One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 317

Chapter 317 - Baiqi Killing Sword Jiang Hao Was Domineering!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, someone approached the blade with a small lock of hair in hand.

Yet before the hair could even touch the blade, it split in two of its own accord!

This spectacle left everyone in the room astounded.

Jiang Hao's eyes blazed with desire.

This was a sword without equal, a true treasure!

He was determined to have it.

In that moment, the one holding the bronze sword quickly sheathed it, taming its fierce aura.

The auctioneer's voice cut through the tension, snapping everyone back to the present.

“The Wu An Lord's Killing Sword will start at 10 million, with increments of no less than 1 million. Let's begin!”

As the auctioneer's words hung in the air, an eerie silence enveloped the venue—no one made a bid.

The auctioneer, drenched in a cold sweat, was visibly shaken by the lack of response.

But then, someone finally raised a paddle.

The auctioneer called out eagerly.

“Number 19, 11 million!”

“20 million!”

“Bidder number 21 offers 20 million!”

“Number 30, 30 million!”


With each successive bid, the room's energy surged with excitement.

The auctioneer, now animated, watched as the bronze sword's price soared to 50 million.

Jiang Hao glanced over at the mysterious figure bidding, his face partially obscured by sunglasses.

“Will bidder number 16 raise the stakes above 50 million?” the auctioneer asked, his voice brimming with anticipation.

Sensing the moment was right, Jiang Hao lifted his paddle.

“60 million!”

The auctioneer's voice boomed.

“We have 60 million from number 12!”

Soong Wan, sitting nearby, cast a puzzled glance at Jiang Hao, who was bidding on the bronze sword.

Just then, Jiang Hao felt the prickling sensation of being watched.

Turning, his gaze met that of the sunglass-clad man from earlier.

Assuming his bid had drawn the man's attention, Jiang Hao dismissed the feeling.

But in the same row, three seats away, a young woman's voice rang out.

“70 million!”

“Lady number 9 bids seventy million. Do we have any higher offers?”

The auctioneer's voice surged with excitement!

Moments later, another bid pierced the air.

“80 million!”

“Number 26 bids 80 million!”

Jiang Hao glanced at the two bidders. He had assumed the bronze sword would attract little interest, but to his surprise, he faced a number of formidable competitors!

Yet, he was resolute in his pursuit of the sword.

He lifted his bidding paddle once more, calling out with conviction.

“One billion!”

His voice echoed, drawing curious glances from many in the crowd.

It was, after all, just a bronze sword. Even with its unique qualities, one billion was undoubtedly well beyond its intrinsic value!

It was then that Jiang Hao's sharp instincts caught the whiff of danger—several undercurrents of murderous intent.

One came from the man with sunglasses he'd noticed earlier; another from the woman who had placed a bid.

A few others were seated in the back.

As Jiang Hao turned to look their way, they quickly masked their intentions.

A sense of unease washed over him.

What was happening here? Did this bronze sword harbor secrets unknown to all?

It seemed these individuals had come with the sole purpose of acquiring the sword.

Despite racking his brain, Jiang Hao couldn't unravel the mystery, so he let the matter rest.

As for those harboring ill will towards him, Jiang Hao was undeterred.

”Do no harm, and no harm will come to you.”

This was the principle by which he lived.

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