One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 - Qi Dan the Shocked Crowd

Du Feifei offered, “Let me take you there!”

“May I ask if the item you're bringing is large or small? Do you need any assistance with it?” inquired Jiang Hao.

”Thank you, but it's just a small item that I'm carrying with me,” Jiang Hao responded, his modesty casting a different light in Du Feifei's eyes.

”Please, sir, follow me this way.”


Guided by Du Feifei, Jiang Hao entered the lobby and was led to a mysterious room where six elderly gentlemen were seated. Upon seeing Du Feifei, their faces lit up with smiles, and they started to rise from their seats.

Du Feifei, standing behind Jiang Hao, covertly winked at the six men.

Jiang Hao, noticing the elders' cheerful demeanor as he walked in, was momentarily puzzled.

Then Du Feifei, still behind him, announced, “Gentlemen, this man has brought several treasures he wishes to submit for the auction.”

The six experts perked up immediately.

“Oh, we've been eagerly awaiting new treasures for quite some time. At last, we have some!”

“And how should we address you, sir?”

“What is Mr. Jiang Hao's preferred title?”

Jiang Hao, though finding the situation somewhat odd, simply replied, “I go by the surname Jiang.”

He then proceeded to pull out a pair of Tiger Talismans from his pocket and presented them.

“Gentlemen, please examine these artifacts. They are Tiger Talismans from the Western Han period. Wei Qing once used these to command Zhao Ponu's forces at Flying Eagle Stream!”

”The experts are welcome to inspect them.”

The revelation took the appraisers aback. The Tiger Talisman, a significant military token from the past, had made its mark in history. Yet, surviving examples, especially from over two thousand years ago during the Western Han, were exceedingly rare.

If authentic, the value would be immense.

Yet here was Jiang Hao, carrying them nonchalantly in his pocket… It was quite astonishing.

The appraisers took the Tiger Talismans with a mix of awe and bewilderment, and even Du Feifei couldn't hide her curious expression.

If this item were authentic, wouldn't a typical person store it in a finely crafted wooden box?

At that moment, Du Feifei seemed to grasp what Jiang Hao meant by always carrying it with him.

You really do keep it on you, without a single issue!

The Tiger Talisman was passed around among the appraisers, subjected to various tests, and after a thorough examination, they all nodded in agreement.

“Sir, following our assessment, your pair of Tiger Talismans is confirmed to be authentic from the Western Han period.

However, we can't yet confirm any connection to General Wei Qing.”

“So, are you certain you wish to auction these Tiger Talismans?”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao cracked a knowing smile.

Wei Qing was merely a smokescreen he had used; it was no wonder they couldn't confirm the connection.

“As long as the bidding starts at no less than 10 million, I'm willing to auction the Tiger Talismans.”

The experts exchanged glances and ultimately nodded in consensus.

The staff quickly processed the paperwork and handed it to Jiang Hao, while the Tiger Talismans were taken for promotional purposes and lined up for auction.

In the midst of curious stares, Jiang Hao once again pulled out three jade medicine bottles, carved from ice jade, from his trouser pocket.

Unfazed by the onlookers' bewildered gazes, he began to explain.

“Within these three jade bottles, there are a total of 13 miraculous pills.”

“I've named them Grass-Wood Pills. They contain the concentrated essence of flora and have absorbed the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. Consuming them can instantly reverse aging and preserve one's youthful appearance.”

No sooner had Jiang Hao finished his explanation than the six experts sprang from their chairs in astonishment.

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