One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 289

Chapter 289 - Jiang Hao's Strength

“Master Jiang, there's no need for that. A loss is a loss, and I can take it.”

Uncle Hai said with a wry smile.

Old Master felt a twinge of embarrassment upon hearing this.

”Let's drop the subject, shall we? I bet Hao Hao's cooking is ready by now. We should head back quickly!”

“Once you've tasted my grandson's cooking, you'll have no regrets!”

“Let's get moving! You're making my mouth water!”

Old Master teased.


Upon Old Master and Uncle Hai's return to the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern, a rich aroma enveloped the place.

They had just ascended the stairs when they encountered Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's face lit up with joy to see Old Master back safe and sound.

However, his mood soured at the sight of Uncle Hai by Old Master's side, and he immediately adopted a frosty demeanor, his chilly Qi zeroing in on Uncle Hai.

Uncle Hai felt like he was in the presence of a formidable adversary, his heart pounding as he faced Jiang Hao.

Breathing became a struggle, and in a mere moment, his forehead was beaded with sweat.

It was then he truly appreciated the weight of Old Master's earlier words—there had been no exaggeration.

Uncle Hai's heart was heavy with bitterness.

Since becoming a martial cultivator forty days prior, his strength had surged, and he had thought few could match him.

Yet, he had not anticipated encountering this extraordinary grandfather-grandson duo today!

The realization was a crushing blow.

Seeing Jiang Hao's wrath directed at Uncle Hai out of concern for himself, Old Master felt a mix of delight and urgency to defuse the situation.

“Hao Hao, don't be harsh on Little Hai. It was I who coaxed him to come along!”

“And you know my abilities are not to be questioned!”

Jiang Hao relaxed his intimidating presence upon hearing this.

Old Master might not match up to him, but he was certainly not someone easily bested.

It appeared things were as he had surmised.

He chided himself for worrying too much.

With newfound understanding, Jiang Hao turned to Uncle Hai, his eyes full of apology.

“Uncle Hai, my apologies, I was just too concerned about my grandfather's well-being!”

At that moment, sensing the intensity of Jiang Hao's concern, Uncle Hai didn't dare to be negligent and promptly offered his polite greetings.

Subsequently, the group returned to the dining table, and Jiang Hao commenced the feast!

As each plate of exquisitely fragrant and delectable immortal delicacies was served, the guests were astonished. Yet, upon tasting them, they found the dishes irresistibly delicious!

In no time, the table was cleared of every dish!

The Jade King, with his vast experience and wisdom, savored the excitement of his taste buds.

He immediately recognized that these dishes were extraordinary!

Looking at Jiang Hao with a sense of realization, he exclaimed in admiration,

“Nephew, did you prepare all these dishes yourself?”

Jiang Hao responded with a humble smile.

“Just a few little techniques, Uncle Soong. I hope they brought you some amusement!”

Hearing this, Soong Wanzhong couldn't help but express his admiration.

“Nephew, you're far too humble!”

“Such words would make any chef under heaven question their livelihood!”

“There are scarcely a handful of people in the world who possess Grandmaster-level culinary skills!”

The crowd was taken aback by these words!

They all agreed that Jiang Hao's cooking was exceptionally delicious, unlike anything they had ever tasted before.

And to think that even the Jade King, a renowned and esteemed figure, would offer such high praise!

Jiang Hao simply smiled in his usual modest way.

At this, the Old Master, hearing the Jade King's compliments, swelled with pride.

“Hao Hao, quickly serve your special medicinal dishes. Let everyone have a taste of your secret recipes!”

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