One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 301

Chapter 301 - Girl This Person Is Not Worth Your Love

Upon hearing the revelation, Li Jiahao's body tensed instantly.

The daughter of the Jade King?

Though the Jade King steered clear of the entertainment world, his clout in the jade industry towered over that of any celebrity prodigy. It was incomparable!

And as the sole treasure of the Jade King, if she truly desired fame, he wouldn't hesitate to establish an entertainment company solely to cater to his daughter's aspirations.

He certainly had the means to do so!

The man accompanying the Jade King's daughter, with his exceptional demeanor, surely had no ordinary status. The Jade King wouldn't dream of dismissing his bodyguards otherwise.

Li Jiahao's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He shot a venomous glare at the one who had disclosed Soong Wan's identity, then turned and skulked away in defeat.

Yet, this incident was merely a minor episode.

Neither Jiang Hao nor Soong Wan gave it a second thought.

Soong Wan was delighted by the array of exquisite clothes and accessories surrounding her, eagerly picking up items and seeking Jiang Hao's advice.

Jiang Hao responded with thoughtful opinions to each of her queries.

At one point, Soong Wan paused at a small vendor's display, admiring the assortment of hairpins with great fondness.

“Jiang Hao, how about this hairpin?” she inquired, hoping he would gift her one.

Jiang Hao, however, plucked the hairpin from Soong Wan's hair and examined it closely, his brow furrowing in concern.

“This is made of iron—it's not good for your hair,” he cautioned.

Soong Wan, mistaking his concern for affection, selected another hairpin made of hard plastic from the stall.

After trying it on, she turned to Jiang Hao with an expectant look.

“And what do you think of this one?”

Even the vendor couldn't resist chiming in, “That hairpin looks absolutely stunning on you, miss!”

Basking in the compliment, Soong Wan's eyes sought Jiang Hao's approval.

But Jiang Hao, still frowning, removed the hairpin and stated bluntly, “This one's too tacky—not good at all!”

Soong Wan's smile vanished at his words.

Even the vendor found it hard to watch the scene unfold.

He suspected that Jiang Hao was either a no-nonsense straight shooter or simply too tightfisted to part with his money.

He wrested the hairpin from Jiang Hao's grasp.

“Fine, take it, I'll sell!”

At the same time, he addressed Soong Wan with a dismissive tone.

“Miss, you deserve better than this man. He won't even spend a few dozen yuan on you!”

Hearing this, Soong Wan felt a surge of anger within and stormed off, leaving Jiang Hao behind.

“Wait a second!”

Jiang Hao's voice rang out at that moment.

He flashed a secretive smile and, rolling up his sleeve, revealed a hollowed-out box carved from a single piece of white jade.

He then opened the jade box to display its contents.

Curious onlookers peered at what he held and gasped in amazement.


“Isn't it stunning?”

Inside the box lay a pristine white jade hairpin, resembling ivory, with a phoenix intricately carved into its head—a testament to exceptional craftsmanship.

But that was just the beginning.

A lustrous green Emperor Green Jade bracelet followed, its value surpassing the first.

Additionally, a thumb-sized diamond ring sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight.

And finally, a heart-shaped hollowed-out ice jade necklace completed the jaw-dropping quartet.

Amid the vendor's frozen expression, Jiang Hao dropped to one knee and called out to Soong Wan, who stood with her back to him, yet to turn around.

“Wan'er, will you be my girlfriend?”

Jiang Hao's grand gesture drew looks of envy from the crowd, who all turned their attention to Soong Wan.

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