One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 - Subjugation

But that wasn't even the scariest part!

Once they took a bite, their chopstick-wielding hands couldn't help but quickly snatch up another morsel!

Before you knew it, the dish had vanished!

They were left with a lingering craving, unsatisfied.

Then, a wave of bliss washed over them, leaving them struggling to contain themselves.

Tears of joy even shimmered in their eyes.

In that moment, they truly experienced the grandeur of the Grandmaster!

Tears streamed down their faces as they gazed at Jiang Hao with nothing but reverence.

“Lin Feng pays respects to Grandmaster Jiang!”

“Jiang Tao pays respects to Grandmaster Jiang!”


Suddenly, the self-assured master chefs bowed their proud heads before Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao responded with a smile and a nod.

Once everything was in place, Jiang's father led the family to the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern.

Xue Zixi showed great respect for Jiang Hao, personally greeting Jiang's father and the rest.

The revelation of Xue Zixi's identity left everyone in awe for quite some time.

The uncle and aunt were the most astonished of all.

They were well aware of the Heavenly-Mansion Tavern's renown!

Given their social standing, they weren't even entitled to ascend to the second floor.

But today, they were not only greeted by the tavern's young miss herself.

They were also escorted to the top floor, the Supreme Being Area—a place they had never even dared to dream of!

And all this was thanks to the nephew they had once underestimated!

In an instant, the aunt was flooded with regret for her past foolishness, wishing she could just disappear into the earth.

Led by Xue Zixi, the group settled into the Supreme Being Area.

Head Chef Lin approached Jiang Hao with due reverence.

“Grandmaster Jiang, your guests have arrived!”

“Oh? Then I should go and see them!”

“In three minutes, add a third of a spoonful of salt and half a spoonful of sugar to this pot.

After five minutes, add eight drops of sauce and stir-fry it. Then it will be ready to serve!”

Jiang Hao gave his instructions to Head Chef Lin.

Upon hearing this, Head Chef Lin was almost in disbelief.

“Master Jiang, you expect me to take this?”

Jiang Hao replied bluntly upon hearing the request.

“When I tell you to come, just come. Stop dithering!”

With that, he handed the items to Chef Lin and strode away.

Watching Jiang Hao's retreating figure, Chef Lin was moved to tears of appreciation.

Meanwhile, the others looked on with envy, wishing they could receive Master Jiang's tutelage like Chef Lin.

Outside, Jiang Hao's arrival was met with a flurry of warm greetings from the crowd.

Eventually, Jiang Hao scanned the assembly and turned to his father.

“Dad, wasn't Uncle supposed to be here by now? Where is he?”

Jiang's father gave a nod.

Jiang Hao's displeasure was evident.

If he wasn't coming, he should have said so earlier! Now, we're all still waiting for him.

The Old Master's expression soured at these words, and he fixed his gaze on Jiang Hao.

“Hao Hao, don't wait any longer. Go ahead and begin!”

The Old Master's martial prowess lent an imposing aura to his every word and deed.

At his command, the crowd fell silent.

Jiang Hao was about to agree when suddenly, a voice called out from a distance.

“Sorry, sorry! I was just wrapping up a hundred-million deal with Director Du, which is why I've kept you all waiting!”

A portly middle-aged man with a slicked-back hairdo and a beaming smile approached them.

By his side was another middle-aged man, his thinning hair revealing a receding hairline.

Despite his apologies, the man's demeanor betrayed little true remorse.

This man was none other than Jiang Hao's business-savvy uncle, Jiang Bodang!

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