other racial alliances had approached the opposite position.

But didn’t dare to get too close.

There weren’t just super large transcendental trees at the opposite side.

There were others like willow grass.

A very aggressive plant!

“Water Cannon Turtle and Demonized Man prepare to attack, and Goblin Chief on standby.” Jiang Fan commanded.

In this battle, there was nothing good to do.

The Great Desolate Army prepared to attack from the top, middle, and bottom.

Rumble ……

Twenty storm fighters flew over again.

This time, it was the transcendental incendiary bombs that were dropped.

One by one, the incendiary bombs were falling on the super large trees.

Immediately it was burning up! Emitted a sky-rocketing fire and dense smoke!

“Fire attack?”

Fatty Luo and the others were stunned.

These were transcendent trees.

Not at all afraid of ordinary flames.

But then they found out ……

It ignited the branches and trunks of the super large trees.

It really burned up.

“No, the opposite side is not an ordinary flame.”

Fatty Luo’s face changed, and he immediately said, “Hurry up and put out the fire!”

The other transcendent plant races hurried to help.

But the rainstorm fighter was still overhead!

Seeing the plants below pop up.

Immediately, Armor-piercing bullets and cannonballs fell down.

The defenses of these transcendent plants were not that strong!

By the shells hit.

It was still very dangerous.

Especially the musketeers and demonized people outside.

Also took this opportunity.

They started to output like crazy!

Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

The water cannon turtle that finished storing power.

On the playing field.

For the first time, it sent out a complete water pillar!

In the water pillar, with the force of a spiral, the power was extremely powerful!

The water pillar with fully stored power was……

More terrifying than demonized people output!

But it was the demonized people who were a greater threat to the super large trees.

There was a trace of penetration in the demonized people’s attack.

Able to break their own energy into the opponent’s body.

This was also the weakness of the demonized people, so obvious.

But it was still a reason for the transcendent species.

Rumble ……

Jiang Fan’s side.

All kinds of attacks came together!

Cannonballs, incendiary bombs, water pillars, and demonized attacks ……

Shaking the mega trees in the way!

Especially demonized attacks and incendiary bombs.

Even the mega trees couldn’t stop it!

During the period, Zhongda College also sent several counterattacks.

But those were useless.

Fatty Luo just built willow grass range, and its attack power was good.

But the number was too small.

It was also easy to be targeted by the warplanes in the sky.

Three minutes passed.

Finally ……

A super large tree after being subjected to a whole unknown number of attacks.

-With a loud sound.

It fell to the ground with a bang!

See this mega tree to the ground.

The five members of the Zhongda Academy ……

all sighed helplessly!

Didn’t they have any output?

There must be something.

They weren’t that weak!

But the long-range, high-powered output was rather lacking.

Only the willow grass that had been bred for a short time.

And these output-type transcendent plants showed up.

It was easy to be found and targeted by the storm fighters in the sky!

They could only hide under the shelter of mega trees.

Passively beaten!

“Admit defeat.”

Fatty Luo scratched his head. He has always been too wise to do anything good.

He could only choose to surrender.

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