One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 341

Chapter 341 - Violent Breakdown Lion Roar Technique!

In the afternoon, Jiang Hao set out on a mission to find materials to break down, with a particular focus on magnetized objects.

He stumbled upon a modest garbage collection stand and handed the owner a hefty sum of fifty thousand yuan.

With a fabricated excuse, he asked the owner to leave him be while he searched.

Despite some initial skepticism, the sight of Jiang Hao's money quickly swayed the owner.

After all, who wouldn't jump at the chance to pocket fifty thousand yuan for doing absolutely nothing?


“Sure thing, sir. Help yourself. I'll just pop home for a bit!”

A disheveled middle-aged man grinned at the young man before him, clutching a bulging bag close to his chest.

He didn't have anything of value anyway, and with the fifty thousand yuan, he could finally have that long-overdue talk with Liu Hong.

With a quick mental tally, the man turned and left.

Meanwhile, Jiang Hao was already combing through the vast piles of trash, searching for the special items he needed.

Before long, he came across a heap of broken electrical appliances.

“Hopefully, there's something useful here,” he mused, laying his hand on a battered washing machine.

”Ding! Damaged washing machine detected. Would you like to disassemble?”


“Ding… Congratulations, host. Disassembly failed. You've earned 0.1 Skill Points and 0.1 Experience Points.”

Jiang Hao couldn't help but grumble at the result.

“Off to a rough start… just my luck!”

Still, he hadn't been overly optimistic, so he quickly moved on, reaching for a discarded television set.

”Ding! Abandoned television detected. Do you wish to disassemble?”


“Ding… Congratulations, host. Successful disassembly. You've obtained 5 grams of gold, 0.9 Skill Points, and 0.9 Experience Points.”

Jiang Hao paused, surprised.

“Gold from a TV set?”

“What's five grams of gold even good for?”

“Never mind. A successful disassembly is a promising sign, at least.”

He reassured himself and then dove back into the task, feverishly taking apart the old, defunct appliances.

Despite numerous successes, the results were consistently disappointing—nothing of value turned up. He either found refined iron, gold, or utter junk. That is, until he touched a stereo.

“Ding… Discarded stereo detected. Proceed with disassembly?”


“Ding… Congratulations, host, on a successful disassembly. You've acquired the Lion's Roar Skill, along with 2 skill points and 1.3 experience points.”

Lion's Roar Skill Level 1 (0/1): A sonic technique that originates from the Dantian and releases outward, capable of instantly obliterating anything with a powerful sound wave. At its peak, a single roar can shake the heavens!

”Congratulations, host, on the successful disassembly. Would you like to proceed with extraction and fusion?”

Once Jiang Hao fully processed the information, he was overjoyed.

“The Buddhist Lion's Roar Technique! A supreme sonic skill! This makes the trip worthwhile!”

Elated, Jiang Hao didn't hesitate to give the command.

“System, proceed with extraction and fusion!”

As Jiang Hao issued the command, his mind was quickly flooded with information, and a new skill appeared in his skill list. It was only after integrating the Lion's Roar Skill that Jiang Hao grasped its immense power. According to the information, once fully mastered, the Lion's Roar could devastate the heavens and earth—a feat beyond any wuxia novel's depiction.

“This trip has paid off immensely!”

In that moment, Jiang Hao's gaze fell upon the remaining dilapidated electronics, and his eyes lit up with eagerness. He was determined to disassemble every last item in the junkyard that could be broken down. Reaping the rewards, Jiang Hao threw himself into the task with renewed vigor.

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