One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 226

Chapter 226 - How Powerful Am I?

“Yeah! How could I have forgotten?”

Old Master suddenly recalled Jiang Hao's remarkable medical skills, and his face lit up with happiness.

“De Biao is a good guy; he's endured hardship for most of his life. Meeting you is like the dawn after a long night of suffering!”

“Come on, I'll take you to De Biao right now!”

Old Master declared, ready to set out immediately.

Jiang Hao quickly held him back.

“Grandpa, it's already late. Let's go tomorrow morning. I'll bring my things, and we can head out together!”

Reluctantly, Old Master agreed to wait.

The night passed quietly.

In the morning, as Jiang Hao was just getting up, Old Master had already been up early, practicing his boxing in the old forest and had just returned.

Just then, Jiang Jingyi burst in.

“Brother Hao, my mom—she said Jiang Xiaolong's dad brought a bunch of people back last night. She told you to hide right away!”

Jiang Jingyi panted, his little cheeks flushed with urgency.

Jiang Hao paused, taken aback.

He now remembered Jiang Daloong's wife threatening to complain, but since there had been no word for days, he thought she had gotten cold feet.

He hadn't expected Jiang Daloong to be rallying reinforcements.

But was he scared of Jiang Daloong?

He had never feared the two dragons, and with his strength having surged just yesterday, he certainly wasn't going to start fearing Jiang Daloong now.

Jiang Hao smiled, ruffled Jiang Jingyi's hair, and handed him some snacks from the table.

“Jingyi, thanks for the heads-up. And please thank your mom for me. Tell her I'll come by to see her in a couple of days.”

“Now, you better get back home!”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Jingyi's face was etched with concern.

“Brother Hao, you've got to go—Jiang Xiaolong's dad is on his way!”

Touched by the boy's concern, Jiang Hao gently squeezed Jiang Jingyi's cheek.

“Thanks, Jingyi, but I'm not afraid of Jiang Daloong.”

At that moment, the Old Master heard some commotion and came in.

He eyed Jiang Hao.

“Hao Hao, are you sure you can handle this? If not, grab Zixuan and get out of here fast!”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao smiled back at the Old Master.

“Grandpa, how skilled do you think I am in martial arts?”

Before the Old Master could respond, Jiang Hao continued.

“To be honest, I'm not even sure how strong I've become!” he said.

With those words, Jiang Hao radiated an intense aura.

A flicker of astonishment crossed the Old Master's eyes, but he refrained from further comment.


In no time at all, a van pulled up to Jiang Hao's doorstep!

Eight men stepped out, each wielding a steel rod or a machete.

Their leader had a dark complexion and a scar across his forehead, giving him a menacing look.

This man was none other than Jiang Daloong!

“Brother Long, is this the place?”

“I want to see who's got the guts to mess with Brother Long!”



Just then, one of them caught sight of Jiang Hao's car parked at the curb and a sly grin spread across his face.

“Brother Long, since this car started all the trouble, how about I smash it to let you blow off some steam?”

Jiang Daloong glanced over and remained silent, which was as good as consent.

Huang Mao, the one eager to smash the car, flashed a malevolent smile and advanced towards Jiang Hao's car, brandishing his stick.

The neighborhood was abuzz with noise as the commotion roused the residents.

They came out to see what was happening.

Realizing it was Jiang Daloong, they quickly pieced together that he had come for vengeance!

Hearing Huang Mao's intent to smash the car, they were taken aback, their faces etched with concern.

“That car's worth over 14 million!”

“That scoundrel Jiang Daloong, should we call the cops?”

“Why hasn't Hao Hao left already?”

“Should we step in? Hao Hao's always been so good to us!”


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