One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 311

Chapter 311 - Fei Fei Was Cheated How Did You Sneak In?

Guided by Du Feifei, Jiang Hao made his way back to the main hall.

Upon entering, he was greeted by clusters of people, each group animatedly discussing a card they held in their hands.

Someone caught sight of the card and involuntarily gasped in astonishment.


“To think such a miraculous elixir exists in the world!”

“This sounds like something out of a legend. It couldn't possibly be a hoax, could it?”

“And that ‘Erlong Playing with a Pearl' Emperor's Night-Glow Cup is a marvel in its own right!”


Hearing the buzz, Jiang Hao couldn't help but smile.

Clearly, the auction's organizers had been drumming up excitement.

Even before the auction commenced, there was already a palpable sense of anticipation as people eagerly shuffled their funds in preparation.

Preferring solitude to the bustling crowd, Jiang Hao found a quiet corner to settle down in, content to wait for the event to start.

Du Feifei, keeping Jiang Hao company, couldn't shake the feeling that there was something peculiar about him.

She was just about to probe him with a few questions when a voice, filled with surprise, interrupted.

“Fei Fei, there you are! I've been searching for you for ages!”

A well-dressed man approached Du Feifei, his face alight with happiness.

Du Feifei's heart sank at the sight.

Turning back, she caught Jiang Hao's odd look and knew her instincts were right.

Annoyed, she glared at the approaching Wu Xiaofei, her eyes brimming with aversion.

“Wu Xiaofei, I'm attending to a VIP right now. Let's discuss this later, please.”

Jiang Hao, mistaking the situation, chimed in.

“Oh, go ahead with your business. I'll just enjoy some fruit here while I wait for the auction to start.”

His comment made Du Feifei's expression freeze, her look one of wounded pride.

Had her allure really waned? Could it be that Jiang Hao, in the presence of such beauty, was actually indifferent to her charms?

Jiang Hao, catching her look of reproach, felt a twinge of embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Wu Xiaofei, witnessing Du Feifei's flirtatious glance, turned visibly sour.

Upon spotting Jiang Hao lounging on the sofa in his athletic attire, Wu Xiaofei's brow furrowed in disapproval.

“Who are you? How did you get in here?”

Wu Xiaofei's interrogation made Jiang Hao distinctly uncomfortable.

“There's no need for you to concern yourself with who I am!”

Du Feifei, overhearing Wu Xiaofei's accusatory tone, quickly interjected with a warning.

“Wu Xiaofei, watch your tone. He's a guest of honor in my home!”

Noticing Du Feifei's irritation, Wu Xiaofei softened his voice in an attempt to placate her.

“Feifei, please, don't get upset!”

He then turned to Jiang Hao with a hint of suspicion.

”Feifei, surely you haven't been fooled, have you? He hardly looks like the sort of esteemed guest one would expect at an auction. I suspect he just tagged along with someone else.”

“I'm going to have him removed this instant!”

Just then, a waiter walked by, and Wu Xiaofei flagged him down. Without giving the waiter a chance to speak, he pointed at Jiang Hao and demanded answers.

“What kind of operation are you running here? There's someone without an invitation who's managed to slip in, and you're none the wiser?”

“Escort him out, immediately!”

Wu Xiaofei's raised voice quickly drew the gaze of many onlookers.

As the crowd turned their attention to the scene, they too began to harbor doubts upon seeing Jiang Hao's casual attire.

“Is that kid from an elementary school or something?”

“Could he be the son of some high-profile figure?”


Du Feifei's anger flared as she caught the crowd's stares. She hadn't anticipated Wu Xiaofei's outburst.

“Wu Xiaofei, enough is enough. Mr. Jiang is my esteemed guest, and I won't tolerate your baseless accusations!”

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