One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 327

Chapter 327 - I Temporarily Believe in the Surprise

Jiang Hao paused in thought before he finally spoke.

“Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but remember, it's only temporary!”

“You also mentioned that once the Baiqi Killing Sword is revealed, the Imperial Ruler's Seal and the Follow-Marquis Bead won't be far behind!”

”So, I won't be curing your poison just yet. If you manage to locate the Imperial Ruler's Seal and the Follow-Marquis Bead for me, then you'll have earned my trust. When that time comes, I'll hand over the antidote.”

With that, Jiang Hao produced another jade vial. Ignoring Lv Yingyu's tear-streaked face, he continued.

“Inside are six pills, each capable of suppressing the poison in your systems for three months.”

“You have three months to bring me some news. If you come up empty-handed, I suggest you consider ending things sooner rather than later.”

He tossed the vial to Lv Yingyu and walked over to where the previous standoff had taken place, picking up an item from the ground.

Then, turning back to Lv Yingyu, he added an afterthought.

“Oh, and one more thing! You could choose not to share the pills and keep them all to yourself.

But that would merely buy you a little more time. As for my poison, there's no one in this world who can neutralize it.”

The moment Jiang Hao's words fell, the five individuals behind Lv Yingyu cast wary glances her way, encircling her as if ready to strike at the slightest provocation.

Witnessing the tension, Jiang Hao couldn't help but smile.

“Furthermore, I'd advise you to keep today's events to yourselves. If word gets out, you'll learn firsthand the meaning of cruelty.”

Approaching the group from the Nether King's Hall, Jiang Hao, under the astonished gaze of Lv Yingyu and the others, methodically dusted the four bodies with a mysterious powder. In moments, the corpses vanished without leaving a trace behind.

He then gave a sharp kick to the car that had been blocking his path, the one belonging to the quartet from the Nether King's Hall.

He effortlessly flipped the car over with a swift kick!

Witnessing their astonished stares, Jiang Hao couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. He climbed back into his own vehicle and sped off into the distance.


Jiang Hao raced home in his car without delay.

Once there, he secluded himself in his bedroom and promptly assured Soong Wan and the rest that he was unharmed.

Next, he swiftly engaged with the system.

“System, extract!”

At his command, four pills materialized in his palm.

Jiang Hao gazed at the pills, a wave of elation washing over him.

“Who would've thought this outing would bring such an unexpected windfall!”

“With these four Mortal Pills, I can cultivate four more martial cultivator lieutenants!”

Indeed, the pills in Jiang Hao's grasp were the coveted Mortal Pills, acquired from disassembling the bodies of the four men from the Nether King's Hall.

The powder was merely a ruse to disguise the disintegration process and to intimidate Lv Yingyu and her cohort: a tactic he intentionally let them witness.

In reality, he had already covertly connected with the system and processed the four bodies.

After securing the Mortal Pills, Jiang Hao found himself with nine additional throwing knives.

Staring at the knives, he couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed.

“System, is there a way for the throwing knives to automatically return to the System Space after being used?

It's quite demeaning to have to retrieve Lee's Flying Knife each time I use it: it really cramps my style,” Jiang Hao grumbled in frustration.

Earlier, he had indeed been stooping to collect the very knives he had thrown.

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