One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 - Still Easy to Deal With

The search results came in quickly!

Name: Jiang Hao

Chinese: 149, Math: 150, English: 149, Science Comprehensive: 299, Total Score: 747!

Upon seeing these scores, Jiang Hao was unfazed, but Jiang's father, mother, and sister Zixuan were utterly astonished!


For a long moment, everyone drew in a sharp breath.

“Hao Hao, could there be some mistake?”

Jiang's mother could hardly believe these were her son's scores!

Jiang Hao, caught between laughter and tears, responded.

“Mom, it clearly says ‘Jiang Hao' right here. Surely you haven't forgotten what your own son's name looks like?”

“And besides, I entered my exam registration number. There's no way it could be wrong!”

“As for the score, well, it just goes to show that your son is a bona fide genius!”

Jiang Hao couldn't hide his pride.

Hearing this, Jiang's mother also realized a mistake was unlikely. She turned to Jiang Hao, beaming with pride.

He could already picture future encounters with acquaintances:

“Your son is the top scholar!”

“Look, it's the mother of the top scholar!”


Such flattering remarks instantly brought waves of happiness.

Meanwhile, Jiang Zixuan felt overwhelmed.

She had always considered herself the scholarly type, but Jiang Hao's results had taken her by surprise.

She had worked tirelessly, studying from dawn till dusk, only to be outshone by her brother, who seemed to laze around all day!

Jiang's father, too, couldn't contain his grin; it stretched from ear to ear!

Just then, Jiang Hao's phone on the table began to ring.

He picked it up to see the caller ID: his homeroom teacher!

Under everyone's watchful eyes, he answered the call.

“Hello, Teacher Yang!”

A voice, brimming with excitement, came through from the other end.

“Hello, Jiang Hao, have you seen your results?”

Jiang Hao glanced at the computer screen and replied.

“I've just checked them, Teacher Yang!”

The excitement in Teacher Yang's voice was irrepressible.

“You've outdone yourself, Jiang Hao!”

“747! Just three points shy of a perfect score!”

“You're the most brilliant student I've ever encountered!”

“This time, you've shattered the longstanding record for the highest score on the college entrance exam. Undeniably, you're the top student nationwide!”

“I bet it won't be long before a slew of prestigious universities start courting you, some might even come knocking on your door to recruit you!”

“Have you given any thought to which university you'd like to attend?”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao glanced at his parents before responding.

“I haven't decided yet; I need to talk it over with my family first.”

“Oh, there's no hurry. Take your time to decide.”

“Will you let me know once you've made up your mind?”

“Sure will!”

“Alright, then go have a chat with your parents. I'm going to check on how the other students did.”

“Okay, see you later, Teacher Yang!”

“Mhm, goodbye!”

After ending the call, Jiang Hao faced his parents, who were eagerly awaiting news.

“Mom, Dad, you heard all that?”

“Now you believe that your son's scores are genuine, right?”

Jiang’s father and mother nodded vigorously, much like chicks pecking away.

Just then, Jiang Zixuan chimed in with a question.

“Brother, is there a particular school you're fond of?”

Jiang’s father and mother turned their attention to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao pondered for a moment before addressing his parents.

“Mom and Dad, is there a school you have in mind for me?”

Caught off guard, Jiang’s father and mother hastily pulled out their phones to start searching for schools.

Jiang Hao was unsure which school to choose, but then an idea struck him.

“I'll ask Wan'er which school she's planning to attend first!”

With that, Jiang Hao picked up his phone and stood up to make the call.

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